NYPD Cop Wins $15m After Fellow Cops Falsely Arrested & Beat Him At His Daughter's Birthday
By Andrew Emett

Queens, NY -- After suing his fellow officers for savagely beating and falsely arresting him at his daughter's birthday party, an NYPD cop was awarded $15 million by a federal jury on Wednesday. Although he identified himself as an officer, his colleagues viciously struck him with batons and fired pepper spray into his face before bothering to check the badge and ID in his pocket.

On August 22, 2010, NYPD Officer Larry Jackson was off-duty at his daughter's birthday party in Queens when an unidentified man with a gun appeared in the street breaking a bottle. Although Jackson did not have his gun with him, the off-duty cop confronted the armed man and asked him to leave while Jackson's wife called 911. As Jackson attempted to calm down the armed man, a crowd of roughly 15 to 20 men armed with bats and sticks began to approach them.

Instead of attacking Jackson or the armed man, the crowd immediately dispersed as a marked patrol cararrived in front of Jackson's house. Even though Jackson's wife told dispatchers that her husband was a cop and Jackson immediately identified himself as a fellow officer, the cops ignored him while trying to assess the situation. Hearing an argument from inside Jackson's home, one of the officers suddenly ran into his house without a search warrant.

After striking one of Jackson's friends with a police baton, the officer ordered Jackson to step back. Standing his ground, Jackson again identified himself as a cop and informed the officer that they were in his house. Instead of requesting to see Jackson's police ID or badge, the officer slammed the baton against Jackson's throat and shoved him into the living room.

While repeatedly punching Jackson in the face, the officer accidentally tripped over a cooler leftover from the birthday party. As Jackson attempted to help the officer up, another cop placed Jackson in a chokehold. Unable to speak, Jackson tried to pull his police ID out of his pocket but another officer restrained his hands.

Falling backwards, Jackson and the cop choking him landed on Jackson's 82-year-old mother-in-law, briefly knocking her unconscious. As the officer released his chokehold, Jackson again informed the cops that he was an NYPD officer when another cop struck him in the head with an ASP tactical baton. After stumbling down the front steps, Jackson remained on the ground as a group of bloodthirsty officers began beating him with their batons and pepper-spraying him in the face. While placing him in handcuffs, the cops repeatedly kicked his body and kneed him in the back.

Following the brutal assault, the officer who initially attacked Jackson asked him, "Yeah, you motherfucking dirt bag, if you are really a cop, where is your ID?"

"My ID has been in my front pocket the whole entire time," Jackson responded. "I told you that in the house."

After finally checking his pockets, the crowd of cops immediately dispersed upon the realization that they just brutalized one of their own without justification. Despite the fact that he had his police ID and did not commit a crime, Jackson was detained at the police station for 20 hours before being transported to a local hospital. According to his medical records, Jackson's face and torso were covered in large bruises while his right hand was fractured due to numerous baton strikes.

On June 24, 2011, Jackson filed a federal lawsuit accusing the NYPD of negligence, assault, false arrest, and false imprisonment. Despite the fact that NYPD Officer John Czulada admitted to punching Jackson in the face, none of the cops involved confessed to beating him with their batons or placing him in handcuffs. Even though the police refused to break their code of silence, a jury decided Wednesday to award Jackson with $15 million in damages.

"I feel vindicated," Jackson told The NY Daily News after the verdict. "Just like they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Out of the 70 cops who arrived at Jackson's house that night, none of the officers involved in his ruthless beating have been charged with a crime. Instead of punishing the cops who assaulted a fellow officer with batons and pepper spray, the citizens of New York are held responsible for the incompetence and utter brutality of their police force. Perhaps if the police officers were held financially responsible for their actions, they might have bothered to check his badge and ID in the first place.
Andrew Emett is a Los Angeles-based reporter exposing political and corporate corruption. His interests include national security, corporate abuse, and holding government officials accountable. Andrew's work has appeared on Raw Story, Alternet, Activist Post, and many other sites. You can follow him on Twitter@AndrewEmett and on Facebook at Andrew Emett.
Florida Man Shot and Paralyzed by Award-Winning Deputy Who Confused Phone for Gun Awarded $23 Million
Joshua Brown 1 day agoA Few Bad Apples, Courthouse Files, Disgraced Award Winners, Know Your Rights!, PINAC News, PINAC News Top 3, Police Abuse, The Legal Arena, Verdicts, Viral Videos34 Comments 6,407 Views


