Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

The Federal Government is simply a customer of the Federal Reserve... It is like being able to appoint people to the board of directors of a bank, but using the bank for your day to day finances as the federal reserves biggest customer they get perks which others do not.. ;)

I think the term "addict" is more appropriate than "customer" in this case.
Sure. The Feds borrow money, they don't borrow it from your Uncle Charlie though do they?

(Do I really need to draw you a picture?)
Would you rather impoverish millions of people and create a second great recession or devastate the global economy?

It's clear you don't understand how the debt ceiling works or who it benefits
Would you rather impoverish millions of people and create a second great depression or devastate the global economy?

It's clear you don't understand how the debt ceiling works or who it benefits

Delaying what you can afford today for financial security tomorrow is a big issue not simply with governments, but hundreds of millions of Americans...

I think the term "addict" is more appropriate than "customer" in this case.

Those are the best customers... I'm my best customer.... ;) I wonder how much the FED makes off of the US Federal Government...
Would you rather impoverish millions of people and create a second great depression or devastate the global economy?

It's clear you don't understand how the debt ceiling works or who it benefits

D. None of the above.

It's clear you can't be against "big banks" and then throw a party for "big banks" and the military industrial complex complete with hookers and coke and be "doing something about big banks".

I have a good understanding of how government debt is created. They pledge your future labor as collateral, and the future labor of people not even born yet...almost like they run your life for you, with or without your consent. <smirk>
Delaying what you can afford today for financial security tomorrow is a big issue not simply with governments, but hundreds of millions of Americans...

Those are the best customers... I'm my best customer.... ;) I wonder how much the FED makes off of the US Federal Government...

Andrew Jackson would be furious if he knew.
D. None of the above.

It's clear you can't be against "big banks" and then throw a party for "big banks" and the military industrial complex complete with hookers and coke and be "doing something about big banks".

I have a good understanding of how government debt is created. They pledge your future labor as collateral, and the future labor of people not even born yet...almost like they run your life for you, with or without your consent. <smirk>

Americans were paid 14.3~ trillion in wages in 2014, and the federal government received 1.3~ trillion on individual income tax... They have a whole lot more they can borrow...

We are not all against tax increases if they are for practical reasons... For example Eisenhower had HIGH taxes, and yes he was a republican and last president that actually had a debt surplus ( paid down the debt). If we increased everyones taxes by 50% and everything went towards the national debt then that is one thing, however increasing taxes and expanding social services to unsustainable levels is absurd when we owe 19 trillion...
Americans were paid 14.3~ trillion in wages in 2014, and the federal government received 1.3~ trillion on individual income tax... They have a whole lot more they can borrow...

We are not all against tax increases if they are for practical reasons... For example Eisenhower had HIGH taxes, and yes he was a republican and last president that actually had a debt surplus ( paid down the debt). If we increased everyones taxes by 50% and everything went towards the national debt then that is one thing, however increasing taxes and expanding social services to unsustainable levels is absurd when we owe 19 trillion...

May your chains rest lightly upon you.

My problem isn't what people do with their self or their own property, it is what they try to do with OTHER peoples property and the methods used to do so.

Can a person delegate a right they do not possess?
Austerity economics doesn't work when you're in a recession/depression, period.

Why are you so depressed? Is it because the government runs your life or because some people don't like it when they attempt to run their lives in ways you don't like?
Austerity economics doesn't work when you're in a recession/depression, period.

Who is talking about austerity, when we have government waste that is in the trillions, and outdated programs that need to be updated... I think we can all agree people are living longer which requires social security age to be increased that is basic stuff... The procurement system in the military, etc... We don't even really need to cut things we just need efficiency. Simply, stop expanding inefficient and outdated government programs... You think the IT systems the government is running are outdated?
Look at what Bobby Jindal did to Louisiana he is a NEO Con and he went the austerity route however he didn't increase efficiency... Louisiana spends hundreds of millions on education and has little to show for it... That system needs to be revised, and the savings in expenses used to tackle deficits and debt... That is why we can't expand we need to audit the government and work flow processes that are hemorrhaging cash...

Cut expense, and increase revenue.. Simple!

