ever float?

Lotus minded

Well-Known Member
Title says it all. Any of you guys ever experienced a float tank?? Me and my girl are gonna go give it a try this weekend. What are some of your experiences?
I floated down the river tripping one time. Also floated in a pond with a girl I was seeing. I was loving the nature including the baby gator, but she was thinking about it another way. I could tell something was bother her. When I ask if she was alright, she said, "I ain't scatored." But she did paddle her tube to shore and stay there.
I bet a tank at home was awesome!!! I would be in that thing every single night.

I plan to go in completely sober first go round. Iam very interested to see how quickly I can get into the "zone" in there.
How often did you have to change out the water/Epson salt? I bet that could get pricey!!!

The water would tend to get sort of raunchy after some time.

I think it was my fault because I never demanded people shower and wear clean suits before they got in.

I used no filtration. I figured with that much salt it wouldn't grow stuff in it but sometimes the water would turn pink and begin to smell.

You can't float away into space when you smell anything.

Oh, a hint. Never ever drain your tank into the back yard.

Nothing ever grew there again.
There is something very odd about floating that high above the water. I finally reduced the amount of salt for thatthat, and several of my more.. Heavy friends got uncomfortable
You can build your own if you have the will and a couple of thousand dollars.
The trick is in the lid.

And I posted a method of simulating the effect with some ping pong balls and a witches chair.

Three hundred bucks or so if you can find a solid place to anchor the chair.

Try it first.

Highly recommended.
I've floated twice now. First time I went I was totally sober, I didn't really enjoy the experience to be honest, second time I went I ate a tiny bit of a edible before getting in and I really enjoyed it. I went in deep on some meditation, it was very psychedelic