After being shot and paralyzed from the waist down by Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy Adams Lin, a 22-year-old Florida man was awarded $23 million by a federal jury Wednesday.

But that does not mean Dontrell Stephens will be able to receive the money anytime soon.

Because of a $200,000 state cap for jury awards, the issue must now go before the Florida Legislature.

And that’s a process that can take years, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel.

The federal jury determined that Lin violated the young black man’s Constitutional rights and used excessive force in the September 2013 shooting when he confused a cell phone for a gun.

It started when Stephens was riding his bicycle in West Palm Beach and Lin reportedly saw Stephens ride through a street at a non-crosswalk, an illegal maneuver that almost caused an accident, Lin claimed.

That was when Lin followed Stephens to a nearby residence and initiated a traffic stop.

Stephens, who was 19 at the time, had a broken phone in his hand as he jumped off of his bicycle, but apparently Lin thought the phone was a gun, and within seconds Lin fired multiple shots at Stephens with his service weapon.


Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Deputy Adams Lin leaves court (Credit: Palm Beach Post)
Lin shot Stephens twice in his right arm, once in his chest and once in the back. Stephens was shot in the back in the process of trying to run away. The shot to the back hit Stephens in the spine, which severed it; paralyzing the young man for life.


Dontrell Stephens is pushed by his brother Eric White as he leaves the U.S. Federal Court (Credit: Richard Graulich / The Palm Beach Post)
In a deposition, Lin stated the following:

“The manner he stopped and got off his bicycle was consistent with someone who had run from me in the past. He starts backing away from me and as soon as he backs away, I’m like, get on the ground, get on the ground. And I’m like oh, shit, and I just threw three rounds.”

Lin was cleared of any wrong doing, and was eventually promoted to sergeant. In fact just four days after the shooting, Lin returned to work full time.

The victim sued and after nearly three years, the jury deliberated for three-and-a-half hours before arriving at their figure.

Because of Stephens’s paralysis, he will need extensive medical treatment for the rest of his life. Although Stephens did not have any comment, he was seen crying after the verdict.

Daryl Lewis who is the attorney for Dontrell Stephens said:

“Let it be known [Dontrell Stephens] was grievously wronged by sheriff’s Deputy Lin on that day and he violated his rights. It’s time to start the healing process for Dontrell Stephens.”

Stephens deals with deep bed sores that are infectious and have the potential to kill paraplegics. In court testimony Stephens said:

“I want to get stronger, but do not have the ability to do so. I am depressed and in constant pain. It’s pretty hard to have pain every day. I try my best to handle it. When it’s real bad, I just cry. The pain is so bad I don’t have another way I can handle it.”


Dontrell Stephens (Credit: Palm Beach Post)
According to the Palm Beach Post:

Both Lin and the sheriff’s office are responsible for paying the jury award. It is doubtful Lin can pay it. And, under the state’s sovereign immunity laws, the sheriff’s office is only required to pay $200,000.

For Stephens to get more, the Florida Legislature would have to approve legislation, called a claims bill, authorizing a greater amount to be paid. With the Legislature in session, it’s too late to file a bill this year

In recent years, the Republican-led Legislature has approved very few claims bills and, in some years, none of the many such bills filed.

What is shocking is the fact that Lin won the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office Community Policing Deputy of the Year award in 2010-11.

Although the video shows that the victim had the phone in hand as he got off the bike, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw claims an object was pulled from the victims waistband, which prompted the shooting.

