Antonin Scalia is dead party thread

"Inappropriate behavior" Not that it will do a damn bit of good, but you have been reported.

If you can't handle the message, since you're too much of scholarly wimp, your only option is to put me on ignore. Aint going anywhere unless the juvenile politics here ban me, which will probably happen and that's OK. My message (and Scalia's) will live on, sorry. ;)

FWIW, gonna have a wonderful week starting with today. Am grafting avocados today using the best of the best variety scions received from the great state of California......tomorrow am visiting with a fabricator to have a slab of A36 steel cut out so I can sand, season, and make incredible pizzas like they came out of a pizza oven, etc.

Life is good, woo hoo!
Damn now you have turned into a reporting whimp. LOL
Scalia will not live on because he is very much dead. They are thinking of his replacement as we type. The court will now move to the left and there is nothing Scalia can do about it because he is DEAD.
Damn now you have turned into a reporting whimp. LOL
Scalia will not live on because he is very much dead. They are thinking of his replacement as we type. The court will now move to the left and there is nothing Scalia can do about it because he is DEAD.

i have a feeling trump is about tired of this shit. bet he bails or has a melt down. attacking shrub 3 in front of a republican crowd? won't be long at all before the meat eaters come for dinner

I don't think that will hurt him, even most eighties know he was telling the truth, Jeb! Has spent more money than Rubio, Cruz, kasich and Trump combined and hes still a bottom feeder @ 5%.

Those crowds for every debate have been pro Clinton and Bush.

I bet Jeb! Can't even win South Carolina..I bet Trump beats him there.
Exactly, this is a chance to put the court in 5/4 liberal majority territory which hasn't happened since the 1970s


That would make it bias, and no longer a Court.

Democrats at work for you and me....... ellipses.
You call someone a classless loser and then report someone for using the same language ?? You are a Democrat. No doubt.

1. They did not use "the same language",

2. Am NOT a democrat LOL. :)

Switch gears, few minutes ago on ABC news Stephanopoulas was interviewing 3 experts of the law who knew Scalia. They played a clip reflecting Scalia's Constitutional mindset and all said the same thing - Scalia did not like stuff like flag burning but the 1st amendment allows that freedom of expression. Being an Originalist, he must uphold that right. Interesting, he said "I may not like it but the Constitution is confining, I must go with it". He was indeed an honest man, a statesman.

Until Scalia there was little to no dissension from the other judges, not much debate, when a group brought something to the court for review. He literally changed the way the Supreme Court did business, the way it should to business.
Any lowlife celebrating another persons death, I'd love to take a big healthy shit right on your grave like it was a wendys bathroom floor.

Just is a statement about the majority of the RIU membership. Normal folks know what a great man he was and don't need to act out.

These bitter members, the thread starter, have no compassion for human beings. They belong in the ranks of the Taliban and ISIS.
1. They did not use "the same language",

2. Am NOT a democrat LOL. :)

Switch gears, few minutes ago on ABC news Stephanopoulas was interviewing 3 experts of the law who knew Scalia. They played a clip reflecting Scalia's Constitutional mindset and all said the same thing - Scalia did not like stuff like flag burning but the 1st amendment allows that freedom of expression. Being an Originalist, he must uphold that right. Interesting, he said "I may not like it but the Constitution is confining, I must go with it". He was indeed an honest man, a statesman.

Until Scalia there was little to no dissension from the other judges, not much debate, when a group brought something to the court for review. He literally changed the way the Supreme Court did business, the way it should to business.

Classless loser,.... Choke on a dick,.....

I call classless losers like you,.....You will probably die choking on a dick,.....

I ,.call,. you,,. will,. probably,.......

uncleben,....Whoever it was,.....

Metaphor vs metaphor,......

Anyway I look at it,.... Yes you did.
False report by the NY Times that the JOP declared a cause of death without seeing the body. They said the JOP reveled that myocardial infraction (type of heart attack) was the cause. NYT proven wrong, Why would the NY Times even try that ?

The NY Times has doctors that said his meds indicated that.

He arrived with a guest that will remain anonymous. I can live with that,...But the mystery sells adds more,...and now we know what`s behind that.

