Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

that's because you weren't there the day your teacher taught reading comprehension. i don't assume i speak for anyone.

i doubt you have 2 other people with you that you didn't burn up

got a light?
So, you deny you speak for intelligent people?
I've never burned anyone up. You clearly give credence to obvious liars when it is convenient to your narrative. So, we can be fairly assured that you support dishonesty when you might benefit.
dude.....seriously...........where did i tell you to leave?

i've heard the bundy crew has an opening.............

I would have ignored you anyway, since we both agreed neither of us have superior rights to the other...

...If that is true, to what do you assign the mass superstition that some people hold. which is that a group of individuals, all with no rights as individuals to intervene in your life can somehow intervene as a group and it is now okay?

Bundy's are hiring? I'm afraid I'm not seeking employment with them, but thanks for thinking of me. You government worshippers are always trying to help others whether those people ask for help or not.

I bet you don't answer my question in bold above.
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So, you deny you speak for intelligent people?
I've never burned anyone up. You clearly give credence to obvious liars when it is convenient to your narrative. So, we can be fairly assured that you support dishonesty when you might benefit.

well, you got one thing correct. i speak for myself. you keep trying to twist what i'm saying in an attempt to be right which is a sign of a desperate argument
so should farmers, grocers etc give back the money they got because of the welfare recipients? there's nothing wrong with my words unless you have a learning impairment
No, they provided fair exchange for the money they got because of the welfare recipients. Kind of a stupid question there. No, there's nothing wrong with the words, you just don't know how to use them.
I would have ignored you anyway, since we both agreed neither of us have superior rights to the other..,

...If that is true, to what do you assign the mass superstition that some people hold. which is that a group of individuals, all with no rights as individuals to intervene in your life can somehow intervene as a group and it is now okay?

Bundy's are hiring? I'm afraid I'm not seeking employment with them, but thanks for thinking of me. You government worshippers are always trying to help others whether those people ask for help or not.

I bet you don't answer my question in bold above.
Poor little Rob Roy.
He complains the government won't let him diddle kids
I would have ignored you anyway, since we both agreed neither of us have superior rights to the other..,

...If that is true, to what do you assign the mass superstition that some people hold. which is that a group of individuals, all with no rights as individuals to intervene in your life can somehow intervene as a group and it is now okay?

Bundy's are hiring? I'm afraid I'm not seeking employment with them, but thanks for thinking of me. You government worshippers are always trying to help others whether those people ask for help or not.

I bet you don't answer my question in bold above.

tacit agreement there are costs of living in a modern society that are mutually shared by members of said society.
He got a job at Wendy's cleaning the bathrooms. He'll be along after he rinses his mop out again, there is a particularly stubborn stain on the floor of stall #4.
Complete voluntary contract between Wendys the employer and mop Buck employee huh Rob?
tacit agreement there are costs of living in a modern society that are mutually shared by members of said society.

If my rights are equal to yours, and everyone else etc. wouldn't any agreements we are both party to have to be a mutual agreement of all the participants to be valid ?

If that isn't so, and you claim there is a "tacit agreement" can you tell me how you arrived at the ability to impose the agreement on people who simply said "no thank you" and agreed to leave you alone if you left them alone?

Where did that right come from if nobody had it in the first place?
Oh hello, Prohibitionist.

Are you taking a break from beating your wife to come and spout some reasons why people should be jailed for cannabis related activity ?
Yes adults having sex with kids should be prohibited. And it is. Why you crying about it?
Karma....my sentiments exactly when Bern becomes President and starts bringing down the robber barons....your buddies the Koch Brothers.
If my rights are equal to yours, and everyone else etc. wouldn't any agreements we are both party to have to be a mutual agreement of all the participants to be valid ?

If that isn't so, and you claim there is a "tacit agreement" can you tell me how you arrived at the ability to impose the agreement on people who simply said "no thank you" and agreed to leave you alone if you left them alone?

Where did that right come from if nobody had it in the first place?

do you build your own roads, schools, military?