non organic foilar feed in living soil


Well-Known Member
So I have read around a lil bit ...and from what I have read if you do this it say to give your soil a feeding of something like a aact afterwords...well my question is to all organic Growers will this affect my uptake of the nutes in the soil or damage any life I have going on in the soil...I meen I don't understand how of it does ...the only way I could think it would is of some hits the soil and is absorbed ....I always foliar feed my plants ..I love it and think it helps me in my grows a lot...another q is what do you guys use to foilar feed...I keep reading around and I see ppl saying they feed them compost a foliar feed???....I meen I trust u all if you say it works but what kinda compost do u use and what are some of ur secrete potions for veg and flower...please weigh in and let me know ...p.s I wanna thank everyone for Taking the time to read and respond to all of crazy questions...
compost used as a foliar input will help with molds and such, doesn't do a tremendous amount of anything as far as nutrients go, unless you have water soluble nutrients in your compost.. but then it's simply a tea..
A good one is any fermented plant teas, dandelion, and comfrey are good together.
A simply kelp meal tea is awesome, as well as an aloe and silica tea.
strained and filtered alfalfa meal, kelp, and a speck of BSM is a great well rounded foliar spray.
My favs are silica and fresh aloe or comfrey/dandelion
As far as your question on how a non organic foliar would affect your organic soil?
I don't have the clear-cut answer for that... I can only offer an educated opinion on that, and nothing past that.
I don't think it would affect the plant at all, negatively anyways.
Most people in this section of RIU are sorta against the use of any chemz, u are either a believer or not I feel if u use chemz for foliar u are missing the point of organic. Any organic liquid fertilizer ranging from 2 to 8 for NPKs will be good for foliar spray if well diluted and mixed with aloe. Personally, I have hardly ever foliar sprayed but I'm gonna start doing it regularly with fresh aloe because I'm growing aloe now and its free.
You never mentioned what it was you are spraying on them but I have given my plants folar EWC AACTs. Ez to make too:
A cup or 2 fresh EWC
Tspn of molasses
1/4 cup kelp meal
Add 1-2 gal clean water
Bubble for 24 hrs & filter through a sieve...I use an old 220u bubble bag- if you don't filter it well you'll get a clogged sprayer head. Dump all the spent slop left over after filtering to your recycling mix bin or compost pile.
The folar spray is good for when you got small clones recently rooted out & transplanted that need some love but doesn't do much for larger plants in veg except maybe keep them extra shiny & happy for a time.
As far as getting overspray from synthetics in your living soil it depends upon how much. Just a few drops won't hurt much & should easily be washed away from a good root soak w/ water. If you got accumulated nutrient in your mix it'll also eventually dissipate but in time your microbial life could suffer. Chelated nutrients are essentially dissolved salts that dry out the bodies of microbes & eventualy kill them. If you notice you need to water more often than before that's a sign your microbial population has been decimated but it's easy enough to fix if you catch it before your plants go south. You can get their numbers back to normal with a regiment of AACTs and/or top dressing with fresh compost or transplant into freshly recycled mix. Either way toss that shit out if you are not sure if it's safe for living soil & use something that is.
I'm growing pot btw....and as long as I can find an organic suppliment for some of the nutes I foliar feed with I will...and I have always used organics in my grows...but I also have always use synthetics ...and iv grew some dandies...I really dont give a shit if I'm smoking it ...maybe I should...but I'm gonna be going all organic on some of my plants this year and use shit like ff products on my others and see what happens...iv always had good luck with ff as far as size and quality. ...the only thing lacking Iv noticed is smell when I use them...they never seem to smell as dank as when I use to just pour fish head stew...home made fish emulsion. ..bat poop..rabbit poo...and w.e else I could find...I would use some bloom booster ..but shit I was 16 and younger so wth
You never mentioned what it was you are spraying on them but I have given my plants folar EWC AACTs. Ez to make too:
A cup or 2 fresh EWC
Tspn of molasses
1/4 cup kelp meal
Add 1-2 gal clean water
Bubble for 24 hrs & filter through a sieve...I use an old 220u bubble bag- if you don't filter it well you'll get a clogged sprayer head. Dump all the spent slop left over after filtering to your recycling mix bin or compost pile.
The folar spray is good for when you got small clones recently rooted out & transplanted that need some love but doesn't do much for larger plants in veg except maybe keep them extra shiny & happy for a time.
As far as getting overspray from synthetics in your living soil it depends upon how much. Just a few drops won't hurt much & should easily be washed away from a good root soak w/ water. If you got accumulated nutrient in your mix it'll also eventually dissipate but in time your microbial life could suffer. Chelated nutrients are essentially dissolved salts that dry out the bodies of microbes & eventualy kill them. If you notice you need to water more often than before that's a sign your microbial population has been decimated but it's easy enough to fix if you catch it before your plants go south. You can get their numbers back to normal with a regiment of AACTs and/or top dressing with fresh compost or transplant into freshly recycled mix. Either way toss that shit out if you are not sure if it's safe for living soil & use something that is.
I have a question...if for some reason I use synthetics on my plants...say the ff products to give them something they need quick ...just saying IF I would...the next time I water them could I feed them a good aact and the microbial life be ok...or could I even do both over a grow and keep the microbes healthy enough to work for me or would the prolonged use of the ff then aact over and over just be getting me nowhere...I'm not saying I am gonna do this but Its just a q that's been floating around in my head since iv been doing my homework on organics
If you aren't getting salts into the soil the life in the soil shouldn't be effected. It would effect any microbes on the leaves though.

