My second grow


Hello all! I have been a member of this forum for about six months now and have yet to make a post. I would like to better my operation and utilize the experience and knowledge of the growers on this forum. In my first grow I read as much as I could from this wonderful place and harvested about 1/4lb from two plants under a 1000w hps ventilated lamp.

For my second grow I still have two plants in my 6x5 grow room. I just recently added a 400w open air HPS lamp. My strains are OG Ghost train Haze and Bubba Kush. I had trained the GHT plant so much that I was forced to purchase the 400w for the Bubba plant. The Ghost train plant has a 3x3 foot canopy where the bubba plant was lacking in the light dept so it's not nearly as strong. I'm hoping that the addition of light will help the yield a little bit on the bubba. I have been using the Lucas formula and seems to work quite well. Feeding schedule is water-nute-water. I flipped the lights almost two weeks ago and the bud sights are beautiful on the ghost train plant, the bubba could look a lot better so I am going to try to give it some more love so she will flower nicely.

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. I am wondering what I can do to improve my yield. I would love to get a half pound instead of a quarter this time around. What are opinions on bloom boosters? Will co2 enrichment boost yield? What can I do to boost trich development? Thank you all for reading. Hoping to get some feedback. Will post updated pics at the end of the week to show the weekly flower growth. image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, good work on getting your first grow out of the way and looking ahead to improving :-D

Can i ask a few questions to help with advice?

How much ventilation have you got? Number of fans, intake, exhaust etc?
What temperatures have you got for on and off?
How long did you veg for?

The reason I ask is that under a 1000w lamp, if plants are vegged for 4 weeks, you should be looking at close to 600-1000g dependent on strain. I would like to help get you to that number, well over the 1/2 lb you are seeking :)

Cheers, Mo


Hey mo, thanks for the response. I have an exhaust and an inlet fan. I also have two oscillating fans blowing over the canopy and a tower fan pushing air through the lower half of the plant. My lights on temp is steady at 75 and lights off hold steady around 70. I would be thrilled to pull 600g! I received the plants as cloned and they were about two weeks old and I vegged them under 1000w blue spectrum MH for another 3 1/2 weeks. Cheers mate, here's a picture of them at about three weeks old for comparison. image.jpg



Well-Known Member
Hey mo, thanks for the response. I have an exhaust and an inlet fan. I also have two oscillating fans blowing over the canopy and a tower fan pushing air through the lower half of the plant. My lights on temp is steady at 75 and lights off hold steady around 70. I would be thrilled to pull 600g! I received the plants as cloned and they were about two weeks old and I vegged them under 1000w blue spectrum MH for another 3 1/2 weeks. Cheers mate, here's a picture of them at about three weeks old for comparison. View attachment 3608434
Hey mate, sounds like you got the air movement and temps down, which is good!
What size pots have you got them in? If you want big yields from the 1000 and 400, I'd be going a minimum of 50L (15 gal in US?) as they will become root bound in any smaller sized pots. I used to use 50L pots under a 1000w and would pull a lb easy. The plants can be tied right out too.


I have them in 10 gals right now. I don't know if I could muster the strength or if it would be advised to transplant this late in the game? She still seems to be stretching an inch or two a day right now. Many of the top branched are sitting right around 4ft in height and I have them about two feet from the vented hood. Would I be crazy to try to transplant in to twenty gals in week three of flower?


Well-Known Member
Ah ok cool, I couldn't quite make out the size in the pics. I wouldn't advise transplanting now hey, you should be sweet with the 10 gals.
Only things I can suggest to boost yields are to add potash for the first 4 weeks of flower and then a high phosphorus booster for the last 4 weeks (then a week of flushing). The phosphorus will make the buds stack nicely :)


You're than man Mo. I really appreciate the advice! Any suggestion on nute brands to fatten her up? I'm using GH micro and bloom, I cut out the grow completely after the flush before flower. I've heard good things about AN overdrive in the last couple weeks but not sure what to get for early flower. Cheers


Well-Known Member
No worries mate, any time!
I use a brand called cyco, their potash and swell products work extremely well for me. I haven't used the GH products that you mention but I would say they should work together ok as long as the GH products are synthetic and not organic. I'll have a look tonight at the GH range and get back to you!


Well-Known Member
Your plants look fantastic! Yield is dependant on strain and plant count or plant size, and I think you'll do just fine getting over a 1/2 with those two plants this run. They look very nice size for an easy 4 Oz each, I feel that's a low estimate actually.

I want to deter you from using any additives, especially for your 2nd grow. Here's a secret, they really don't so what they say they do, so save your money. Now co2, that is another story and will add yield, I'd say 10-15% or so, but for two plants, I wouldn't spend your money on a co2 system honestly. It's possible to get 2 pounds per 1000w light without co2, its just all about plant count, more plants = more yield, even if you have 1 massive plant, 4 medium plants will yield much more. Just keep doing what your doing bro.

Are you using the Lucas formula? Gh micro and bloom? Or are you using gh feeding instructions?


I'd like to start by thanking you both. Being a first time poster I never though I would recieve such a nice welcome to this forum. You guys are awesome. I greatly appreciate the compliments on the plants.

