Well-Known Member
Actually, he's an old retired used car salesman. But yeah, otherwise what you said.
Of course the wealthy will do just fine under a Sanders presidency. That bit about passing tax-cost of doing business is partially true too. Except for the fact that whoever has the best overall base-cost will win and taxes are not the main driver of cost for most industries. In any case, tax revenue increases must come from upping the level of taxation on income of wealthy, not just on corporations. Higher income taxes will help reset the wealth distribution of this country back to levels more in line with the history of this country. Note, not to destroy incentives of wealth accumulation, just to reverse the trend in this country towards a healthier condition where there is a large middle class with enough income to maintain a standard of living in line with past generations.
I don't know if 47 is "old", but I know I wasn't old when I retired just before my 37th. It's true I was a general manager of a Saturn dealership at the time of my retirement, but I didn't retire because of my position. Real estate baby!
Industries aren't my primary concern, it's the small businesses that struggle to stay afloat, that will be the hardest hit. They will be passing every penny of new tax to their customers, out of sheer necessity.