Elwood Diggler
Well-Known Member
I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself.
RONALD REAGAN, Mar. 24, 1984
RONALD REAGAN, Mar. 24, 1984
You conveniently forgot that Bushs' administration along with Greenspans' SEC decided to give banks the power of self regulation of credit default swaps and other dodgy instruments of economic destruction. Bad mortgage debt was needed to feed these instruments. Gullible home buyers and home owners bought in to the housing bubble. By the time the crisis was fully accounted for, the risk to this nation was in the hundreds of biillions of dollars. Those debts were completely under the radar until the crisis due to inept management.n the U.S. we cannot keep living like we have twice the income that we really have. Just trying to throw more money at the problem like our government has been doing will just make matters worse in the long run because this nation cannot afford to take on more debt. Passing the costs to some future generation is simply not possible. No future generation can possibly pay our huge rapidly increasing debt and soon nobody will be stupid enough to continue to finance our increasingly risky debt at the abnormally low interest rates that came about by illegal actions of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Bank created 4 trillions dollars to buy most of our new recent national debt and mortgage debt with money that they created and that nobody will buy in the future. It is a Ponzi scheme. Our national debt will double in just the time Obama was in office.
The more there is a risk of a default or of a currency devaluation Interest rates are going to rise. We may be able to pay $20 trillion dollars of debt at 3 percent interest with some pain but at 6 percent interest or above for any extended period of time it will cause total economic collapse.
There is no easy answer to the world debt problem because many people and nations have been living beyond their means for many decades. They have been amassing debt and entitlements that cannot be sustained and with their aging populations there is no next generation being rasied that will have the numbers or the ability to pay the bills. So now the chickens are coming home to roost. The credit line of many nations are maxed out and the young cannot support the entitlements that the old were promised.
If the spending beyond our means for decades has not been enough, many people in banks are still gambling with your investments. They take your money and use it as security to leverage investments worth thirty to a hundred times that amount. In 2008 some bubbles burst and many that were gambling lost. Some financial institutions got bailed but most did not learn their lesson. It is even worse today then it was in 2008. The world banksters are still gambling with savers money.
Some big corporations and financial institutions could not pay their debts because of the severe downturn in 2008. So they either went bankrupt or were declared too-big-to-fail by our government and the government bailed them out by American's taking on more future debt.
Things got so bad that since 2008 most banks will not lend anymore on commercial ventures, instead they are either still gambling on markets or they are sitting on their money. Nobody wants to lend for economic development because they are afraid that they will never get paid back. Many others businesses that could expand will not because they are afraid of higher costs in the future through government taxation and regulation. That is one reason people are dropping out of the workforce. There are less businesses in America in 2015 than there were before the 2008 crash.
Very convenient to just look at the result. So, tell me, what would the crisis have looked like if the government had not accrued that debt? Recall that revenues go down during a recession. Cutting spending in the teeth of that economic storm would have shocked this country into an even greater crisis. Its exactly what happened under the Hoover administration at the beginning of the Great Depression. So, no, there should be no regret over the increase in the deficit at this time. Debt was intelligently applied to this problem. Now that the crisis is over, the debt is going down and it's time to accelerate this trend by increasing tax revenue, mostly from the people that actually benefited from the banking crisis, the same that got us into this jam, the 1%. Sanders has this plan.what has the stimulus packages done Create more Jobs or put you more into debt
The national Debt is 18 trillion and climbing how much do you owe ???? did you know in 2004 you owed the government or every citizen in USA owes 72,000 Dollars as of today you and Every person in the united states ( Citizen ) owes 154,000 time to pay up peeps
Walmart at new employee orientations has been known to show how employees can sign up for brodge card food assistance. This is bullshit if you ask me. These mcjobs and this whole new "service" economy......this country is fukt. And dont give me that learn a skill go to school shit....people working these bullsbit wage non union sevice jobs have went to school. Alot of them anyways. Thats all thats out there. People.like the Koch Brothers want to see working poor die off. Believe that. Survival of the most savvy with numbers money and power. This is how it really is. In my world. Reality.so everyone who works at walmart should get welfare ?
Wing nuts...what has the stimulus packages done Create more Jobs or put you more into debt
The national Debt is 18 trillion and climbing how much do you owe ???? did you know in 2004 you owed the government or every citizen in USA owes 72,000 Dollars as of today you and Every person in the united states ( Citizen ) owes 154,000 time to pay up peeps
Republican propaganda, all of this is.Thats the thing not one from any of them has really adressed the issues there only going with whats the media is feeding the populous as in ilegals are to blame , health care and lieing about lowering taxes
Absolutely no one benefited other then the ones that stayed afloat or the ones the Gov deemed important
And truthfully speaking when that crash came USA would of been better off letting it ride meaning the average person had savings then and would of rode the bumpy wave struggling on the back end
Now its not if its when it comes the second wave and that is where people will drown everyone's fucked cause there savings are depleted but again this time its Global ..
