Denver ~ Colorado

Right on, I meant more like 2400 for 5 acres is ridiculous in the sense that the price for that amount of land is crazy no matter where it is
Find some other people to throw down on it? It you're up for the same thing I am, which would be growing weed legally, maybe I'd invest 5000? We'd have to check on how to live on it and everything, I need a 600 sq foot house for mine
Yea that would definitely be something I'd look in to if I did go with something like 40 acres, that's just way too much land for just myself. My plan is very much still in it's infancy but I have a good idea what I want to do, and there is no doubt that it is going to involve growing herb. Also, I have the funds which is the biggest hurdle. Again really rough idea, but I want to do a 1/2 to 1 acre farm for food and what not, then dedicate the rest to herb for personal use and industrial hemp production.
Yea the hemp is something I've just started looking in to, but I think it would be a good way to diversify the little income I plan to be generating. We are looking at doing a 1,000 sq ft house so nothing crazy, maybe a shed or two, chicken coop, etc., but really the land is going to be mostly about producing, well, whatever the heart desires I suppose
Costilla county Colorado. I don't live there yet but I'm working on it. I think I'll have to have a temporary job for a few months, either fast food Or something similar, just to work maybe 2 days a week. I was thinking I can take 5.000 and pay a landlord 6 months rent up front. My problem with getting an apartment even if for less then a year is that I have a 1 year old pit bull and I don't know if Coloradoans hate on pit bulls like they do in the st Louis area...
I've been looking on for listings you can just search Colorado and sort by lowest price. My one acre was 1400. If I had seen the ad for 5 acres for 2400 I would have 5 acres right now. Maybe @DaSprout could jump on that 5 acres and we could be neighbors, hey neighbor you wanna trim some of my weed? I'll trade the trimmings for some of your shrooms!
I used to go on landwatch too, until I actually tried to buy some of the land on it, it's mostly hunting land in the middle of no where with no access to anything (power, water, no roads) you probably need a 4 wheeler to get in there and it's gonna be nearly impossible to haul supplies to half these places. Your best off going to a realtor in the area you are looking at.
I have a gas station about 10 miles away. And then its 10 miles of nothingness. Perfect. I got kinda lost the first time I looked at it because it got dark at 5 pm. I'm used to Illinois where it gets dark never.
Yea, I don't know of any other areas with cheap land other than Pueblo right now, trying to do some research, but it's a great place to move to, you'd love it here. So many opportunities. I've been looking in to growing industrial hemp, I find it fascinating, would convert some of the land in to producing that along with my food/veggies. It's awesome to live in state where I have that choice though
Yeah. Sounds good. I'm already trained in the art of new beginnings. And despite my appearance. I do have a very adventurous and optimistic way of doing things.

Costilla county Colorado. I don't live there yet but I'm working on it. I think I'll have to have a temporary job for a few months, either fast food Or something similar, just to work maybe 2 days a week. I was thinking I can take 5.000 and pay a landlord 6 months rent up front. My problem with getting an apartment even if for less then a year is that I have a 1 year old pit bull and I don't know if Coloradoans hate on pit bulls like they do in the st Louis area...
I've been looking on for listings you can just search Colorado and sort by lowest price. My one acre was 1400. If I had seen the ad for 5 acres for 2400 I would have 5 acres right now. Maybe @DaSprout could jump on that 5 acres and we could be neighbors, hey neighbor you wanna trim some of my weed? I'll trade the trimmings for some of your shrooms!
Thats agood idea all around. I may just have a few Gs to use by next month. After I pay some bills of course.
Costilla county Colorado. I don't live there yet but I'm working on it. I think I'll have to have a temporary job for a few months, either fast food Or something similar, just to work maybe 2 days a week. I was thinking I can take 5.000 and pay a landlord 6 months rent up front. My problem with getting an apartment even if for less then a year is that I have a 1 year old pit bull and I don't know if Coloradoans hate on pit bulls like they do in the st Louis area...
I've been looking on for listings you can just search Colorado and sort by lowest price. My one acre was 1400. If I had seen the ad for 5 acres for 2400 I would have 5 acres right now. Maybe @DaSprout could jump on that 5 acres and we could be neighbors, hey neighbor you wanna trim some of my weed? I'll trade the trimmings for some of your shrooms!

Stay out of Denver and Aurora and pits are fine. Denver will grant a special permit but it's hard to get.
I am From Oklahoma.... Help me...

I stayed in Hugo OK before for a week. God damn, did that trip make me return from a boy to a man, grew out chest hairs, beard and everything

Southern Oklahoma is just... so fucking lame, im not trying to diss on someone's land and homeland, but GAWD DAYUM what do you all do for fun besides drinking and meth?

Was I, a mountaineer folks from out west yonder, really such a rarity that the cute corner store clerk girl had to talk about, in fascination, of my normal american accent

CO LOVE to you all. Dont know bout you all but the snow melted pretty much, and now im trying to stay warm, smoking it up and smoking my house chimney up too bongsmilie
Oh my god I have 2 inches of snow here *cries* now I can't drive to work!

Shit that is how it is on Colorado. kids had 3 days off from school from the recent snow we got last week or when I was a kid in Syracuse new York. ....snow didn't stop shit....ur goin to school