I'm voting for McCain....


Well-Known Member
Clearly, your back is stronger than mine. Since the majority of what happens with my garden is up to me, I have to let my back dictate just how many (and how big) I get to have. So, if it's activity and work you're looking for, send me a message, we have work. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Why do physical work when we have a million illegal day laborers (wetbacks) in the united states that's our great presidents and polititions at work


New Member
So, reason number one is that he's not John McCain. What are the other reasons?

Come on, surely one of you so called "progressives" can list at least five reasons you are voting for B. Hussien O'Bama. How about listing the magnificent "changes" he's going to bring about? Or, be very specific about the "New Direction" he's going to be leading America into. Come on ... I know you can do it. :roll:




New Member
So, reason number one is that he's not John McCain. What are the other reasons?

Come on, surely one of you so called "progressives" can list at least five reasons you are voting for B. Hussien O'Bama. How about listing the magnificent "changes" he's going to bring about? Or, be very specific about the "New Direction" he's going to be leading America into. Come on ... I know you can do it. :roll:

1.Stop the war
2.Stop the war.
3.Stop the war
4.Stop the war
5.Stop the war
And oh yeah, he isn't John McSame., and he'll bring the troops home and make sure they get the treatment they require, in fact he'll make sure all vets get decent treatment from the VA, work for unionization, work on unifying America and bring back dignity and inclusion in world affairs, stop the bullying and change our foriegn policies, repeal the Bush tax cuts and give out tax credits for parents of college age students. give middle income, below 200,000 a tax break, Try and loosen the hold on congress by the lobbyists, set tarriffs on cheap foriegn goods, repeal the tax cuts for corporations that ship jobs overseas and impose an excessive profits tax on greedy corporations like Exxon. The list is so long, the improvements needed in this country are so numerous that he'll need 2 terms to even put a dent in them, But I'm sure he'll be better than McSame, no matter what.


New Member
I think it bugs the hell out of Vi thinking about those colored people running around in the whitehouse...
Ha ha ha~LOL~, little does he know that even John Adams had "colored" people running around in the first white house, only then they were called slaves. Come to think of it, not much has changed, but Obama will be good for the country, I can feel it in my bones.


Well-Known Member
For Christ's sakes, anyone who still grasps at the straw of Obama stopping the war is truly delusional. He will not stop the war, at best he will shift it. Don't you people fucking READ?


New Member
Does anyone actually think any president can stop the US war machine. The best we can hope for is that he shifts it to afghanistan then tails it off under public scrutiny. I'm not delusional, but I believe he will have a better chance at stopping Iraq thern McSame. McSame wants to go after Iran, Russia, and anyone that stands up to the war machine, McCain=war, period. He would start WWIII without blinking an eye. He is an egoist supreme, oh and an asshole. Just ask people that have worked for him for the past 20+ years


New Member
1.Stop the war
2.Stop the war.

3.Stop the war
4.Stop the war
5.Stop the war

There is NO war. The Iraq war ended with the toppling of Saddam and the installation of a democratically elected government in Iraq. Or ... have you forgotten the purple thumbs? In other words, Med ... "Mission Accomplished!"



Well-Known Member
Obama keeps talking about an "Iran solution". What the fuck do you think that shit means, med? What do you think he plans on doing with all those troops he's gonna move from Iraq to Afghanistant, teach 'em knitting?

The ONLY difference between Obama and McCain on this shit is that Obama uses sleight of hand, whereas McCain is totally OUT THERE with it.