I think bill stumping for Hillary is going to backfire, I expect backlash from his criticism of Bernie.. He would have helped his wife out by distancing himself from this campaign..it didn't work in 08 and it comes off worse in 16'.
that's correct because there have been two generations of high school college grads since..peer to peer is huge it turned my daughter from Romney on her fathers insistence to Obama which she refused to even have a conversation with me about.
that's 8 years of seniors which have died out typical GOPers being replaced by progressives.
and don't forget:
progressive means progress.
-Hillary Clinton
our kids know what lobby and special interest equal..Clinton is a fool to underestimate them as much as she thinks women would vote for her because of gender.
you have all the old hags coming out for Clinton..Albright, Steinem..kids are skeezed out over them..especially playboy bunny Steinem.
addionally, Chelsea Clintons stumping/role model is out of touch for the average college graduate who are getting hired at a rate of 3%..why? she's earning $600k per year right out of school..total slap in the face to our kids and they know this.
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