Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Here's your average Sanders opponent;

Exact same criticisms (more incoherent nationalistic ramblings, but you get the idea..)

"They just want FREE stuff!!!!!!!!!"


No Alex, we want the money we provide in taxes to go towards programs that are proven to actually help the American people, like national health care, education, science and medicine, etc. Instead of no-bid contracts for defense contractors, corporate welfare and the prison industrial complex.

Holy shit, what a radical fucking proposal!
True that^^^ And the ultimate irony is corporate welfare sucks up 100 times more than tax funded programs that benefit the poor.
True that^^^ And the ultimate irony is corporate welfare sucks up 100 times more than tax funded programs that benefit the poor.
For some reason, you never hear conservatives talk about that when they say we need to cut spending.. We need to cut spending in food stamps or housing assistance and things that benefit the poor. Their 21st-century southern strategy is transparent as fuck. They've been waging class warfare since the civil rights movement, now when people say 'Fuck that', they become the victim and mean ol' Bernie Sanders just want's to take all their stuff!

Boo fucking hoo
In a way, you have endorsed a kind of slavery...or forced relationship.

By alluding to the idea that an employer cannot extricate himself from an employee, by ending the relationship, you have endorsed the idea that an employee has superior rights to the employer as far as deciding IF or when to end their relationship.

Do you also endorse the idea that an employee can never LEAVE or would the right to end a work relationship ONLY be honored if it is the employee?
Wow Roy.....you apply that twisted ideaological principal to everything dont you? Its not as simple as one plus one....except in your head. Your really stuck there arent you? I too was once just like that....a card holding Libertarian brainwashed fool.
For some reason, you never hear conservatives talk about that when they say we need to cut spending.. We need to cut spending in food stamps or housing assistance and things that benefit the poor. Their 21st-century southern strategy is transparent as fuck. They've been waging class warfare since the civil rights movement, now when people say 'Fuck that', they become the victim and mean ol' Bernie Sanders just want's to take all their stuff!

Boo fucking hoo

The wealthy aren't worried at all, they will maintain their lifestyle regardless of what you think you're going to do to them. Every penny of tax you level against them, will be paid by their employees and customers. That's the awesome reality of actually owning the business, you control everything. It's all a pipe dream anyways, but I will certainly enjoy the spectacle.

You will be whining about inequality of wealth through your children's tears, long after you've been planted in the ground.
This is red meat for the left wing, but it badly underestimates our enemy- who, just to be clear, is not the Republican party itself, nor the 'gubmint', nor even the Democratic party; the enemy is the cadre of wealthy in this country who feel as if they can buy anything, political control included.

They bought the Republican party AND the established Democratic party (Mrs Clinton's campaign contribution list provides plenty of names and numbers for the curious). Now both parties do what their owners tell them.

So the Right keeps jumping off the cliff and the paid for 'left' holds them back as the voice of reason, meanwhile the entire landscape continually shifts rightward.

Mr Sanders' campaign represents true centrism, it just looks socialist based on what's been offered as political ideology for the last 40 years. He isn't going to nationalize industry, there's no pogrom against materialism, he's just advocating for the rights of the employee and citizen as an essential, solid building block of a strong nation.

Cuz $7.75 isn't a paycheck, it's economic indentured servitude and that's not acceptable in a modern society that purports to care about human rights.

Damn, boss, lay it down!
Nicely said.
The wealthy aren't worried at all, they will maintain their lifestyle regardless of what you think you're going to do to them. Every penny of tax you level against them, will be paid by their employees and customers. That's the awesome reality of actually owning the business, you control everything. It's all a pipe dream anyways, but I will certainly enjoy the spectacle.

You will be whining about inequality of wealth through your children's tears, long after you've been planted in the ground.
That must be why they're so vehemently fighting against a Sanders' presidency, huh?
The wealthy aren't worried at all, they will maintain their lifestyle regardless of what you think you're going to do to them. Every penny of tax you level against them, will be paid by their employees and customers. That's the awesome reality of actually owning the business, you control everything. It's all a pipe dream anyways, but I will certainly enjoy the spectacle.

