To much Nitrogen?

I think I'm having issues with nitrogen toxicicity. I'm 19 days into the 12/12 light cycle and my plant seem to be showing "the claw" . From what ive gathered that is a sign of to much nitrogen but I have fan leaves at the bottom of my plants that are turning yellow. Is that a sign of the plant sucking nitrogen from itself? Just a little confused on what I need to do to correct this issue. My water is ph balanced, temp with lights on is about 75, lights off about 63 (got really cold last night hit 61 in the room). Using organic nutes and trying my best not to over feed.



Well-Known Member
Your soil looks like it's a little hot, but the plant looks fine don't overthink it. Just straight water next watering or two and you'll be good.

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Bottom shade leaf is showing mag deficiency. Hit the girl with some epsom salt on the next watering and make sure you are watching PH of your water going in.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Nitrogen toxicity, but I'm with kmog33. They look fine.

Remember that yellowing of the bottom leaves is not always a sign for N deficiency and is partly due to not receiving enough light. Of course, it's totally normal in flowering stage and you'll see more and more yellowing in the next couple of weeks.