Well-Known Member
Invest it... in America. That was the con. They knew all along they could get lower labor costs if they offshored production, and that's exactly what they did. Special interest groups lobbied congress to relax American trade policy and production left America exactly as planned.The tax cuts and regulations were said to benefit Americans because the wealthy would take this money and invest it, spend it, start business ventures and the like. THEY HAVE.
The causes of the Great Depression began during the Harding Administration through deregulation of industry and continued until the end of Hoover's term. It wasn't until the early 1930s, after the stock market crash, that expansionary economic policies began being implemented, and look what happened;As to your comment about trickle up, we've tried it. Keynsian economics was the cornerstone of FDR.

Real GDP goes up, unemployment goes down
"The post–World War II economic expansion, also known as the postwar economic boom, the long boom, and the Golden Age of Capitalism, was a period of economic prosperity in the mid-20th century which occurred, following the end of World War II in 1945, and lasted until the early 1970s. It ended with the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system in 1971, the 1973 oil crisis, and the 1973–1974 stock market crash, which led to the 1970s recession. Narrowly defined, the period spanned from 1945 to 1952, with overall growth lasting well until 1971, though there are some debates on dating the period. Booms in individual countries differed, some starting as early as 1945, and overlapping the rise of the East Asian economies into the 1980s or 1990s.We didn't get out of that depression until the end of WW2, thanks to the rest of the world being destroyed and American factories being largely the only ones left to rebuild the planet.
During this time, there was high worldwide economic growth; Western European and East Asian countries in particular experienced unusually high and sustained growth, together with full employment. Contrary to early predictions, this high growth also included many countries that had been devastated by the war, such as Japan (Japanese post-war economic miracle), West Germany (Wirtschaftswunder), France (Trente Glorieuses), Italy (Italian economic miracle), and Greece (Greek economic miracle)."–World_War_II_economic_expansion
You've spent this entire thread so far arguing the wealthy haven't created opportunities for those lower on the economic ladder in America, so why should we trust them to do so when that's what was promised in the beginning and they still haven't met their end of the agreement?But the central question here is what is better for the middle class and poor, having money in the hands of the government, or allowing the wealthy to create opportunities for those lower on the ladder to advance and earn more?
As has been shown before, there is no direct correlation between tax rates and economic growth, that is a myth. Tax rates have been high and we've sustained high economic growth and likewise, tax rates have been low and we've experienced stagnation
If supply-side is merit based, then why have real wages in America decreased since 1968?Supply side seems to support merit based advancement. The wealthy business owner will reward his best employees.
Demand side (trickle up) seems to be just government giving money to the poor from taxing the rich. As someone else pointed out there isn't enough rich people to make that worthwhile.
Right, right, American workers competing with Chinese workers... Then how can you verify this claim? You're essentially claiming "If it weren't for American workers competing against foreign workers, then it would be merit based, and American workers would have higher wages because trickle-down works."..