Expense isn't always a service.. an expense could be a work flow process that is overly complicated and inefficient that is used to deliver or operate a service...
Who is talking about austerity, when we have government waste that is in the trillions, and outdated programs that need to be updated... I think we can all agree people are living longer which requires social security age to be increased that is basic stuff... The procurement system in the military, etc... We don't even really need to cut things we just need efficiency. Simply, stop expanding inefficient and outdated government programs... You think the IT systems the government is running are outdated?
When people complain about raising the debt ceiling to pay for things millions of people need for basic survival, they're talking about austerity economics

I think everyone would agree the waste is an issue, but that's not what we're talking about
When people complain about raising the debt ceiling to pay for things millions of people need for basic survival, they're talking about austerity economics

I think everyone would agree the waste is an issue, but that's not what we're talking about

The debt ceiling is highly political, because it is used as an instrument to force government to work through what they already have and political gain.. Raising it without an initiative to reduce inefficiency is absurd... For example hypothetical you purchase a business and you had a ceiling for what debt you were allowed to have, however you increase that ceiling to make synergy savings through audits, and reorganization... So, you may borrow more and increase debt for several years, but your overall expense goes down due to the initiatives put in place to increase efficiency.. However, that is not what has been done in that respect it is absurd.. You don't need to shut down the government to do that, and you don't have limit the debt ceiling, actually it helps to increase debt in the short term to lower overall expenses in the long run..
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Basically, it is repositioning yourself, so you can have higher cash flow... So, all this debt ceiling b.s is a total side show circus from what we should be doing which is repositioning ourselves for a long term view of being able to borrow less, and pay down the debt... We are not leveraging our loans to increase financial security or provide higher revenue. It is like taking out a loan to buy groceries when we could get a student loan goto school and buy groceries ;)

That is why I think Ted Cruz is worse than Trump...

When we takeover a company we audit it, collapse it, and liquidate assets...
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Basically, it is repositioning yourself, so you can have higher cash flow... So, all this debt ceiling b.s is a total side show circus from what we should be doing which is repositioning ourselves for a long term view of being able to borrow less, and pay down the debt... We are not leveraging our loans to increase financial security or provide higher revenue. It is like taking out a loan to buy groceries...
Sanders entire domestic economic plan revolves around investing in America, including creating millions of jobs doing just that

Sounds a hell of a lot better than giving it to defense contractors or writing corporate welfare checks

Investing in America and American's future is a better way to net a positive return on that investment

If anyone disagrees, name the candidate that has a better plan
Austerity economics doesn't work when you're in a recession/depression, period.

Actually, you can't spend your way out of debt. The recession/depression isn't shit compared to the imminent economic disaster looming from the debt. That and the fact they never actually ended the recession. Manufacturing a "recovery" with trillions of wasted dollars and shady manipulation by the fed, only delays the inevitable and makes the crash all the more painful. You'll see, it's coming. Of course progs and their complicit MSM toadies will lay off the blame, but their horseshit remedies will be responsible.
Americans were paid 14.3~ trillion in wages in 2014, and the federal government received 1.3~ trillion on individual income tax... They have a whole lot more they can borrow...

We are not all against tax increases if they are for practical reasons... For example Eisenhower had HIGH taxes, and yes he was a republican and last president that actually had a debt surplus ( paid down the debt). If we increased everyones taxes by 50% and everything went towards the national debt then that is one thing, however increasing taxes and expanding social services to unsustainable levels is absurd when we owe 19 trillion...

At which percentage point of a persons money being confiscated makes them a slave?

At which percentage point can I take things that belong to you, without your consent, before I am a thief?
Sanders entire domestic economic plan revolves around investing in America, including creating millions of jobs doing just that

Sounds a hell of a lot better than giving it to defense contractors or writing corporate welfare checks

Investing in America and American's future is a better way to net a positive return on that investment

If anyone disagrees, name the candidate that has a better plan


Trump is in league with corporate raiders which I support that methodology because it works... Like I said previously we audit the company find out overlaps, cut costs through synergy savings, unprofitable none essential assets we liquidate etc etc.. In my view the Federal government needs exactly that the second half is increasing revenue... That is what corporate raiders do... Bernie has no business in Finance and even his own financial positioning shows that he lacks financial self control... Bernie has been working as a politician for his entire life he has no clue about business and all he has literally is the value of his home...
Sanders entire domestic economic plan revolves around investing in America, including creating millions of jobs doing just that

Sounds a hell of a lot better than giving it to defense contractors or writing corporate welfare checks

Investing in America and American's future is a better way to net a positive return on that investment

If anyone disagrees, name the candidate that has a better plan

It sounds like your justification for putting other people in debt is that it's okay, because you will do something nice for them sometime...maybe right after you are done mugging them.
It sounds like your justification for putting other people in debt is that it's okay, because you will do something nice for them sometime...maybe right after you are done mugging them.

I am half the age of Bernie, had less economic opportunity, and I am less educated however I have a higher net worth... Bernie is a career politician that has no clue about business...