One Light 3 Pounds!!

o.k so theres this dude from colorado asking $500 for his book, that guarantees "3 A Light" anyone read it?? some celebrities are vouchen for this guy? google "3 A Light" lemmie know..

We religiously have customers getting 2.5-3lbs a light at our shop. Synthetic nutrients, DE 1000 watt lights at 1250 watts, perfect humidity, temp, and co2 combos. 50 gal smart pots 4 months veg.
more weed in less time and an easier trim because theres not so much at once.
yes sir... I've done the LST'd plants and longer vege times and you do get MUCH more herb... BUT only per harvest.
I did a yearly weigh a couple yrs ago, and found that I can fit in a whole other two harvest per year.
I used to manifold to a "6-pack" and it looked all nice, and the colas were big, but it didn't justify the extra vege time, plus I like to run a bunch of different stuff at once...
Shit I have like 12 strains right now..
You guys dont run seperate veg and bloom rooms? Shit....its the only way i do it. 5 to 6 crops a year like clockwork. Been doing it this way for a very long time. Forget that vegging in my flower room crap. My electric bill would be outrageous.
I met them at a recent trade show. They were very passionate about their book and methods. Look at my forum signature... "you don't know what you don't know".
We all know education is the key. Learning is very important.
HOWEVER, there is no single best way to grow cannabis. What works for me may not work for you. What works for you... may not work for me.
We aren't baking cakes. Following a grow book as if it's intended to be followed like a recipe is not going to end well. It may be a fantastic guide. Some people may find it very useful.
The photos were clean and clear. The presentation was nice, but it's not my style of growing. I'll leave it for others to decide if they are going to spend the $500.00. I thought the T-shirts should have been given away to generate buzz for the company... but hey it's their booth not mine. $30 for a shirt, $500 for a book... welcome to the cannabis industry.... (This is the point where I'm supposed to say "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!")

... let me put it to you like this... reading a book on skateboarding isn't going to turn you into Tony Hawk. You may learn everything about skateboarding along the way... but some people just suck on a board. Growing takes talent. It takes time. It takes patience. But it takes talent, too.

The book will be useful to some people. Don't read my remarks as a bash. Those people put a lot of effort into that book and it's to be appreciated for what it is. If it weren't for the price I'd say buy the book for the pictures alone :weed:

As I glance to my left I see cannabis books on my shelf that are $29.95, $34.95, and so on... and I don't think the entire shelf adds up to $500. Just sayin'
Not impressive considering veg time..2 crops/year maybe and how much is popcorn?
Most rooms are split veg and bloom here in MI. Legal numbers are 72 max per caregiver, do 48 in veg and 24 in flower Harvest 24k watts every 2 months, getting 6 harvest a year. 6 harvest....24 lights....2.5-3lb a is 360-432lbs a year not impressive?
Seperate veg and bloom rooms give the grower alot of options on when how much and what to harvest. I wouldnt do it any other way. Electric bill would get silly. It already is. Dont need it any higher.
o.k so theres this dude from colorado asking $500 for his book
Give it 2 weeks and there will be torrents everywhere.
that guarantees "3 A Light" anyone read it??
The absurdity of that claim should tell you all that you need to know about the book.
some celebrities are vouchen for this guy?
That's how a good portion of celebrities make their $. By shilling products. Hell he even stated that he hasn't read it. But then turns around and states he's getting a 2 percent chunk of change for every one sold. That's 10 bucks in his pocket per book. Probably a better percent than his album sales profits.
Ron Jeremy endorses mega dong pills.
Oprah shilled The Secret (remember those annoying ass advertisements and infomertials anyone?)
I'm sure there's a lot of very valid info in the book that would give a lot of pointers for people to up production a bit sure but 3 pounds a light is a tall order.
Will it work with every light? No
Will it work with every strain even under the books ideal conditions? Most certainly not.
I agree. 3 lbs a 1000 watt mogul socket HPS lamp is asking alot in a consistent planned out "formula" from a book. Not saying it cant be done but to slap a recipe or method for everyone is a very tall order. Are the newer technology lamps mentioned in this book (cobs and double ended hps)???? If those lamps are then the book doesnt need to bought i would think. Using newer artificial lamp technology and with the right variety 3 lbs a 1000 watt ? lamp should much more achievable on your own if you play around enough.
The question is how much space is involved, how many watts per sq ft? Let's say it's 4'x4'. That's 62.5 w/sq ft but you'd probably only get about 1 oz/ sq ft. But if it was 6'x6' then it would be 27.7 w/ sq ft and you might still get close to an oz/ sq ft but it would be probably around 30 oz instead of 16. It actually produces more grams per watt when you spread the light out to somewhere around 25-30 w/ sq ft. Those were just rough estimates to make my point. The exact figures would vary of course. HPS was used for the experiment below, from article.

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I figured out long time ago that my sweet spot is 60 to 65 watts psf. This is a very general guide ive stucked to over the years. With umols and PAR and photons and newer technology measurement data and what not.....things like lumens....watts so old school it seems. So many variables. Reflective walls and how close the lights and canopy are to them walls is one huge factor. Its so different from garden to garden.
I figured out long time ago that my sweet spot is 60 to 65 watts psf. So many variables. Reflective walls and how close the lights and canopy are to them walls is one huge factor. Its so different from garden to garden.
I find 50w /sq ft of white COB LED is good. With very limited space I can't afford to go for larger area with lower w/ sq ft. With 50 I can see slight signs of light damage but there's no actual bleaching, beyond a few light splotches on a very few leaves. That's with no reflector, just side reflection from tent walls. The entire space is packed though, no open parts around the plants. You need the side reflectors right against the plants pretty much.
Most rooms are split veg and bloom here in MI. Legal numbers are 72 max per caregiver, do 48 in veg and 24 in flower Harvest 24k watts every 2 months, getting 6 harvest a year. 6 harvest....24 lights....2.5-3lb a is 360-432lbs a year not impressive?
Even with a veg and a bloom room, how do you get 6 crops/year with 4 months of veg? your bloom room will shut down for 2 months waiting for the next run in veg..
If your running perpetual it can be done. You would have plants all staggered about and your timing and strains would have to be on point. Think about it. I dont know about 6 crops a year though. Who in there rite mind vegges indoor at a third of a year anyways?
With alot of varieties and even with massive canopy tying and topping it would be one wide ass plant. Sounds like bullshit to me.