calling for a riot in denver

i can not say what i want with out getting a call from the fbi/local cops

if it make u feel better supersoaker filled with LSD do that to about 2000 ppl let the cops deal with them as we all get away and cause hell in denver like the LA riots
There you are. Back with a vengeance, I see.
They will probably move it over to the next county. That's what happened the the so cal la/san Bernardino cup.

they better i need some fun .....i was going to do a week in denver this year ....see if any of u crazy ass ppl will show up for a drinking of the shine

i even got a backpack with a built in stool so i can get stoned and ppl watch at the cup
There you are. Back with a vengeance, I see.
ohhhh i thought of a better one

redo the smoke grenades.......mix a few of them with about 10 grams of bho ..........stone the cops at most they will have 1000 cops ........if 2014/2015 is anything there are about 50k of us in the city on that day (the cup was getting 35k ppl a day) it is why the fire marshal had issue with us the place is only rated for 15k
So all this because military vet had trouble breathing and some stupid chic jumped out a car. I thought the cops were suppose to be cool here..
I don't what county they would move it to. All I can see is maybe Boulder or Fort Collins.. But Greeley would be awesome!! I don't think Colorado springs will be cool with it. And Pebulo sucks
So all this because military vet had trouble breathing and some stupid chic jumped out a car. I thought the cops were suppose to be cool here..
I don't what county they would move it to. All I can see is maybe Boulder or Fort Collins.. But Greeley would be awesome!! I don't think Colorado springs will be cool with it. And Pebulo sucks
and the open pot smoking ......i am telling u 2014 was nutz haze for atleast 2 blocks around the place with us waiting in line

i got tired of it after about hour of stand so i went to the front and bribed the ppl infront of me with a 50 to let me cut

they are doing a open concert on 4/20 that is not cannabis cup the guy said no because of the number of ppl and the open pot smoking along with the 2 reasons u said

i hope the shop owners / big pot money men get on their ass about letting it as it made them shit loads of money in taxes (denver is the highest rate in CO ) but i doubt they have enough shops to supply all the stoner anywhere but a big city like that
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So all this because military vet had trouble breathing and some stupid chic jumped out a car. I thought the cops were suppose to be cool here..
I don't what county they would move it to. All I can see is maybe Boulder or Fort Collins.. But Greeley would be awesome!! I don't think Colorado springs will be cool with it. And Pebulo sucks
Probably more to it. Having been involved in this show for the last couple of years, I can tell you that the folks at HT run a shitty and dangerous show. I seen shit man, I seen shit.

my name is not JIM

i do have 3 letters in one of the names i am known by

hey i am not a promoter or anything i just wanted to see if ppl were pissed like me about it would be great to get enough ppl in denver for a LA riot type of thing always wanted to be in a riot (they stopped me from going to b-more for that one)
we could tell the homeless they don't get a billion free roaches because of this. Fire them up and have them do all the dirty work for us
Who cares, the cup is a waste of time and a gathering place for the worst of the worst in the industry. The cup in Denver sucked ass this past year and all of the pot was terrible, seriously embarrassing all the way around. Looked like a, ICP concert fucked a Kid Rock show and had a bunch of inbred flat-brimmed-hat-wearing yokels as lovechildren, and then they rented a convention space to sell overpriced beer and shitty trim oil for $50/g
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Who cares, the cup is a waste of time and a gathering place for the worst of the worst in the industry. The cup in Denver sucked ass this past year and all of the pot was terrible, seriously embarrassing all the way around. Looked like a ICP concert fucked a Kid Rock show and had a bunch of inbred flat-brimmed-hat-wearing yokels as lovechildren, and then they rented a convention space to sell overpriced beer and shitty trim oil for $50/g

trust me after being arrested as many times as i have over the years just because of weed any time there is a large gathering of us stoners is something i enjoy no matter how crappy u think it was ....just for the sheer fact the odds are on my side for not going to jail for being me

i went 2014 i had fun and learned a shitload for the samples shit enough stuff from the shops to keep me happy the free dabs was just icing ......i enjoy the ppl watching the large gathering of stoners where i can blend in not the craziest not the normal somewhere in the middle

i live in a fucking state that was locking ppl up for a year for any amount of weed (i did 4 months for a 2.5 grams) .......they decriminalized it but a bowl or bong or pack of papers is still going to get u 6 months in jail they are asses to charge u with it to pad records

CO was the first state to allow is nice the high attitude makes drinking fun
if WA was not so fucking rainy it could be fun to go to that one ....Cali ones are medical only ....Spain might be fun if i could ask for more then 3 beers and water for the bong ....Amsterdam would be killer but i would need to be deported home ......MI is medical only too

shitty part is i have a medical reason but to get the card u have to live in the state.....this state is one of the worst we have had medical weed since 2012 but they limited uses so much no one can get it along with only one allowed to RX handle it was hospitals none of them would touch it so even if u made the list u could not buy it legally from anywhere
trust me after being arrested as many times as i have over the years just because of weed any time there is a large gathering of us stoners is something i enjoy no matter how crappy u think it was ....just for the sheer fact the odds are on my side for not going to jail for being me

i went 2014 i had fun and learned a shitload for the samples shit enough stuff from the shops to keep me happy the free dabs was just icing ......i enjoy the ppl watching the large gathering of stoners where i can blend in not the craziest not the normal somewhere in the middle

i live in a fucking state that was locking ppl up for a year for any amount of weed (i did 4 months for a 2.5 grams) .......they decriminalized it but a bowl or bong or pack of papers is still going to get u 6 months in jail they are asses to charge u with it to pad records

CO was the first state to allow is nice the high attitude makes drinking fun
if WA was not so fucking rainy it could be fun to go to that one ....Cali ones are medical only ....Spain might be fun if i could ask for more then 3 beers and water for the bong ....Amsterdam would be killer but i would need to be deported home ......MI is medical only too

shitty part is i have a medical reason but to get the card u have to live in the state.....this state is one of the worst we have had medical weed since 2012 but they limited uses so much no one can get it along with only one allowed to RX handle it was hospitals none of them would touch it so even if u made the list u could not buy it legally from anywhere
Same here medical but cancer patients don't even have cards yet can't grow it but you will be able to buy it. Plus the whole year for weed but nobody gets that I have only gotten fines with time over my head for good behavior. Even people who get caught growing don't do that much time. But I don't got to blend in to shit only 1 cop in a town full of junkies and drunks. All about location cheap land = broke PD. But it would be nice to go to a cup.
So all this because military vet had trouble breathing and some stupid chic jumped out a car. I thought the cops were suppose to be cool here..
I don't what county they would move it to. All I can see is maybe Boulder or Fort Collins.. But Greeley would be awesome!! I don't think Colorado springs will be cool with it. And Pebulo sucks
Oh yes Greeley.:spew:You would definitely need 35,000 stoners lighting up to keep the smell of cow shit down.