EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

what is funny is they say his networth is 300,000 lol what a Bum i mean my net worth is 10 times that maybe i should see if i can run for president if there going to let this bum in surely anyone will do better honestly
No wonder he has a vendetta on taxing the Rich or should i say ask the Rich to pay there fair share
I'm planning to be a millionaire someday. I don't see the Republican party as any kind of an ally in my quest. In fact, they make it harder for small business to succeed.
and if that dream does become a reality, you would pay at least 45% in taxes under Bernies plan. Feel free to Google
and if that dream does become a reality, you would pay at least 45% in taxes under Bernies plan. Feel free to Google

Seems a fair deal, considering the country handles minor details like infrastructure, security, education, a business friendly environment, etc, etc, etc.

At the moment, the vast majority of my tax dollars go to corporate subsidies, which doesn't help me at all.
Seems a fair deal, considering the country handles minor details like infrastructure, security, education, a business friendly environment, etc, etc, etc.
on that I'm done. Enjoy voting for your taxes to be raised. I need to go and pick up some shit for the game tonight.
on that I'm done. Enjoy voting for your taxes to be raised. I need to go and pick up some shit for the game tonight.

You think they aren't worth supporting?

I'm a Colorado resident and I don't support the Denver Donkeys. What have they ever done for me- except ask for my tax dollars to pay for their stadium?
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what is funny is they say his networth is 300,000 lol what a Bum i mean my net worth is 10 times that maybe i should see if i can run for president if there going to let this bum in surely anyone will do better honestly
No wonder he has a vendetta on taxing the Rich or should i say ask the Rich to pay there fair share

^^^ real dumb... I'd be EXTREMELY concerned with politicians who made a fortune in office..that screams dirty scumbag is corrupt in huge letters.. That just reenforce my belief in Bernie's honesty n integrity.. You don't think he could have cleaned up and have a net worth 20 times what it is?
Oh his honesty as in what??? to take more taxes from the rich do you not think the rich pay there fair share ???
Next question do you think it will do the system better by taxing the rich even more or forcing them to say See yea USA i am moving my company and my self to another Country and you can go to hell ????

Seriously money is leaving USA faster then its coming back anytime soon ,, you want to make USA happen you need to lower taxes lure these companies that once called USA home back to USA from Mexico, Japan, and China ,, that alone will also bring back Jobs its a win win

But Bernies thought is rape the rich and give to the poor NEVER going to happen NEVER much easier for a company to close its doors and move to another country and i tell you like most that did move have never looked back at USA
^^^ real dumb... I'd be EXTREMELY concerned with politicians who made a fortune in office..that screams dirty scumbag is corrupt in huge letters.. That just reenforce my belief in Bernie's honesty n integrity.. You don't think he could have cleaned up and have a net worth 20 times what it is?

I am not sure if he was smart enough to do it although with all the influence it is not hard to do.

He paid his own wife to campaign for him. That is dirty right there....
Your talking having money ok first of if you had a mentor who is IN business would you listen to someone that has nothing or someone that is successful ...???? AND IS CREDITABLE
with that said not talking about in this case Bernie who has absolutely nothing to offer since 1976 he has been a failure is that someone you want as president or is your thought Cause he has been on welfare he is more like the peoples ??? either way you look at it
We are all brought up to look up to people that are successful, for instance trump who has billions not from political gains but from putting people into positions to make him rich a business plan .
Curious what plans does Bernie have other then ask the rich to pay there fair share lol i like how he says ask lol
Seriously what plan does Bernie have he has no business back ground, he never sat at a dinner table with the rich n famous or even have same thoughts or know what they think .
If you come to think about it Bernie and Obama are the same no bodies that came into the picture and have done absolutely nothing to better the cause or i am sure If bernie was president he throw you another 20 years behind times lets get another stimulus package going lets say 200 trillion this time , an the rich will pay for it hahaaha WOW
what is funny is they say his networth is 300,000 lol what a Bum i mean my net worth is 10 times that maybe i should see if i can run for president if there going to let this bum in surely anyone will do better honestly
No wonder he has a vendetta on taxing the Rich or should i say ask the Rich to pay there fair share

now you understand why your an asshole..his net worth is commensurate to how much payola he receives:wall:

your thought process is 1st tier only. no critical thinking involved.
I am not sure if he was smart enough to do it although with all the influence it is not hard to do.

He paid his own wife to campaign for him. That is dirty right there....

its LEGAL.

are you familiar with the term 'family business'? hes allowed to hire who he wishes.

do you ever wonder why the hopeless GOPers with 2% of the voters stay in?

because they get to keep campaign funds after a certain period of time.
now you understand why your an asshole..his net worth is commensurate to how much payola he receives:wall:

your thought process is 1st tier only. no critical thinking involved.
lol What Ever tell me something sell me on sanders ??? what makes him above the rest waiting on your reply