“Once Stephens pulled the object out of his waistband, the shooting was justified. There’s nothing in the rules of engagement that says we have to put our lives in jeopardy to wait and find out what this is and get killed.” , said Sheriff Bradshaw.
Florida police accused of racial profiling after stopping man 258 times, charging him with trespassing at work

In the last four years Earl Sampson, 28, has been questioned by police 258 times, searched more than 100 times, jailed 56 times, and arrested for trespassing 62 times. The majority of these citations occurred at his place of work, a Miami Gardens convenience store where the owner says police are racially profiling.

At least once a week for the last four years, Earl Sampson, 28, has been stopped by Miami Gardens police — and searched more than 100 times, jailed 56 times and arrested for trespassing 62 times, records show. The only conviction he's had, according to his lengthy records, is for marijuana possession.

So I'm seeing some anecdotes of possible bad apples, some are certainly bad.

So how does it get fixed?

I couldn't help but notice many of these incidents occur in cities that are majority African American and have black mayors and a lot of blacks in local government.

Where is the problem in the system?
NYPD Cop Wins $15m After Fellow Cops Falsely Arrested & Beat Him At His Daughter's Birthday
By Andrew Emett

Queens, NY -- After suing his fellow officers for savagely beating and falsely arresting him at his daughter's birthday party, an NYPD cop was awarded $15 million by a federal jury on Wednesday. Although he identified himself as an officer, his colleagues viciously struck him with batons and fired pepper spray into his face before bothering to check the badge and ID in his pocket.

On August 22, 2010, NYPD Officer Larry Jackson was off-duty at his daughter's birthday party in Queens when an unidentified man with a gun appeared in the street breaking a bottle. Although Jackson did not have his gun with him, the off-duty cop confronted the armed man and asked him to leave while Jackson's wife called 911. As Jackson attempted to calm down the armed man, a crowd of roughly 15 to 20 men armed with bats and sticks began to approach them.

Instead of attacking Jackson or the armed man, the crowd immediately dispersed as a marked patrol cararrived in front of Jackson's house. Even though Jackson's wife told dispatchers that her husband was a cop and Jackson immediately identified himself as a fellow officer, the cops ignored him while trying to assess the situation. Hearing an argument from inside Jackson's home, one of the officers suddenly ran into his house without a search warrant.

After striking one of Jackson's friends with a police baton, the officer ordered Jackson to step back. Standing his ground, Jackson again identified himself as a cop and informed the officer that they were in his house. Instead of requesting to see Jackson's police ID or badge, the officer slammed the baton against Jackson's throat and shoved him into the living room.

While repeatedly punching Jackson in the face, the officer accidentally tripped over a cooler leftover from the birthday party. As Jackson attempted to help the officer up, another cop placed Jackson in a chokehold. Unable to speak, Jackson tried to pull his police ID out of his pocket but another officer restrained his hands.

Falling backwards, Jackson and the cop choking him landed on Jackson's 82-year-old mother-in-law, briefly knocking her unconscious. As the officer released his chokehold, Jackson again informed the cops that he was an NYPD officer when another cop struck him in the head with an ASP tactical baton. After stumbling down the front steps, Jackson remained on the ground as a group of bloodthirsty officers began beating him with their batons and pepper-spraying him in the face. While placing him in handcuffs, the cops repeatedly kicked his body and kneed him in the back.

Following the brutal assault, the officer who initially attacked Jackson asked him, "Yeah, you motherfucking dirt bag, if you are really a cop, where is your ID?"

"My ID has been in my front pocket the whole entire time," Jackson responded. "I told you that in the house."

After finally checking his pockets, the crowd of cops immediately dispersed upon the realization that they just brutalized one of their own without justification. Despite the fact that he had his police ID and did not commit a crime, Jackson was detained at the police station for 20 hours before being transported to a local hospital. According to his medical records, Jackson's face and torso were covered in large bruises while his right hand was fractured due to numerous baton strikes.

