Antonin Scalia is dead party thread


Well-Known Member
He better be buried in a crypt, because I know there is more than 1 person that would like to piss on his grave.
(Me, I'd rather take a shit)


Well-Known Member
I don't watch him either but Bill, Megan and Greta I'll stomach Meet the press daily and Chris Mathews but Chuck is no Tim Russert.

I would say 6 or 7 years ago I liked Beck and Hannity. Then I got sick of Beck and a bit later got sick of Hannity. It is always the same partisan shit.

Bill isnt horrible but I like him a lot less than I used to. The whole pot thing is completely illogical and he got nearly hysterical because people are smoking it to get fucked up... Why do we think that if a person is not feeling well then it is ok to make them feel good but when they feel good we should make it illegal for them to feel better. WITH THE SAME SUBSTANCES!!!! Both prescription and non-prescription.

I like Megan Kelly because she was also a lawyer. I loved Bob Beckle because even though he had substance abuse issues he had a background in the real world so he was interesting to listen to. Juan Williams is a useless liberal journalist that has nothing to add to the group but talking points. I liked gutfeld when he was running redeye and he is still good on the five but fame has tamed him down a lot.

The more I realize that politics is just a game of theater meant to keep us fighting and distracted the less time I have for programs that are primarily entertainment even if supposedly focused on the news.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
In your reply to me on my post you stated,....

...Quoted from B4 he woke up.:

" You really want us to feel compassion for this soon to be maggot food but where was his compassion for women`s Rights, voter Rights, some 18 million" yada yada yada....

Said it you did.
Right compassion over his death (which I have none)
At one time I fancied myself an Independent, then after that a Libertarian. Not anymore.

An Anti-Electorate Manifesto

We, the Anti-Electorate, do not believe there is a need for "strong leadership" in government.

We are not drawn to 'intellectual' authorities and political 'heroes.'

We are not impressed with titles, ranks, and pecking orders politicians, celebrities, and gurus.

We do not struggle for control of organizations, social circles, and government.

We do not lobby the State for favors or permission to control those with whom we disagree.

Rather, we advocate freedom.

By its very nature, the State does not.

Exercise your right to say 'No' to the warfare-welfare system.

- Wally Conger
You really do like giving looooong ass answers don't you, was there an answer to my question somewhere in that diatribe of yours? I'm feeling like you're about to go down that rabbit hole you took CR into I'm not going down with you.

I don't care what you were I just want to know is who do you vote with R or D, I can rule I cause you no longer are one.



Well-Known Member
I don't get it. First his death was ruled a heart attack. Then after his family said they don't want an autopsy, his death was then changed to "natural causes". Then we find out he was found with a pillow over his face, at a ranch owned by a huge Democrat donor. Also recipient of an award from Obama. (John Poindexter)

Somebody needs to investigate the way Obama's executive branch has handled the situation. If it was a dead liberal judge, every Democrat on this website would have screamed foul play days ago...
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Well-Known Member
I don't get it. First his death was ruled a heart attack. Then after his family said they don't want an autopsy, his death was then changed to "natural causes". Then we find out he was found with a pillow over his head, at a ranch owned by a huge Democrat donor. Also recipient of an award from Obama. (John Poindexter)

Somebody needs to investigate the way Obama's executive branch has handled the situation. If it was a dead liberal judge, every Democrat on this website would have screamed foul play days ago...
Let the conspiracy theories begin..

He was 79 and obese

Court's going progressive. Prepare your anus.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it. First his death was ruled a heart attack. Then after his family said they don't want an autopsy, his death was then changed to "natural causes". Then we find out he was found with a pillow over his head, at a ranch owned by a huge Democrat donor. Also recipient of an award from Obama. (John Poindexter)

Somebody needs to investigate the way Obama's executive branch has handled the situation. If it was a dead liberal judge, every Democrat on this website would have screamed foul play days ago...
don't go full


Well-Known Member
Let the conspiracy theories begin..

He was 79 and obese

Court's going progressive. Prepare your anus.
Your passion for man ass have no relevance in this discussion.

I haven't posted a single theory. Everything was factual.

Hell, the body is still warm, and Bernie Sanders has already politicized his death. What a low life scum bag.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If the 2nd amendment were ever in jeopardy don't you think it be history by now, the right to bear arms is woven into the fabric of our nation it'll never be gotten rid of, now on the other hand sensible gun control which is favored by close to 90% of all Americans can become a reality.

Get with the program, it will happen.

,Many tyrannical governments in the past have disarmed people, what makes the USA any different?

Right compassion over his death (which I have none)

You really do like giving looooong ass answers don't you, was there an answer to my question somewhere in that diatribe of yours? I'm feeling like you're about to go down that rabbit hole you took CR into I'm not going down with you.

I don't care what you were I just want to know is who do you vote with R or D, I can rule I cause you no longer are one.

Sorry to make your brain hurt Teddy Bear.

I am a fan of Vermin Supreme, I hope that clears things up for you.


Well-Known Member
Your passion for man ass have no relevance in this discussion.

I haven't posted a single theory. Everything was factual.

Hell, the body is still warm, and Bernie Sanders has already politicized his death. What a low life scum bag.
You're implying foul play was involved in the death of an obese 79-year-old man because the place he died was ran by a guy who got an award by the Obama administration...

Obama killed Scalia just to make the court progressive as a last ditch effort to give the finger to conservatives before he left office

The same shit /r/conservative is talking about on Reddit

You are a dumbass


Well-Known Member
You're implying foul play was involved in the death of an obese 79-year-old man because the place he died was ran by a guy who got an award by the Obama administration...

Obama killed Scalia just to make the court progressive as a last ditch effort to give the finger to conservatives before he left office

The same shit /r/conservative is talking about on Reddit

You are a dumbass
First it's my anus, and now its my ass? Your next post will be letting me know you're on the way over to scratch and sniff my dirty laundry.

Don't tell me what I'm implying, or wtf is happening on reddit. You're a complete fool. A California liberal of the lowest order. A Marxist who believes Bernie is not yet far enough left. The last thing I need, is to be hearing from a retard about what I may or may not be implying.

There needs to be a third party investigation. Not a Loretta Lynch "conserv-estigation". The very fact that Obama wants her as a supreme court justice makes it conflict of interest.


Well-Known Member
First it's my anus, and now its my ass? Your next post will be letting me know you're on the way over to scratch and sniff my dirty laundry.

Don't tell me what I'm implying, or wtf is happening on reddit. You're a complete fool. A California liberal of the lowest order. A Marxist who believes Bernie is not yet far enough left. The last thing I need, is to be hearing from a retard about what I may or may not be implying.

There needs to be a third party investigation. Not a Loretta Lynch "conserv-estigation". The very fact that Obama wants her as a supreme court justice makes it conflict of interest.
I did find an article that said he did have a pillow over his head, but it was not foul play. Maybe he was farting and covered his head due to the smell. Then he died and took a last massive shit.


Well-Known Member
gonna be fun watching the right implode

obama will appoint someone and the right will either have to confirm and skew the court to the left or they block and guarantee a huge democratic turnout in november.

either way they're fucked. bernie and hillary should team up and lay the gomer mash down, "block the president's choice and if one of us is elected, we'll nominate obama!"

their fucking heads will explode. their last debate was a total shitfest. bet the phone calls from the donors are pretty intense these days with all those $millions wasted on this clown show lol

thanks scalia!!
Wouldn't not confirming a justice guarantee a just as huge turnout on the right? You consistently confuse wishful thinking with fact.