Brown rusty spots


Active Member
Does anyone know what this is ? I have narrowed it down to 3 things! nute burn, calcium deficiency or spidermite although looking through a x30 magnification I don't see anything. And I use tap water so I'm thinking calcuim is unlikely which leaves nute burn but I can't be sure



Well-Known Member
looks like a low level N or cal mag or even zinc deff

but there could be some pest activity too but that`ll be the tiny white dot`s not the brown spots

seeing more of the plant would help


Active Member
looks like a low level N or cal mag or even zinc deff

but there could be some pest activity too but that`ll be the tiny white dot`s not the brown spots

seeing more of the plant would help
looks like a low level N or cal mag or even zinc deff

but there could be some pest activity too but that`ll be the tiny white dot`s not the brown spots

seeing more of the plant would help



Well-Known Member
Is that coir?looks like calcium to me at this point.And maybe a touch of magnesium,what are you feeding them?


Active Member
Is that coir?looks like calcium to me at this point.And maybe a touch of magnesium,what are you feeding them?
I'm using fox farm nutes and plant magic and coco soil.. Really hope its a cal mag problem rather than the other two.. I do have some deformed leaves aswel


Well-Known Member
probably just cal/mag

or some other trace diff

With coco you have to start feeding a bit earlier and its not as forgiving as soil, more perlite helps but then it dries out faster

also you might want to put a layer or perlite over the top of your coco stops it drying out so fast and stops bugs getting into it

Have you ppm tested any of the food your giving ?

I find with coco you want around 700ppm to 1200ppm by the end of veg and 1000ppm to 2000ppm during flower some strains you can push to 3000ppm

Check your ph and such but with coco that`s normally not an issue


Well-Known Member
I'm using fox farm nutes and plant magic and coco soil.. Really hope its a cal mag problem rather than the other two.. I do have some deformed leaves aswel
How much/how often do you feed? Are you using cal-mag supplements? What's your pH going in?


Well-Known Member
I would honestly adjust / check ph of medium before you start adding more juice looks like possible ph fluctuations being the main cause


Active Member
I have a digital pH pen and a ppm reader although a couple plants are in coco they were originally in plant magic but I ran out of soil on day of transplant bit sloppy and oversight my bad ( won't happen again )... I have been watering every few days some plants sooner or later than others depending what they read on my moister stick, every other water I feed them and once a week foliar feed but i water mist everyday when feeding I aim my pH around 6 - 6.5 and a ppm of 310 as plants were still young but I never adjusted for tap ppm because I was new at growing and unsure.. I have not been using calmag at all as I thought there would be enough as I use tap water...


Well-Known Member
I have a digital pH pen and a ppm reader although a couple plants are in coco they were originally in plant magic but I ran out of soil on day of transplant bit sloppy and oversight my bad ( won't happen again )... I have been watering every few days some plants sooner or later than others depending what they read on my moister stick, every other water I feed them and once a week foliar feed but i water mist everyday when feeding I aim my pH around 6 - 6.5 and a ppm of 310 as plants were still young but I never adjusted for tap ppm because I was new at growing and unsure.. I have not been using calmag at all as I thought there would be enough as I use tap water...
I think you have answered your own question. :wink: Changing the substrate, wrong pH, possible cal-mag issues, ...


Well-Known Member
Calcium gets bound in coco due to ionic exchange with Na & K. Did your coco include calcium nitrate or any other type of Ca? You probably have some locked up Ca in the coco.


Well-Known Member
it's either PH or Iron defi. don't look like mites at all, The Bible says PH or Iron so that is my suggestion. Good luck


Active Member
And if I am aiming for around 270 ppm and my water is 240 would I be right in thinking the ppm should read 510 ?


Looks like Mag to me.... If you aren't giving them Cal/Mag you should atleast foliar spray with epsom salts. That helped me when I had that same problem.


Active Member
I think you have answered your own question. :wink: Changing the substrate, wrong pH, possible cal-mag issues, ...
PH of both soils was the same both was reading 5. I was worried that was to low and bought dolomatic lime as suggested to me.. Then I was told that was a stupid idea as the soil has a buffer in it. but where is the point in a buffer if it does not give you an "actual" reading. Just as well throw my soil pH pen out I mean wtf !!
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Active Member
it's either PH or Iron defi. don't look like mites at all, The Bible says PH or Iron so that is my suggestion. Good luck
So glad its not mites I try being as clean as possible with normal soap but did not sterilise anything although I do have 1 litre of Milton fluid on order now. I cut up a net curtain for coverage of my intake which is also being replaced with a bug net and just bought mighty wash just in case spider mites do show up. As mentioned before this is my first grow and spent £1,647 on it so far and still finding things that I need lol


I have seen this before on some of my outdoor girls in soil (I was growing girl scout thin mint cookies). It looked identical to what I see in your pics. I never figured out exactly what it was and it never went away on the leafs that the spots appeared on, but did not appear on new growth. since I did not know what it was, I only gave them a soil drench with water then a foliar with maxsea 16-16-16. after that business as usual and ended up with a beautiful fat harvest.