On June 24, 2011, Jackson filed a federal lawsuit accusing the NYPD of negligence, assault, false arrest, and false imprisonment. Despite the fact that NYPD Officer John Czulada admitted to punching Jackson in the face, none of the cops involved confessed to beating him with their batons or placing him in handcuffs. Even though the police refused to break their code of silence, a jury decided Wednesday to award Jackson with $15 million in damages.

"I feel vindicated," Jackson told The NY Daily News after the verdict. "Just like they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Out of the 70 cops who arrived at Jackson's house that night, none of the officers involved in his ruthless beating have been charged with a crime. Instead of punishing the cops who assaulted a fellow officer with batons and pepper spray, the citizens of New York are held responsible for the incompetence and utter brutality of their police force. Perhaps if the police officers were held financially responsible for their actions, they might have bothered to check his badge and ID in the first place.
Andrew Emett is a Los Angeles-based reporter exposing political and corporate corruption. His interests include national security, corporate abuse, and holding government officials accountable. Andrew's work has appeared on Raw Story, Alternet, Activist Post, and many other sites. You can follow him on Twitter@AndrewEmett and on Facebook at Andrew Emett.

Proof that we live in a fascist oppressive society; EVEN WHEN THEY ABUSE THEIR OWN, POLICE DON'T FACE PROSECUTION. Lack of accountability has led to total corruption. If the officers would not admit to who did what, then they ALL should have been fired!


Everyone must be held accountable for their actions, government officials at ALL levels are no exception. If they can't do their jobs without breaking the law, they need to be arrested, charged, punished- and fucking fired for violating the public's trust in them.

Fifteen million dollars that comes from coffers filled by faceless taxpayers is not accountability! It is treason!
So I'm seeing some anecdotes of possible bad apples, some are certainly bad.

So how does it get fixed?

I couldn't help but notice many of these incidents occur in cities that are majority African American and have black mayors and a lot of blacks in local government.

Where is the problem in the system?
Bad apples? Nah, the system is rotten to the core. How does it get fixed? It doesn't, at least not in my lifetime. Far too many apologists (smile for the camera!).
Bad apples? Nah, the system is rotten to the core. How does it get fixed? It doesn't, at least not in my lifetime. Far too many apologists (smile for the camera!).
I'm all on your side that it's corrupt and needs a complete overhaul. I only challenge your view that it has a myopic vision towards fucking the black man. It wants to fuck everyone.
The ratio seems to be above yours.
All jokes aside man, why don't you put me on ignore. I can only dumb down these conversations so far, and maybe that's my fault. But i've seen your responses on several different topics and, no offense, your grasp of the subject matter is shaky at best. Maybe this just isn't for you.
All jokes aside man, why don't you put me on ignore. I can only dumb down these conversations so far, and maybe that's my fault. But i've seen your responses on several different topics and, no offense, your grasp of the subject matter is shaky at best. Maybe this just isn't for you.

You are welcome to ignore me. I know it can be hard to argue facts when they are not on your side.

Black kids are mowing down each other in epic proportions in the inner city and you want to talk about .000030% of cops killing blacks. And that doesnt just count white cops, it includes black cops which must simply be more racism I am sure.

Reality sucks!!
You are welcome to ignore me. I know it can be hard to argue facts when they are not on your side.

Black kids are mowing down each other in epic proportions in the inner city and you want to talk about .000030% of cops killing blacks. And that doesnt just count white cops, it includes black cops which must simply be more racism I am sure.

Reality sucks!!

Thank you for proving my point.

Yeah, he just proved that he doesn't understand your post!

Too funny! LOL !!


You and bearkat seem awfully amused at each other's lack of ability to communicate. It seems ironic on a discussion website but if it makes ya happy, run with it!!
I couldn't help but notice many of these incidents occur in cities that are majority African American and have black mayors and a lot of blacks in local government.

Where is the problem in the system?

you're hilarious, nietzschekeen.

tell us more about your holocaust denial beliefs.