Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

I responded to your words. Just say you misspoke.

i'll say you can't fucking read or comprehend what you've already been told. here's the original so you won't be totally ignorant

"considering the pentagon budget dwarfs individuals' welfare as does corporate welfare, bitching about individuals getting help that's needed is retarded"
No, we weren't. You are trying to change what you said after you were proven wrong WITH YOUR OWN CITATION.
And welfare and SS aren't Discretionary Spending, dumbass.
The quote of your claim is below:
sorry to break bad on ya but defense spending is currently at 54% of the budget so it does dwarf all other spending. corporate welfare does dwarf welfare

no, i stated defense spending dwarfed welfare spending which the link clearly stated.
Did you study "Proving My Opposition's Point by Posting Citations I Don't Understand", written by Schuylaar?
i don't understand that military spending dwarfs welfare spending? that's what i've been trying to prove to your ignorant ass for pages. it's taken pages because you keep changing your premise.
i don't understand that military spending dwarfs welfare spending? that's what i've been trying to prove to your ignorant ass for pages. it's taken pages because you keep changing your premise.
It is YOU that is attempting to change your premise. And we are having great fun proving you the fool. But I must get up in the morning to go to work. So I'll just leave you slowly twisting in the wind.
It is YOU that is attempting to change your premise. And we are having great fun proving you the fool. But I must get up in the morning to go to work. So I'll just leave you slowly twisting in the wind.

we? those other two morons still sitting on your lap?
The problem simply isn't raising taxes to cure issues... US Asian males are paid more than white males because they have a culture of pursuing higher education. Asian males also percentage are more educated than white males... Asians as a demographic in the United States also save more... This dynamic shows the proper path and it has nothing to do with government... The reality is we have 50 different states which are similar to separate countries comparable to the EU. Raising minimum wage really is a state issue not a federal issue, by raising minimum wage it would affect some states economies more so than others.

Bernie advocates gouging the top 20% those of us who make 40 to 180k we are going to get hit the hardest because some of us who save 50+% of our income are hit hard by tax increases because it reduces upward mobility or cash investment. For example if you are saving 70k a year every 2.57 years you could mortgage a 800k condo to rent out, and build up your net worth... In 5.14 years you would have a outlook of 1.6 million without taking into consideration housing increases or drops... That is only in 5~ years, However, if we increased taxes all across the board and you are only saving 35k now you are looking at 5.1 years which it will take you 10.2 years just to achieve what you could have done in half that time... It is a matter of time, because we only have so much of it on this planet, and the faster we place ourselves into a position the better we are financially. This is what makes America great upward mobility, and Bernie would close the door on a lot of us which is why I am frustrated, because going from 25k to 75k is easy, but from 100k to 350k is hard.

The American dream is to either be prosperous through active or passive income, and many like the passive income route... Just my 2 cents... I am in the top 5% however I don't see myself as rich because am not, however I see myself as having the ability to be rich as long as taxes are kept low...

In Scandinavian countries, and the UK people increase networth through multi generation accumulation. This is why they have class systems and even in Socialism you will have a class system of those who handed down property from one generation to the next, and those who can't save the money to catch up... More people in the US are becoming rich than people going into poverty... Per capita we are in the top rankings of new millionaires annually.. It takes the average millionaire 32 years to become a millionaire and the average age is 63 just think about that for a second. They are millionaires because they built it up through savings and investments over the course of their entire life. I don't want to be Rich when am 126 years old LOL!

If the population would save and invest whether in themselves or hard assets then we wouldn't have the problems we have. I feel as though people are upset because their parents didn't save or give them a house, and they don't have the discipline to save and invest even in themselves... Look at obesity rates, that alone tells you about a population that has no self control... Just look at people jacked up teeth overweight and driving a 80k Mercedes used that they got financed at 50-60k living in some crap apartment pay check to paycheck...
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The problem simply isn't raising taxes to cure issues... US Asian males are paid more than white males because they have a culture of pursuing higher education. Asian males also percentage are more educated than white males... Asians as a demographic in the United States also save more... This dynamic shows the proper path and it has nothing to do with government... The reality is we have 50 different states which are similar to separate countries comparable to the EU. Raising minimum wage really is a state issue not a federal issue, by raising minimum wage it would affect some states economies more so than others.