The Democrats are jumping for joy, (after paying respects of course) that Obama will appoint a Democrat to replace him. Democrats are laughing at the panic by Republicans wanting to block that from happening.

That right there is cause for concern,...just ask why ? Why does a bias Court make Democrats happy ? Why should it matter to Republicans,...What`s the big fear ?

If Democrats pride themselves at being the controlling power in this Country, and willingly celebrate the victory as they are, You wont see a Democrat elected in November. America loves to cheer on the underdog, and Americans are tired of being told what to do, think, and allow.

I didn`t know the guy but have formed opinions about his decisions, what, everyone is entitled,...But to witness Democrats revel that all they care about, all they are interested in, the only thing that matters, Democrat controlling, leaves only one choice in November.

Barak is very street smart, you can`t take that away from him,....I say he nominates a Republican, if he does, I`m wrong about the Democrats because that would be an act in our best interest.

I can`t wait to see what he does,....but not for the same reasons you all do.
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I saw all sorts of news clips today of Democrats in the Senate demanding Bush not be allowed to appoint a judge with alost a year and a half left in his final term.

Now the show is on the other foot and they are crying foul at republicans wanting to delay.

It isn't as if the Republicans are set in stone to have the next white house. Since the new president is so close to being elected I think it is perfectly reasonable to wait.

But obama will want to appoint one and I think we're set to get a decent moderate out of the deal. The Republicans control the Senate. It would have to be someone agreeable to both of them to get through.

I think that's the best outcome.

If republicanis want to control the court. They can win the election and replace Ginsburg before long.
False report by the NY Times that the JOP declared a cause of death without seeing the body. They said the JOP reveled that myocardial infraction (type of heart attack) was the cause. NYT proven wrong, Why would the NY Times even try that ?

The NY Times has doctors that said his meds indicated that.

He arrived with a guest that will remain anonymous. I can live with that,...But the mystery sells adds more,...and now we know what`s behind that.

The Democrats are jumping for joy, (after paying respects of course) that Obama will appoint a Democrat to replace him. Democrats are laughing at the panic by Republicans wanting to block that from happening.

That right there is cause for concern,...just ask why ? Why does a bias Court make Democrats happy ? Why should it matter to Republicans,...What`s the big fear ?

If Democrats pride themselves at being the controlling power in this Country, and willingly celebrate the victory as they are, You wont see a Democrat elected in November. America loves to cheer on the underdog, and Americans are tired of being told what to do, think, and allow.

I didn`t know the guy but have formed opinions about his decisions, what, everyone is entitled,...But to witness Democrats revel that all they care about, all they are interested in, the only thing that matters, Democrat controlling, leaves only one choice in November.

Barak is very street smart, you can`t take that away from him,....I say he nominates a Republican, if he does, I`m wrong about the Democrats because that would be an act in our best interest.

I can`t wait to see what he does,....but not for the same reasons you all do.
I know this comes as a major disappointment but the man instrumental in dismantling specific laws that gave blacks/women in this country a better chance of making their own choice to choose...over 80% of PP in places like Texas have been closed, gave us CU (wasn't he a CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR) because, you know, Corporations are people too.

Dream on why would Obama appoint a puke to the Supremes are you kidding me.

Mitch Mc Conell is playing a very dangerous game in not allowing a vote it might spell doom for his party in November, at least Scalia left you guys a chance with allowing states to suppress voters. Now more than ever the pukes will ramp up voter suppression laws maybe bring back Jim Crow laws.

You really want us to feel compassion for the soon to be magot food but where was his compassion for woman's rights, voter rights, 18 million plus who now have health care.

If it were RBG or Sotomayor who died and puke a were in the WH righties would have a non-stop champagne parties for a month so don't give me that crap. Welcome to politics.

Scalia was a thorn on the side for every minority in this country if you aren't a minority or low income white then you wouldn't have a clue what he meant to us.

The President doesn't appoint SCJ, he nominates them the SENATE approves them. He can appoint a justice by executive action if Congress was not in session but that's not the case here.

You can tell he's (thick stems) a FAUX NEWS listener. Politics 101.
