12x3590-DIY Cree COB Build

I just did the same way , mine was a old power surge oulet box one of those PC style had a switch hrad wired to the power cord ; black long thick cord as well
wago'd up to the driver as well
tested my fan setup too 100% on each
I'm gonna do a pot & switch on my dimmer leads that way I get that direct boost @ a flip of a switch or dimming with the circuit closed , take a break & go back & mount some cob's on the coolers
If I had 2 drivers I think I`d just go with 2 big cob chips

but I`m lazy, looking like a good build nice and neat like the holders that mean no soldering makes changing the chips really fast I guess ?
no soldering makes changing the chips really fast I guess ?
Yes , in my book A+1
I like to re-visit shit i build , that's what will happen with my bars as I progress they will get better
& by the 8th I'll start re-visting the 1st ones to revamp to the finished look ( i want simple/clean )
ah see I just make and use and then build my next light

saying that the 1st 100w cob I built is still working had to change the driver as I made it with an old driver I had from another light I had to repair saying that it ran for 6 months or longer with no issues then fired right up again when I changed the driver

Thermal grease, an old cpu heat skin and fan.. oh and a plastic tub the delivered my take away food in with some cable ties

I`d ordered thermal grease instead of thermal cement, actually the grease alone is sticky enough to keep the 100w chip attached to the heatsink and taking it off is really easy but I like thermal cement better as I do worry about the chips falling off if you just thermal grease and nothing else to hold them in place

Yeah makes a really nice light in my workshop, think it`s days of vegging 1m plants are over but not like making a new one is hard

still nice to see something you made ages ago still works and puts out good light always encourages you to make your own again next time
Ive been busy with life, finally had some free time to catch up on threads and BAM! Just look where you are! And of course I show up right before the thrilling finale.

Everything is looking aces. When you're done, I would love a quick breakdown of what you would have done differently (self tapping screws? :mrgreen:), and maybe a few other insights you may have gained.
ok so i think i finally saw my issue, this is kinda obvious... thanks SupraSPL.
here's a pic of the very first cob in the line...:oops:
who can see the problem? First person gets extra credit! lol