Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

In my world people have to take the bus to get to thier job at walmart. Save? Save fukin what? The water bill alone is 140$ a month. And you cant drink it. Much less rent. Thank god for basement pot operations....its the only trade that pays somewhat here. We do what we do to survive. Yeah i know....i do have the ability to move unlike 90% of people here....but this is my home. My family. Save....yeah rite. Some people (alot of people) dont even have the bootstraps to pull themselves up. Fuck.....they dont even have shoe laces.
In my world people have to take the bus to get to thier job at walmart. Save? Save fukin what? The water bill alone is 140$ a month. And you cant drink it. Much less rent. Thank god for basement pot operations....its the only trade that pays somewhat here. We do what we do to survive. Yeah i know....i do have the ability to move unlike 90% of people here....but this is my home. My family. Save....yeah rite. Some people (alot of people) dont even have the bootstraps to pull themselves up. Fuck.....they dont even have shoe laces.

And some starched shirt comes in here, breath smelling like silver spoon, throwing Faux Spews talking points around like he's actually 'down' with the 'hood.

What hood, other than the one on his fucking Lexus?

If rich people had to live like poor people for three months, I think the vast majority of our country's problems would suddenly find solutions.
Well am going to bow out, because I have already been insulted twice on this page which I was just sharing my perspective... Since, you guys normally result to insults..

However I will leave with this...

Bernie Sanders

1960-1964: Joined Youth Wing of the Socialist Party USA which had Communists and Soviet Agents as members.

1960-1964: Worked for and helped organize the communist led / front United Packinghouse Workers Union. The UPWU was under investigation by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) while Bernie Sanders worked there.

1964: Attended a Kibbutz in Israel.

1971: Ran for Senate as Liberty Union Party on the platform of nationalizing all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and establishing a worker-controlled government.

1981-1987: Bernie Flew the Soviet Flag in the mayoral office in Burlington.

1985: Bernie attended an Anti American rally in Nicaragua and supported the Socialist regime of the Sandinista government and used tax payer money.

1988: Honeymoon in the USSR.

1988: Endorsement from the Communist Party of USA and Soviet Agent who was a part of the same Socialist Party Youth League as Bernie Sanders in 1960-1964.

1989: Attempted contact with Fidel Castro.

1989: Bernie was a Guest Speaker at a Communist Party USA front meeting.

2000-2015: Bernie funnels campaign contributions through wages to his own family.

Bernie continues affiliations with communist fronts, affiliates, foreign agents, and hostile nations. Worker-controlled government means the “dictatorship of the proletariat”, remember communism is the ideology that murdered 80,000,000~ people worldwide, and Soviet agents whom Bernie has befriended in his life were working against American interests and the American way of life. Bernie Sanders is a Shill, and has changed parties like they were going out of style. He has no chance without the democrats and his lies... Voting for Bernie puts America in the hands of foreign agents, and foreign ideals that seek to destroy the economics and military dominance of the United States of America.
Drivel? You are supporting a commie career politician that has set out on an authoritarian system of governance... You deserve the axe son, and the result will be similar to what happened to Rabin in Israel comrades...

Yitsak Rabin was a man of peace, leading a country full of people busily ginning up excuses to murder their neighbors and steal their land. They killed him, his own countrymen killed him, because they want to finish the job of genocide.

I'll take your words as high praise, and I'll gladly stand with them instead of greedy corporate mobsters who'd watch people starve on television while blaming them for it.
Man there is this Henry Rollins 5 minute talk on you tube. I dont know how i can post it on here but its a fukin dose of reality. About his story. If someone could help me out...its really an eye opener.
There is no such thing in the United States... Unless you think an old communist redefining socialism while he is campaigning creates a new Socialist movement...

Whoops- first you talk about Mr Sanders being a Communist, then three posts later you say it doesn't exist here?

Your credibility is sinking fast.
Maybe you didn't read what I posted correctly... I said in America... Bernie is a communist flat out, Socialist redefine socialism so often and make up all these alternatives but it always comes back to authoritarian policies...
So, far I have been insulted, attacked, and associated with people that I have no association with... However, Bernie does have direct associations with the CPA ( Communist Party of America ).. You guys are not going to be able to get around that or his time spent in a Zionist Indoctrination camp...
So, far I have been insulted, attacked, and associated with people that I have no association with... However, Bernie does have direct associations with the CPA ( Communist Party of America ).. You guys are not going to be able to get around that or his time spent in a Zionist Indoctrination camp...
We are still coming to get you
the reality is not everyone lives like an over privileged bourgeoisie.... There are many different lifestyles in this world... Homeless doesn't always mean poor, and being rich doesn't always mean it is easy...
We are come in peace. We only want your idealogues.

Man to be honest which I keep a 80 to 20 ratio lol I was just sharing my perspective... Bill Clinton reformed welfare revoked the ability for minors to apply for welfare... I was 15 no job, no welfare, had a kid and a family to support... My view is they don't want to help me when I am poor and when am well off they just want my money...

So, to think everyone who is anti bernie is some artificial construct is naive.. The world isn't black and white there are many shades of grey in between and that is where most people live... I didn't have it as hard as others, but I also didn't have it as easy as others either... What I have I did myself without government assistance...