Plants keep slowing down in growth


Well-Known Member
The plants are now a month old, A MONTH! A bloody fucking month old! Should I just throw them? Surely they should be at least 3 times the size for how old they are. I did have temp issues within the first 2 weeks though. May have stunted their growth. I've been as patient as I possibly can at this point. Should I up their nutrients? I water them with liquid seaweed extract one watering, next nutes, seaweed, nutes, seaweed, nutes. etc - Should I just feed straight nutes instead?

I've got another plant in the back too, it's bigger width wise than the others. But it's wilting like a motherfucker! The humidifier is directly next to it. Probably doesn't help. But it shouldn't make that much of a difference, surely?
I'm thinking scrap and re-do.

Any advice on what I should do would help alot! Cheers :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
i'm not a dirt grower but my guess is the pot is way too big for a small plant and it's putting effort into rooting vs growing.
Yeah I should have transplanted them in 1 gallon first, then 2.5. and finally this. But it's all I had at the time. So it's just growing roots instead of what's above the ground? It's not soil either, it's coco pro+ :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm growing first time in coco. I started mine in 2.5 gallon then into 10 gallon smart pot. Mine were slow to start I started giving them small amount of nutes twice a day seems to be working for me. I also used superthrive one time after going into final pot. I'm using ff trio


Well-Known Member
Yeah I should have transplanted them in 1 gallon first, then 2.5. and finally this. But it's all I had at the time. So it's just growing roots instead of what's above the ground? It's not soil either, it's coco pro+ :bigjoint:
that is what i think. which follows the theory of up-sizing your pots as the plant grows bigger. i wouldn't repot them now, just let them do their thing or you risk damaging the root system.


Well-Known Member
She's a little small for her age but if you had temp issues, that might explain it. Keep her going and see if she takes off.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I should do this yet, or not. I've just mixed 7ml of canna A+B. to 2l of water tested the EC @ 1.1. Last time I fed them the EC was 0.9. Might be a bit too much? Or perhaps not enough. For their age, you would expect them to use the nutrients to their full potential. I may be wrong... Someone care to quote me?

They look like they're ready for a watering, so I'll do that soon.


Well-Known Member
Do you normally have any run off when watering? That's about 8 oz I think. Yes try that.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
The plants are now a month old, A MONTH! A bloody fucking month old! Should I just throw them? Surely they should be at least 3 times the size for how old they are. I did have temp issues within the first 2 weeks though. May have stunted their growth. I've been as patient as I possibly can at this point. Should I up their nutrients? I water them with liquid seaweed extract one watering, next nutes, seaweed, nutes, seaweed, nutes. etc - Should I just feed straight nutes instead?

I've got another plant in the back too, it's bigger width wise than the others. But it's wilting like a motherfucker! The humidifier is directly next to it. Probably doesn't help. But it shouldn't make that much of a difference, surely?
I'm thinking scrap and re-do.

Any advice on what I should do would help alot! Cheers :bigjoint:
Here is Marijuan'as growth Cycle:
Germination Stage - 1- 7 days
Seedling Stage - 1-2 weeks
Vegation stage - 1-3 mo's )2 months being the norm)
Pre-flower stage - 1-2 weeks
Flower Stage - 1-4 mo's (depends on stain- with 60 days being the norm

Also a good root stimulator really promotes pant growth along with amounts of Cal-Mag


Well-Known Member
Here is Marijuan'as growth Cycle:
Germination Stage - 1- 7 days
Seedling Stage - 1-2 weeks
Vegation stage - 1-3 mo's )2 months being the norm)
Pre-flower stage - 1-2 weeks
Flower Stage - 1-4 mo's (depends on stain- with 60 days being the norm

Also a good root stimulator really promotes pant growth along with amounts of Cal-Mag
I always thought it was 1 month veg, 2 month flower? Maybe this strain isn't that great.. It has a flowering time of 8 weeks. This is the date sheet I was given.
  • THC 19%+-
  • CBD Low
  • Yield Indoor 525-575gr m2
  • Yield Outdoor 600-650 grams per plant dried
  • Height Indoor 80 - 140 cm
  • Height Outdoor 130 - 170 cm
  • Flowering time 8-9 weeks
  • Harvest month Early October
  • Genetic Background Columbian, Mexican, Thai & Afghan
  • Type Sativa: 60% Indica: 40%
  • Effect A combination of stoned + high


Well-Known Member
I planted straight into the same size pots 6 days after germination in plastic cups. It didn't seem to slow them down. Your plants arent leggy so the light is probably ok, nor any funky shades of yellow or brown, leaves aren't curled, ruling out nutritional deficiency, or underwatering. I'm guessing the temp is what is left.

My opinion is worth what you paid for it though. That's the problem solving algorithm I would have used though.

What were your Temps?