You will be whining about inequality of wealth through your children's tears, long after you've been planted in the ground.

Bernie Sanders is not just another candidate.

If you can't see that then you must be very young, very ignorant, or have some other problem there isn't a name for yet.
Bernie Sanders is not just another candidate.

If you can't see that then you must be very young, very ignorant, or have some other problem there isn't a name for yet.
Actually, he's an old retired used car salesman. But yeah, otherwise what you said.

The wealthy aren't worried at all, they will maintain their lifestyle regardless of what you think you're going to do to them. Every penny of tax you level against them, will be paid by their employees and customers. That's the awesome reality of actually owning the business, you control everything. It's all a pipe dream anyways, but I will certainly enjoy the spectacle.

You will be whining about inequality of wealth through your children's tears, long after you've been planted in the ground.
Of course the wealthy will do just fine under a Sanders presidency. That bit about passing tax-cost of doing business is partially true too. Except for the fact that whoever has the best overall base-cost will win and taxes are not the main driver of cost for most industries. In any case, tax revenue increases must come from upping the level of taxation on income of wealthy, not just on corporations. Higher income taxes will help reset the wealth distribution of this country back to levels more in line with the history of this country. Note, not to destroy incentives of wealth accumulation, just to reverse the trend in this country towards a healthier condition where there is a large middle class with enough income to maintain a standard of living in line with past generations.
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Wow Roy.....you apply that twisted ideaological principal to everything dont you? Its not as simple as one plus one....except in your head. Your really stuck there arent you? I too was once just like that....a card holding Libertarian brainwashed fool.
Ask him if it's ok for an adult to have sex with a child
The wealthy aren't worried at all, they will maintain their lifestyle regardless of what you think you're going to do to them. Every penny of tax you level against them, will be paid by their employees and customers. That's the awesome reality of actually owning the business, you control everything. It's all a pipe dream anyways, but I will certainly enjoy the spectacle.

You will be whining about inequality of wealth through your children's tears, long after you've been planted in the ground.

more bullshit. if they pass off their tax obligation onto customers and employees, then why the fuck are they lobbying so hard for tax relief and moving profits off shore to avoid the tax?

do you fucks ever think for yourselves?
Wow Roy.....you apply that twisted ideaological principal to everything dont you? Its not as simple as one plus one....except in your head. Your really stuck there arent you? I too was once just like that....a card holding Libertarian brainwashed fool.

What do you find twisted about a principle that advances the idea in a human relationship, either party has the
right to leave it ?

I would like to hear your response, so please enlighten me.
I think it should be illegal to have sex with kids. You don't.

You are trying very hard to have a conversation about sex with children aren't you?

I realize it's a fascinating subject for you, but I'm not really interested in it.

Have you thought up any other laws to put people in jail for cannabis related activity yet or has your mind been too occupied thinking about kids. Prohibitionist ?
Walmart at new employee orientations has been known to show how employees can sign up for brodge card food assistance. This is bullshit if you ask me. These mcjobs and this whole new "service" economy......this country is fukt. And dont give me that learn a skill go to school shit....people working these bullsbit wage non union sevice jobs have went to school. Alot of them anyways. Thats all thats out there. People.like the Koch Brothers want to see working poor die off. Believe that. Survival of the most savvy with numbers money and power. This is how it really is. In my world. Reality.
I refuse to believe that. Walmart does need to increase their pay, but most people working at Walmart have a high school diploma at best.
more bullshit. if they pass off their tax obligation onto customers and employees, then why the fuck are they lobbying so hard for tax relief and moving profits off shore to avoid the tax?

do you fucks ever think for yourselves?

Who can rightly obligate another human being to something using threats of force for disobedience to their edict ?

Can you do that? Can I ? Which human being has that right ?
I refuse to believe that. Walmart does need to increase their pay, but most people working at Walmart have a high school diploma at best.
I think the larger issue of the argument "just go to school and get an education if you want higher wages" to oppose raising the minimum wage remains valid because you will see the same people pushing that view standing in opposition to nationalized higher education. So in effect, "get an education" isn't a valid solution to the problem of stagnating wages for those that can't.