Bernie advocates gouging the top 20% those of us who make 40 to 180k we are going to get hit the hardest because some of us who save 50+% of our income are hit hard by tax increases because it reduces upward mobility or cash investment. For example if you are saving 70k a year every 2.57 years you could mortgage a 800k condo to rent out, and build up your net worth... In 5.14 years you would have a outlook of 1.6 million without taking into consideration housing increases or drops... That is only in 5~ years, However, if we increased taxes all across the board and you are only saving 35k now you are looking at 5.1 years which it will take you 10.2 years just to achieve what you could have done in half that time... It is a matter of time, because we only have so much of it on this planet, and the faster we place ourselves into a position the better we are financially. This is what makes America great upward mobility, and Bernie would close the door on a lot of us which is why I am frustrated, because going from 25k to 75k is easy, but from 100k to 350k is hard.

The American dream is to either be prosperous through active or passive income, and many like the passive income route... Just my 2 cents... I am in the top 5% however I don't see myself as rich because am not, however I see myself as having the ability to be rich as long as taxes are kept low...

In Scandinavian countries, and the UK people increase networth through multi generation accumulation. This is why they have class systems and even in Socialism you will have a class system of those who handed down property from one generation to the next, and those who can't save the money to catch up... More people in the US are becoming rich than people going into poverty... Per capita we are in the top rankings of new millionaires annually.. It takes the average millionaire 32 years to become a millionaire and the average age is 63 just think about that for a second. They are millionaires because they built it up through savings and investments over the course of their entire life. I don't want to be Rich when am 126 years old LOL!

If the population would save and invest whether in themselves or hard assets then we wouldn't have the problems we have. I feel as though people are upset because their parents didn't save or give them a house, and they don't have the discipline to save and invest even in themselves... Look at obesity rates alone that tells you a lot about a population that has no self control... Just look at people jacked up teeth overweight and driving a 80k Mercedes used that they got financed at 50-60k living in some crap apartment pay check to paycheck...
Complete ignorance, every single word of it

If you think those numbers are anywhere close to what he will need to provide universal healthcare and free advanced education you are dreaming... Hence why most other nations are at the 40% mark... He will need to double revenue for the federal government just to break even on Universal healthcare...

Bernie is a professional politician, and thinking he can provide you with healthcare, education etc for the same rate is simply naive... We have plenty of models to look at across Europe...
If you think those numbers are anywhere close to what he will need to provide universal healthcare and free advanced education you are dreaming... Hence why most other nations are at the 40% mark... He will need to double revenue for the federal government just to break even on Universal healthcare...

All he needs to do is cut out some tax breaks and those rates will work just fine. Clearly, you've no experience at all with large amounts of wealth- or perhaps even large numbers at all?
All he needs to do is cut out some tax breaks and those rates will work just fine. Clearly, you've no experience at all with large amounts of wealth- or perhaps even large numbers at all?

I have experience in large multi billion dollar corporations, and the numbers don't add up, sorry...
$250K and up = top 3% of the US population

+5% increase on income over $250K-$410K
+2% increase on income over $410K-$465K
-2.6% decrease on income over $465K-$500K
+3.4% increase on income over $500K-$2 mil
+8.4% increase on income over $2 - $10 mil
+12.4% increase on income over $10 mil

These are not radical numbers. Tax rates have been much higher in the past while the rate of economic growth was higher than it is now:


As you can see, GDP growth and tax rates do not share a direct correlation

If you think those numbers are anywhere close to what he will need to provide universal healthcare and free advanced education you are dreaming... Hence why most other nations are at the 40% mark... He will need to double revenue for the federal government just to break even on Universal healthcare...

