Club 600

got a few snaps just before lights came on. They are getting tea as quick as I can brew it, finally upgraded to a 45 gallon can, and a bigger pump. With the co2 up to 1800 ppms now, they are EATING!!!

day 28.

wet dreams x blueberry testers

Some hungry ladies in this cycle with the co2 going at 1800 ppms

super purple - this maybe worthy of some more runs! shes loud, purple, fast flowering, sticky, and stanky!

Can anyone suggest a better camera or microscope to check things out? I used a DIY webcam to check out a clipping..I would like maybe a microscope?

If the autoflower fits your needs then grow it.. Haters gonna hate. Ive had great results growing autos. Sweet seeds big Devil for yield.
I plan on having a big veg room now with plenty room for some autos. Maybe do some seeds as they are pricey and i would love to overgrow a forrest near me at summer.
Cant believe how long my room have tanken to finish. Still not there. Should be done tonight.
Had an accidental auto this round. Lol. Was supposed to be Kraken 47..
Plenty of lemon strains out there but have yet to find any like the lemon skunk i had.
Please tag me or something when they are available i would hate to miss out :)
Purple is bonus :)

On another note coco growing is bothering me. Cant seems to find a sweet spot. The revegging sweet cheese is bout ready for cloning. Same soil and pot as i flowered it in. Hope i get the hang of this coco soon. Right now id rather just get some soil again :/
On with painting...DSC_0607.JPG
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