I am using the Lucas formula but half strength the suggested dosage in roots organic soil. I would love to have 4-6 smaller plants under my current combined 1400 watts of HPS light. The plants I received were quite tall and lanky so I decided to train them the best I could to create as wide of a canopy possible.

I'm hoping to start from seed on my next run so I can experience growing from start to finish with full control of the plants environment.


Well-Known Member
There you go mate, @AlphaPhase is someone I respect highly on here and his method is tried and tested. Apologies for suggesting the additives, I've learnt something new myself :)
I'm sure Alpha will say no worries for the advice too, as I will now! Best of luck mate and I'll keep watching your grow!!
Seeds are also a good option as well, I use them a lot and have good success with them. You can top and train them easily and tie them out to have an even canopy!


Well-Known Member
No problem at all! You're right on track with the Lucas formula, it burned my plants when I used it at full strength and found a lower dose to work much better. You did very well training the plants, no doubt about it, I think you'll be very surprised with your end results, you got a natural green thumb bud. Growing from seed can be a headache or a dream! Lol, I love growing from seed but I stick to feminized seeds for quite a while so I don't have to waste time with males, but that's just me, some people like to breed plants, as I do, but I just don't have the time or space so feminized seeds are truly a gem for me :)

Thanks eastcoast! You're a good guy as well! And no worries on the additives! I've tried many and they just seen to cause problems because they screw up the elemental ratio of the nutrient profile and easily burn plants to shreds lol. But, some nutrient lines NEED the extra additives to make create a proper nutrient profile, but the reason they do this is to make extra money by selling a bunch of individual bottles. Nutrients like gh, dynagro, veg+bloom and jacks are all complete in thier base nutes and additives aren't needed at all.

With that said, gh koolbloom powder is a very powerful bloom booster and it does work, but if used wrong it will cook your plants and cause really severe foxtaily, so I usually don't recommend it to néw grower, I usually don't use it either except for my last grow I ran it towards the end. It's more trouble using it than its worth. I'd stay away from gh koolbloom liquid, it's just a base bloom nute pretty much and doesn't do anything that adding a little more gh bloom nutes wouldnt do. Same stuff pretty much.

But all in all, just using a complete base nute will achieve 95% of what adding bloom enhancers can do, without the headache of losing 20% yield if using the bloom booster wrong :)


I'm minorly concerned about some temp issues I had yesterday. Had a low of 58 in my room when I checked the overnight temps. It gets cold from time to time here in the mitten. Hard to keep it up at night. Wondering if my growth is going to be stunted or slowed? They don't seem to be effected by it. Any suggestions on preventing swings from 75 to high 50's?


Well-Known Member
No problem at all! You're right on track with the Lucas formula, it burned my plants when I used it at full strength and found a lower dose to work much better. You did very well training the plants, no doubt about it, I think you'll be very surprised with your end results, you got a natural green thumb bud. Growing from seed can be a headache or a dream! Lol, I love growing from seed but I stick to feminized seeds for quite a while so I don't have to waste time with males, but that's just me, some people like to breed plants, as I do, but I just don't have the time or space so feminized seeds are truly a gem for me :)

Thanks eastcoast! You're a good guy as well! And no worries on the additives! I've tried many and they just seen to cause problems because they screw up the elemental ratio of the nutrient profile and easily burn plants to shreds lol. But, some nutrient lines NEED the extra additives to make create a proper nutrient profile, but the reason they do this is to make extra money by selling a bunch of individual bottles. Nutrients like gh, dynagro, veg+bloom and jacks are all complete in thier base nutes and additives aren't needed at all.

With that said, gh koolbloom powder is a very powerful bloom booster and it does work, but if used wrong it will cook your plants and cause really severe foxtaily, so I usually don't recommend it to néw grower, I usually don't use it either except for my last grow I ran it towards the end. It's more trouble using it than its worth. I'd stay away from gh koolbloom liquid, it's just a base bloom nute pretty much and doesn't do anything that adding a little more gh bloom nutes wouldnt do. Same stuff pretty much.

But all in all, just using a complete base nute will achieve 95% of what adding bloom enhancers can do, without the headache of losing 20% yield if using the bloom booster wrong :)
Listen to this man, he knows his shit! Rock on Alpha, you are a legend and you have schooled me well :)
The girls just went to sleep and I was able to get a pretty good shot of the Ghost train canopy. View attachment 3609142
Nice man, that canopy is looking great! They will fill out real nice under the 1000w. As Alpha said, I reckon you'll surprise yourself with the yield :)
I'm minorly concerned about some temp issues I had yesterday. Had a low of 58 in my room when I checked the overnight temps. It gets cold from time to time here in the mitten. Hard to keep it up at night. Wondering if my growth is going to be stunted or slowed? They don't seem to be effected by it. Any suggestions on preventing swings from 75 to high 50's?
I wouldn't worry too much about those temps, yeah it may slow them a little but won't affect them too much. I deal with -8 to -10 centigrade in winter and my girls do well. The heat from your lights will be enough :)


Just finished the daily checks. Temps are good and overnight low back to 65. I found that a couple of my lower fan leaves were turning yellow. I'm thinking its N deficiency. It was feeding say so I'm hoping they will green back up in a couple days. 18 days in to flower and flower production seems to be gaining speed on vegetative growth. Looking forward to the next couple weeks though at times they can be stressful. Still trying to get a grip on the balancing act that is growing.