Bernie is a professional politician, and thinking he can provide you with healthcare, education etc for the same rate is simply naive... We have plenty of models to look at across Europe...
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$250K and up = top 3% of the US population

+5% increase on income over $250K-$410K
+2% increase on income over $410K-$465K
-2.6% decrease on income over $465K-$500K
+3.4% increase on income over $500K-$2 mil
+8.4% increase on income over $2 - $10 mil
+12.4% increase on income over $10 mil


Well am going to bow out, because I have already been insulted twice on this page which I was just sharing my perspective... Since, you guys normally result to insults..

However I will leave with this...

Bernie Sanders

1960-1964: Joined Youth Wing of the Socialist Party USA which had Communists and Soviet Agents as members.

1960-1964: Worked for and helped organize the communist led / front United Packinghouse Workers Union. The UPWU was under investigation by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) while Bernie Sanders worked there.

1964: Attended a Kibbutz in Israel.

1971: Ran for Senate as Liberty Union Party on the platform of nationalizing all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and establishing a worker-controlled government.

1981-1987: Bernie Flew the Soviet Flag in the mayoral office in Burlington.

1985: Bernie attended an Anti American rally in Nicaragua and supported the Socialist regime of the Sandinista government and used tax payer money.

1988: Honeymoon in the USSR.

1988: Endorsement from the Communist Party of USA and Soviet Agent who was a part of the same Socialist Party Youth League as Bernie Sanders in 1960-1964.

1989: Attempted contact with Fidel Castro.

1989: Bernie was a Guest Speaker at a Communist Party USA front meeting.

2000-2015: Bernie funnels campaign contributions through wages to his own family.

Bernie continues affiliations with communist fronts, affiliates, foreign agents, and hostile nations. Worker-controlled government means the “dictatorship of the proletariat”, remember communism is the ideology that murdered 80,000,000~ people worldwide, and Soviet agents whom Bernie has befriended in his life were working against American interests and the American way of life. Bernie Sanders is a Shill, and has changed parties like they were going out of style. He has no chance without the democrats and his lies... Voting for Bernie puts America in the hands of foreign agents, and foreign ideals that seek to destroy the economics and military dominance of the United States of America.
Well am going to bow out, because I have already been insulted twice on this page which I was just sharing my perspective... Since, you guys normally result to insults..

However I will leave with this...

Bernie Sanders

1960-1964: Joined Youth Wing of the Socialist Party USA which had Communists and Soviet Agents as members.

1960-1964: Worked for and helped organize the communist led / front United Packinghouse Workers Union. The UPWU was under investigation by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) while Bernie Sanders worked there.

1964: Attended a Kibbutz in Israel.

1971: Ran for Senate as Liberty Union Party on the platform of nationalizing all U.S. banks, public ownership of all utilities, and establishing a worker-controlled government.

1981-1987: Bernie Flew the Soviet Flag in the mayoral office in Burlington.

1985: Bernie attended an Anti American rally in Nicaragua and supported the Socialist regime of the Sandinista government and used tax payer money.

1988: Honeymoon in the USSR.

1988: Endorsement from the Communist Party of USA and Soviet Agent who was a part of the same Socialist Party Youth League as Bernie Sanders in 1960-1964.

1989: Attempted contact with Fidel Castro.

1989: Bernie was a Guest Speaker at a Communist Party USA front meeting.

2000-2015: Bernie funnels campaign contributions through wages to his own family.

Bernie continues affiliations with communist fronts, affiliates, foreign agents, and hostile nations. Worker-controlled government means the “dictatorship of the proletariat”, remember communism is the ideology that murdered 80,000,000~ people worldwide, and Soviet agents whom Bernie has befriended in his life were working against American interests and the American way of life. Bernie Sanders is a Shill, and has changed parties like they were going out of style. He has no chance without the democrats and his lies... Voting for Bernie puts America in the hands of foreign agents, and foreign ideals that seek to destroy the economics and military dominance of the United States of America.

Drivel. It's too bad you're leaving so soon, your ideological leanings deserve far more insults than they've received here thus far.