Antonin Scalia is dead party thread


Well-Known Member
Affirmative Action is policy of favoring members of a racial group who may or may not suffer from discrimination within a culture. A rich lawyer got a $8 million paving contract because he was black, then hired the white contractor who had bid $3 million to do the work. This wealthy lawyer was certainly not disadvantaged. You are using doublespeak to mislead.

that's some willfully ignorant bull shit. You give us your personal definition of affirmative action then you tell your sean insanity hysterical story. It gets your goat. We get it. But you think you have an argument? There is enough entitled assholery in the white culture to keep affirmative action relevant for a while.


Well-Known Member
You guys gotta toughen up, it is a great day when your enemy dies, I don't give a fuck if they are American or not..I hate some Americans, the world is a better place without this turd Scalia.
You count a supreme court justice as one of your enemies?

I dont like Obama but I wouldnt wish death upon him nor say any of the vile shit I have read on this thread.

But honestly, it isnt hurting my feelings, just making you guys look like asses.


Well-Known Member
quotas have always been illegal. you are stupid.

cite your bullshit or i laugh at you even more than i already am doing.
Quote my full post to keep from putting me in an improper context and Ill acknowledge your existence. Until then you just appear like a guy who spends all his time on a forum trying to score points instead of have an actual conversation.


Well-Known Member
This is the problem with political correctness. They forget the reason for the fire department in the first place.

A person that is not strong enough or whatever enough puts himself and others in danger. The city of Jacksonville is risking these people's lives. They are doing this in the marines with women in front line combat infantry units as well. Got to make it 'Fair'.... *sigh*
how about you cite the pretend, make believe, made up shit that you are agreeing is happening then?

you wpn't either, because it is made up bullshit.

and you are dumb enough to buy it. and racist too.


Well-Known Member
You count a supreme court justice as one of your enemies?

I dont like Obama but I wouldnt wish death upon him nor say any of the vile shit I have read on this thread.

But honestly, it isnt hurting my feelings, just making you guys look like asses.

I'll be handing out free joints when Cheyney checks out, free hash too if its violent.


Well-Known Member
Quote my full post to keep from putting me in an improper context and Ill acknowledge your existence. Until then you just appear like a guy who spends all his time on a forum trying to score points instead of have an actual conversation.
quotas are illegal and always have been. cite your shit, or i continue to laugh at your racist lying sock puppetry, dumbass.


Well-Known Member
"The body of scientific evidence supporting creation science is as strong as that supporting evolution. In fact, it may be stronger.... The evidence for evolution is far less compelling than we have been led to believe. Evolution is not a scientific fact, since it cannot actually be observed in a laboratory. Rather, evolution is merely a scientific theory or guess.... It is a very bad guess at that. The scientific problems with evolution are so serious that it could accurately be termed a myth."

-Antonin Scalia


Well-Known Member
quotas are illegal and always have been. cite your shit, or i continue to laugh at your racist lying sock puppetry, dumbass.
I made no claim otherwise.

I'm not an expert on the subject. Perhaps I'm calling it by the wrong name. But the decision was within my lifetime and involved the university of Michigan.

Maybe quotas are something besides what I'm calling them. But Michigan was giving added weight to the application of certian groups.

This is really an academic argument as I would support quotas. I think it's rather apparent that poor blacks are going to lag behind the rich white kids from the suburbs on SAT scores.