Colorado gone too far


Well-Known Member
I recently went to Colorado to experience the legal cannabis scene. Man they have gone way to far. They're turning it into alcohol OK no where near as bad but still do they really need pot shops 8 of them in a town of 3000 people everywhere I looked it was weed this and weed that

I always wanted it to be legal but what these tycoons are doing is just crazy all the children being hospitalized for eating their parents edibles every kid had wax pens. It's out of control and I only see one thing happening from this experiment and that is it becoming illegal again. Hate to say it but it will be again

Hopefully a state legalizes and doesn't let it be sold in stores.

Really is just sad what they're doing with this wonderful plant
is just crazy all the children being hospitalized for eating their parents edibles

That's not happening.

every kid had wax pens

That's not happening. If it did, why didn't you stop it? Underage drinking/cannabis is illegal.

It's out of control

It's very controlled. It's very safe here. The roads are safe. The parks are safe. The sky isn't falling. Colorado does a good job of self-regulating itself, one of the reasons it has the laws it has. You couldn't duplicate Colorado's culture on the East Coast. It's the people as well as the laws. It's out of control, but you survived your visit. Congrats. Thanks for visiting.
@shake &bake

I think it's a bit like motorcycle helmet laws - after a 'honeymoon', it'll settle down and become as commonplace as everything else. Our best approach is to not make a big deal of it.

I'm in Canada where we already have a distribution in place through provincial (think: state) liquor control boards that will vet (ID) buyers and remit taxes. Just between you and me ('cause this interweb thingy will never catch on :) we're at a golden point where, if legalization in the US goes sideways, we can still react quickly enough to use it as a policy motivator to find the right path. Then you guys can adopt that as the route forward. Either way, that box has been opened wide enough that it can't be closed again.
It still blows me away that you guys made it legal (state) before we did...even though our legalization will be federal.

Of course, if you guys actually elect a Trump we're all fucked. In that case, I'll be supporting Carson's proposal for a northern border wall...PLEASE !!!!!
Lol, as a Colorado school district employee, I'm a little disappointed with how many kids get caught with pens. Like really? How dumb do you have to be to get caught with those.
I recently went to Colorado to experience the legal cannabis scene. Man they have gone way to far. They're turning it into alcohol OK no where near as bad but still do they really need pot shops 8 of them in a town of 3000 people everywhere I looked it was weed this and weed that

I always wanted it to be legal but what these tycoons are doing is just crazy all the children being hospitalized for eating their parents edibles every kid had wax pens. It's out of control and I only see one thing happening from this experiment and that is it becoming illegal again. Hate to say it but it will be again

Hopefully a state legalizes and doesn't let it be sold in stores.

Really is just sad what they're doing with this wonderful plant

My only fear of legalization is corporations like Marlboro owning the rights to grow and turning cannabis into something as dangerous as cigarettes after they cover it in pesticide.

The little guy will still have the better product and still have to operate illegally.

We need to keep it mom and pop shops and hood growers to keep the quality up and the power with the people.

People that need cannabis to survive will always grow a better product in my opinion. They pay attention to every detail because they have the hunger inside them.

Not to mention Marlboro would probably grind sticks and all into the cigarettes to save money and production time...
I recently went to Colorado to experience the legal cannabis scene. Man they have gone way to far. They're turning it into alcohol OK no where near as bad but still do they really need pot shops 8 of them in a town of 3000 people everywhere I looked it was weed this and weed that

I always wanted it to be legal but what these tycoons are doing is just crazy all the children being hospitalized for eating their parents edibles every kid had wax pens. It's out of control and I only see one thing happening from this experiment and that is it becoming illegal again. Hate to say it but it will be again

Hopefully a state legalizes and doesn't let it be sold in stores.

Really is just sad what they're doing with this wonderful plant
Once you add crass American commercialism to anything it gets ugly and perverted. The Cannabis scene everywhere is being converted from a grassroots organization to an American industry with all of the greed and selfishness you see in every other industry
I recently went to Colorado to experience the legal cannabis scene. Man they have gone way to far. They're turning it into alcohol OK no where near as bad but still do they really need pot shops 8 of them in a town of 3000 people everywhere I looked it was weed this and weed that

I always wanted it to be legal but what these tycoons are doing is just crazy all the children being hospitalized for eating their parents edibles every kid had wax pens. It's out of control and I only see one thing happening from this experiment and that is it becoming illegal again. Hate to say it but it will be again

Hopefully a state legalizes and doesn't let it be sold in stores.

Really is just sad what they're doing with this wonderful plant

it really is just waiting for it to be all over with ..its quite pathetic

and the immigrants form other states like Tex ASS need to go back to where they came from ...because all Texans I have encountered are arrogant assholes and think their shit dont stink

plus Texas as state sux.. been there and never will go back

and trust me im in Colorado Ive seen school age kids with pens..anybody can get marijuana here ..its quite sad
it really is just waiting for it to be all over with ..its quite pathetic

and the immigrants form other states like Tex ASS need to go back to where they came from ...because all Texans I have encountered are arrogant assholes and think their shit dont stink

plus Texas as state sux.. been there and never will go back

and trust me im in Colorado Ive seen school age kids with pens..anybody can get marijuana here ..its quite sad
sigh ... so i should have to deal with something like schizophrenia with man made pills that have terrible side effects, just because i live in texas? are you saying that i shouldnt be able to have something natural and far more effective for my disability? Cuz, if that's what you think, you probably deserve to see me be an arrogant texas asshole.
I think it's just the initial hype...once other states legalize, co won't be so special anymore and the whole craze will diminish over time . It is painful to see things become so commercial tho and monopolized by states.
sigh ... so i should have to deal with something like schizophrenia with man made pills that have terrible side effects, just because i live in texas? are you saying that i shouldnt be able to have something natural and far more effective for my disability? Cuz, if that's what you think, you probably deserve to see me be an arrogant texas asshole.

Weed really has questionable use in patients with schizophrenia

But welcome fellow texan
Ok austin san Antonio and dallas are awesome
Nobody can disagree with that. If you do, well i believe statistics more