Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member

This is my dog, shitball. I hate him. I've tried to get rid of him many times, but he somehow always finds his way back home. I haven't fed him in 8 months, yet he keeps right on living. I'm not even sure it's actually a dog. It shit on my bed again today (hence his name), so I kicked him hard in the ass. His tail fell off and I heard a snapping sound, now I can't seem to straighten him out again. I brought him to my local shelter and told them about my seething hate and that I abuse him, they simply laughed and said, 'we don't blame you.' They will not take him. What should I do???
Well, my old dog, shitball, finally died. Thank god, I hated him SO much. I got lonely, so I found a stray eating trash that seemed cool, so I took him in. I call him Garbage. The trouble is, he is now addicted to meth. I try to hide my stash well, but sometimes when I'm really tweaking I just don't think about it. I left out about .5 of a gram about a month ago, and one taste is all it took. Garbage was hooked. I now have to steal for two to support our habit, as Garbage is such an asshole without his fix. Which I understand. His appearance has really gone downhill lately. I wanted to take him to the vet for a check up, but I fear they'll lock him up if he tests positive for crank. Suggestions?



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Well-Known Member
If you went from sleep to level 1000 you may keep in similar shape lol. My dog is the same, but as soon as she's up she's insane. shes also 50lbs and still thinks she's a lap dog. Lol.

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Pretty sure my heart would explode if I tried to replicate her insanity..
Or i'd simply rip ligaments and tendons..
she's friggin psychotic, for like 15 mins, then it's back to the 23 hrs of sleep she gets a day