I didn't say that's the truth I said that's what they claim, and as incomplete as the information is who are any of us to argue? It is nothing me or you can prove or disprove, each claim as a level of probability and some claims are simply or less probable than others.
Do you know where any Christian got the concept of heaven or hell? When the Jews were exiled to Babalon they got the idea from the Zoroastrians. Jews believe in God and an afterlife. They didn't have a satan or a hell until that happened.
Once Jesus came on the scene this got further refined until what we have today.
You're knowledgable on this, I am, but our knowledge is in different areas. I'm not going to say I'm more knowledable than you, I don't know. I certainly don't have any of your spiritual knowledge, as I don't think it exists.
I will say that your perspective is more correct to what I know the bible to say than the typical Christian.
Before the babylon exile, heaven and hell were very well documented in the bible. Take for example the book of Job (which took place right around the time of Genesis 10 where you find his name) who mentions both heaven and hell (along with the grave so you can't "gotcha" me) and clearly mentions satan. Also, god wrote most of the psalms through david by the power of the holy spirit where hell is clearly mentioned several times (along with the grave).
Some of the prophets were there before the exile to babylon, such as isaiah and ezekiel and they mention satan, but with different names (king of tyrus and king of babylon).
Some Jews don't (didn't) believe in a resurrection, called Sadducees, who vehemently fought against Jesus when he mentioned the resurrection.
However, I do agree it became much more complete when Jesus revealed it to us.
Here are a few things that typical christians have never heard of and won't believe:
The 1,000 year reign - the time after Jesus returns to earth when Satan and sin are separated from earth while people who never had a chance to accept God's way will have a chance without any excuse (can't blame it on the devil). This means those who had no chance to know god through jesus will not be automatically sent to hell like most christians of today act like. Only a very small few will be given their spiritual bodies there, never having to fear death again - the ones who study every day now will teach those who never had a chance then as they reign as kings and priests.
This is clearly in the bible
There is more than one antichrist. There is a spirit that dwells in the sons of disobedience who reject god's law and way called the spirit of antichrist, the unholy spirit. It says there are many antichrists, meaning those who put themselves as god in choosing what they believe is the knowledge of good and evil. These are children of satan, yes he has children, as clearly indicated by christ in the parable of the wheat and the tares. Also, Cain was satan's child, demonstrated by Adam's genealogy and also in one of the latter new testament books where it says "cain, who was of the evil one". There is much more to demonstrate this, but i haven't researched this in a few years.
There is a good mark. The mark is mentioned in the old testament as put on those who worship god on the sabbath. Seems like a pretty simple thing to follow, yet millions of christians get it wrong every week. Guess the catholic church, protestant church, and every other worldly church makes more sense to serve to them than the god of the bible. I studied the sabbath for years, both sides of the subject, and try to ask christians why they do it and have found nothing but excuses. Of course, what do you expect from people who claim to follow a god they only spend time with through some man for an hour each week (if that). Weak ass ignorant pew potatoes.