I have a question...if for some reason I use synthetics on my plants...say the ff products to give them something they need quick ...just saying IF I would...the next time I water them could I feed them a good aact and the microbial life be ok...or could I even do both over a grow and keep the microbes healthy enough to work for me or would the prolonged use of the ff then aact over and over just be getting me nowhere...I'm not saying I am gonna do this but Its just a q that's been floating around in my head since iv been doing my homework on organics
The plants could care less what you give them. The difference is in the taste of your end product. Nothing wrong at all with using synthetic nutes but keep in mind whatever you give your plants will be deposited in their tissue & no amount of flushing will get rid of it. I have used the same FF nutes as you for years and tried several other brands as well but I didn't know the difference either until I grew some TLO bud.
I barely need to cure my weed now...its dank AF just from hanging for a week or so. Plus no flushing period which allows you to clip the top bud when it's ripened & leave the lowers for another week or even longer so you get more out your yields. My plants stay nice & healthy right up through harvest time whereas in the past I had to starve them to try & get rid of the chemical taste plus cure time which i used to think was required- it's not if you grow naturally.
As far as using nutes in your living soil grow you are risking synthetic death which means you'll be forced to use nutes for the duration of your grow if you dry out the soil with that stuff. What's in it anyway? Who knows- they cannot list ingredients by FDA reg. which is total bs btw. If you plan to use nutes then a living soil grow is a waste of effort but if your soil is active & healthy then you won't need to give them much else other than water. Prolonged use of synthetics in a living soil will be detrimental to microlife by drying out their bodies before your next watering but the occasional dose of nutes probly won't hurt although it's ill advised.
If you really want to learn about this I recommend reading True Living Organics by The Rev; it's s primer into organics for growers with a bottled nute mentality..believe me I used to think the same as you but if you go totally organic & taste the difference yourself you will likely throw out all your FF bottles...except maybe big bloom which is organic & you may still need some kind of liquid cal/mag if you use RO or distilled water.
I'm not "bottle nutes minded" I was simply asking a question...I figured it would detrimental to the soil if you continued to use it...but if for some odd reason I see my plants needin something and that's all I have ...that's what they will get...of course I'll follow up with an aact .
But that's only with the plants that aren't going to be in the all organic catagorey
Never meant to label you as anything...was trying to say that I once had a bottled nute mentality that changed as I learned about malice intended. Just know it takes a REAL long time for your mix to become supernaturally active & for whatever dry amendments you add to become available in the rhizosphere. This is where those who are used to the instant gratification & convenience of bottled nutes begin to veer away from organics....if you use your nutes to treat a deficiency then you will never get to figure out what your mix is lacking. When you do the Pepsi challenge with your side by side you'll see what I'm saying; it's just a matter of taste
stop listening to this hippie bullshit about salts killing all the microbes. I've done organic I've done salts I've done organic and salts. I reused the same soil for over 5 years now it'll still pop a mushroom out occasionally. Obviously microbe life is alive and active in the soil.
As far as your question on how a non organic foliar would affect your organic soil?
I don't have the clear-cut answer for that... I can only offer an educated opinion on that, and nothing past that.
I don't think it would affect the plant at all, negatively anyways.

Another educated opinion coming from experience. ^^^^THAT^^^^

You're asking about a bit of drip from a foliar feed, yes? When getting things dialed in, I've nuted with chems to correct deficiencys in my mix till whatever became available. Usually just one application, but it was way more than a foliar run off.

It did exactly nothing harmful to the soil, or the plant, or the microbes. They aren't all that delicate to a small shock.

Now, continued/heavy use will wipe out microbes, there is no question about that, but the amount you're talking about isn't going to do squat.

You ARE going to find something organic for future foliars, yes? I'm sure you will.

In the mean time, no worries.

I didn't really think the dripping from the foliar feeding would be too big of an issue...I was just worried about it affecting the plant in a way that would be bad to the living soil in some way...I honestly didn't think it would but science is weird and you never know...I honestly know you can grow some huge ass plants either way...but as far as I am concerned I could care less as long as I have huge ass plants...they get me super high...the smell good as shit...and taste like sex feels....that's it...maybe I should care what goes in my weed...but I dont...Iv done enough hard drugs to kill an elephant ...clean now...but smoking some shit that ppl grow Food with doesn't really bother me....
I do plan on having an all organic grow this year as I said...and using some very good organic suppliments...and if the weed I'd way better...which I truly think it will be ...I'll stick with it....if not I'll give it another try next season all while doing what I have always done...Im not the kinda guy who gives up after a fail....I didn't get to make my own soil the year so that will be next year...but I have seen some amazing plants grown with what I'm using ... (ff moonshine mix)...and I'll also be adding some things I feel it's a matter of fact...superweedman I do believe prefers it over super soil ...he grew some beautiful plants with it ...and if rare dankness recommends it ....well, enough said