Put up a trail cam keep it away from the plants that way they don't spot it while they are in there if anyone even finds them and don't take the same path to them every time as you beat a trail down and might as well hang a neon flashing sign up to where they areI'm just using triple mix and the fertilizer I'm not sure of the name my friend that I got the clones from hooked it up when my leaves started to yellow they have all been out side for about a month and a half but only in the ground for 2 weeks. Also any help on hiding tracks and things to tell if people have been near you plants
Woah'. Can you show how to rig up that cell phone,,, its better than a trail cam if you live close enoughYou can rig up fishing line to a prepaid cell phone (some soldering) to have it call you whenever the line is tripped, I hate rippers, they took my garden when I was at chemotherapy one year, they hit the fishing line and phone contact is broken auto dialing your number so you know exactly when and can hear what's going on , there's no such thing as too careful
There's youtube videos about it and tutorials on a step by step if you google it, let me know if you can't find it, I rigged up batteries with fishing line/close pins, and horns if they were tripped, lol hoonnnnnnkkkkkkkkWoah'. Can you show how to rig up that cell phone,,, its better than a trail cam if you live close enough