Spotted Leaves


I'm new to growing, and i've looked online to try match my problem with one thats already been answered, but i didn't want to mess something up just because i wasn't sure. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant?




Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing, and i've looked online to try match my problem with one thats already been answered, but i didn't want to mess something up just because i wasn't sure. Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant?
What's your soil mix? How much/how often do you water? Are you misting your plant?


Well-Known Member
so soil is the only thing i should change? Also, re misting the plant, how and how often should that be done?
Well by the looks of it seems the soil you use not providing the nutes and maybe to compact for the roots to thrive in what nutes you use ?


Active Member
I don't reccoment spraying them at all, just make a run to your local hydro shop and pick ya up some foxfarm happy frog or ocean forest, transplant her, make sure your pot has good drainage and just give her water when the soil dries out pretty well. Won't even need to worry about food for over a month. Net you'll see a vast improvement pretty quickly.


Well-Known Member
What's the ratio of mix from your garden? Compost/perlite/vermiculite? It looks really clumpy and as though it doesn't have much air. It looks like you have nutrient lockout, possibly root rot from it being so wet. You need a loamy soil mix. More perlite and peat.


I'm not sure what the soil is composed of. The plant is getting worse, with the spotting spreading to the top leaves. Im not gonna be able to change the soil for another 4-5 days, do you think it'll live till then? Also, another plant, only a few days younger then this one has been given the exact same stuff, environment light soil watering etc, and isn't experiencing any issues so far. What would explain this, and is there anything i should do to prevent the younger plant from encountering similar problems?

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if the soil looks too wet its because the photo was taken right after watering

Thanks for all the help!

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Personally, it doesnt look like you have enough aeration/drainage (example:Perlite) when I use bagged soils, I pretty much always add perlite. When using f9x farm ocean forest, Ill add like 3 cups of perlite per gallon of soil. Look into aeration!

( ;


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the soil is composed of. The plant is getting worse, with the spotting spreading to the top leaves. Im not gonna be able to change the soil for another 4-5 days, do you think it'll live till then? Also, another plant, only a few days younger then this one has been given the exact same stuff, environment light soil watering etc, and isn't experiencing any issues so far. What would explain this, and is there anything i should do to prevent the younger plant from encountering similar problems?

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if the soil looks too wet its because the photo was taken right after watering

Thanks for all the help!
What water u use


i use bottled table water which has a ph of 7-7.5, and i use ph altering solution to get it to approx 6.5. What should i be using?

Re aeration, i think that problem should be solved once i get the soil changed over the weekend. Ill look out for perlite and do my research on it. Thanks! :)

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I assume you have checked for bugs??? Some bugs can't be seen with the naked eye. Use a bright light and look closely where the stems intersect. Also check the underside of the leaves.
Well by the looks of it seems the soil you use not providing the nutes and maybe to compact for the roots to thrive in what nutes you use ?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what the soil is composed of. The plant is getting worse, with the spotting spreading to the top leaves. Im not gonna be able to change the soil for another 4-5 days, do you think it'll live till then? Also, another plant, only a few days younger then this one has been given the exact same stuff, environment light soil watering etc, and isn't experiencing any issues so far. What would explain this, and is there anything i should do to prevent the younger plant from encountering similar problems?

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if the soil looks too wet its because the photo was taken right after watering

Thanks for all the help!
If it's getting worse, you need to get it into a soil mix that drains better. It's obvious, just by looking at the media post-watering, that it's holding too much water and not providing enough air. Your roots are saturated, the plant is drowning. Get it in a lighter mix, like Sunshine #4 or Promix and allow it to recover. There's probably tons of shit in your garden mix that are drowning and burning the plant simultaneously.


Well-Known Member
This is a Thai basil plant that has gotten more than 3" of rain in the past 24 hours. The media isn't clumping, and it doesn't look saturated because the media drains well and is properly aerated. The media does not look like mud. If the media looks like mud, it's not draining and not aerating. I could go out into my garden and pick up a handful of wet media, and it would crumble and fall apart. That's how the media needs to react when it's wet.



So i've taken the advice posted here and bought this. I haven't transplanted yet, but based on the information on the back, is it good for my plants? I dont have any mykos, but ill look into it. Also, yes i've checked for bugs many times, never found anything, but ill keep a look out. Ive also switched to tap water as advised and i'm ph-ing it to 6.3-6.5. Ive tested the ph runoff with this new soil mix and it comes at about 5.7-6.0. Is this ideal?

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