Well if the Government took out money or borrowed from retirement fund only to stiff you ..
And with baby boomers coming into retirement who is going to pay them
Bernie, 2016 all you need to know.The United States is now by far the biggest debtor nation in the world. For many years we have been importing hundreds of billions more dollars in goods and services than we are exporting each year. In 2005 through 2008 the trade imbalance averaged well over 700 billion dollars per year! Trillions of US dollars are now in the hands of foreign investors who at any time could dump the dollar causing a devaluation of the currency.
During the presidency of Bill Clinton the US government was forecasting surpluses of trillions of dollars based on the stupid assumption that there would not be a downturn in the economy for decades. This foolish assumption was of course proven wrong and deficit spending in 2009 and 2010 will be at least two trillion dollars a year if everything is really counted. The only reason the United States is not yet feeling the pinch of spending beyond its means has been the record low interest rates. The low interest rates were brought about by Federal Reserve manipulation to stimulate the economy but interest rates eventually will have to rise. Soon all who need loans will be making higher payments and the US government will be paying much more to service the national debt.
Debt and unfunded liabilities promised through entitlement programs is now about 125 trillion dollars. This amount of money in non inflationary dollars is impossible to raise! Thus, the US is now technically bankrupt. In order to keep up the facade that the US is solvent for even another decade or two, one or more of the following must happen.
1. Taxes must be raised.
2. Government spending will have to be drastically cut.
3. Deficit spending will dramatically increase.
If taxes are raised, it will kill the economy and the debt load will get worse and not better. Spending will not be drastically cut because these types of cuts would never get through the political system. Therefore, massive deficit spending will take place. The monetary system will be inflated so that this debt can be paid by using a dollar worth only a fraction of what it is today. This means a much weaker dollar in the future and much higher prices for all goods and services imported to the United States (in short it means we should expect high inflation or hyper-Inflation).
The best long term scenario is that the economy will expand for decades and we will partly grow our way out of this debt crunch (like we temporarily did under Ronald Reagan). But, I do not see stability for that length of time as even a remote possibility in this world full of crises. I think it is only a matter of time before another downturn in the economy or an unforeseen world event brings about the collapse of this house of cards.
The catalyst for a crash can come in any number of ways. One likely scenario is that confidence in the US dollar will falter.When this happens interest rates will have to rise dramatically to try to lure foreign investors to re-service our debt. Higher interest rates will then shut down our economy and less tax money will be raised. The debt will still have to be paid at the higher interest rate so the government will print even more money and deficit spending will increase. The dollar will fall in value against other currencies bringing about an inflation spiral in the United States and even more dumping of US dollars for more stable currencies.
You are so misinformed, I worry about the pools you clean.
Reagan didn't cut taxes, he "reformed" the tax code. Economists argue about the benefits of this too.
And he increased spending. Most of which went to GOP hogs at the trough. It was the beginning of the largest deficit created during good economic conditions. Before Reagan, the national debt was mostly run up by Vietnam war. After Reagan, it was run up by feeding GOP hogs like defense companies, oil companies and corrupt bankers.
Obama adroitly managed the recession. He handled it without cutting spending and by keeping interest rates low. Now that the crisis is over, the deficit is shrinking along with the very necessary debt accrued by the intelligent use of debt through the crisis. The proof is in those graphs that @Flaming Pie posted. No Republican would have managed the crisis this well.
trust me FG there not going to be no Bernie NEVER he has been a joke as Senator and never get a chance Romney should of been in Paul guy should of been in would of had better chance then BernieBernie, 2016 all you need to know.
So, I admit that Bernie may not win. I think he will but Hillary will be an OK president. What in hell do the GOP candidates do to address the dissonance of their message? Cut taxes, re-invade Iraq AND balance the budget? Won't happen and the electorate are too smart to buy it.trust me FG there not going to be no Bernie NEVER he has been a joke as Senator and never get a chance Romney should of been in Paul guy should of been in would of had better chance then Bernie
I would not doubt The new president is already picked this is all just a fucking show like a lottery that someone wins yet we never see the numbers falling from a machine like the old Days its all Fixed like the super bowl was its money money money oh i forgot that trumps tune lol
idiot, you don't even remember that post. you said a lot more than "us do great!" I responded to everything you said. Yet you just remember one word. Dunce.I said the economy took off like a rocket... Which part of that did you not understand??
I don't think he's going to lose. If he does, ask this again.If Bernie wins, we support his initiatives. What if he loses?
I said the economy took off like a rocket... Which part of that did you not understand??
You are on ignore diggy... No worries about having to argue about my opinion anymore.