anyone growing outdoor in england?.


Well-Known Member
arnt you scared of sending your plants hermie?.
moving them around all the time.
are you bang on with your 12/12?.


Well-Known Member
uk grower here.

damn prices are high now. im am paying £12.5 for 1.7g all the way up. a oz is £160+. this is for anything, you kinda get a pick and mix in my area and take whats on offer. my last bit was full of neuts, never given a 2 week flush, leaves strong chemical taste. my last bit of good bud was 4 years ago (white widow). since the mass gardeners have arrived i have seen a drop in the quality of smoke. i now detest buying stuff thats low grade.

anyways nice pics guys glad the uk is useful for something. next season i am seeding up an outdoor area surounded by beach trees (younglings). this should mean my plant benifit from the beach trees being nitrogen fixers, the fix nitrogen in soil. something a bush loves and needs.



Well-Known Member
same here,.
no fucker knows how to grow around here.
7 out 0f 10 times it will be hermie.
and i sure they shake it before they sell it, also they never flush then.

thats why i growing my own.

they can even be ground glass or sand mixed in with the weed.

i think they shake the weed, to get all the tri's to make solid and then replace the tri's with sand or

thats why growing should be leagle so we dont have to buy this shit and making the robbing bastards rich.

i can never get any good weed, and i know loads of people who sell it.

when i have to buy i now i get solid at least it dont have glass or sand in it.
£35 an oz for solid."soap"
cannot get black anymore, i wish i could get some black like i used to get when i was younger.

anyone know why they stopped selling paki swidgy black.


Well-Known Member
uk grower here.

damn prices are high now. im am paying £12.5 for 1.7g all the way up. a oz is £160+. this is for anything, you kinda get a pick and mix in my area and take whats on offer. my last bit was full of neuts, never given a 2 week flush, leaves strong chemical taste. my last bit of good bud was 4 years ago (white widow). since the mass gardeners have arrived i have seen a drop in the quality of smoke. i now detest buying stuff thats low grade.

anyways nice pics guys glad the uk is useful for something. next season i am seeding up an outdoor area surounded by beach trees (younglings). this should mean my plant benifit from the beach trees being nitrogen fixers, the fix nitrogen in soil. something a bush loves and needs.

hi tamzi hows it going.
were you from?, im from leeds.
what you growing?.


Well-Known Member
norfolk broads, thats all i say lol.

well i have this crazy pc grow idea im getting too grips with and midstage on the beer mat ideas, and napkin drawings, and also a small stealth cab inside my teachers desk (style) running a 200w enviro flower CLF. strain will be lowryder in both cabs and also outside next season unless i find some seed in my smoke. but smaller the plant the less seen by eyes. the outdoor crop is going too be left maybe pull a couple for myself but hopefuly try for a hermi or a male too pollenate some fems and have seed for the next seasons, i can collet teh seed and store for later useage.

but my area comes with one risk, its a low water table so any rain like we had this year, the small brook ( creak/stream) will flood and surley drown plants and i mean drown them under a good metre of water. my choice of area is as: good soil and pleny of nitrgen fixing beech trees, hard too get at and also not used much. and nothing looks more natural and normal as a chap walking his dog, with a dog bowl and fresh water if needed.



Well-Known Member
pc grows are ok but dont produce much weed.
just get an old closet, were you can grow 4 to 8 small plants.
pc grows lol.
not worth the bother.
you would only get an 1/4 to 1/2oz per grow.


Well-Known Member
if that 1/2 oz.
fucking big waste of time if you ask me.
15 years olds do them grows
when they are hiding them from there
am i right.
may i ask how old you are tamzi?.


Well-Known Member
btw my new greenhouse has just blown down i left the door open and its been soooo fucking windy that it has blown down and fell to bits, and my plants are hurt.
im too mad to go have a look.
i could kill
i kicked my dog for getting in my way, when i saw it.
i feel bad now and give him meat and bones.
ill blame the wife when she gets home.

im taking the greenhouse back to argos later and getting a new one.


Well-Known Member
yep i kno...i was so pissed, coz my first cupboard was jus one meter in height man.... now i grow in one of the rooms in my house and on the roof ofcourse :D my pop found my first grow and that was not a big deal... i will do wot i want...i live alone in house and have no far(knockin on wood) lol


Well-Known Member
roof sounds the best place.
just plant some big flowers around them and mint is good to mask smells, very easy to grow and split.
any pics of your grow cheeta?.