BJJ to get clean

For all my fellow Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fanatics, how has rolling affected getting metabolites out of your system? I stopped smoking about three weeks ago and I've been rolling three times a week pretty consistently.

I've been scrolling through some older posts where people were taking home urinalysis tests and testing positive after losing a few pounds. So far since I've started taking BJJ seriously I've lost about 20 pounds and I'm slightly over 190 right now. I am planning on competing in an IBJJF sanctioned tournament fairly soon and I'm not worried about that. But I am trying to get a job, and this area is a very conservative area (Northern WI) so I'm expecting a drug test just about anywhere I go.

Have any of you BJJ guys out there taken a lab urinalysis after a hiatus from herb? Thanks to all who take the time to read and respond with serious and useful info!
I can't really help with your drug test.

But Thats awesome about dropping 20, and the big tournament coming up. What is your training like up there? Do you bjj dudes do any calisthenics or drills that regular gym goers might use? Some cool ab or hip strength/ mobility exercises? Tough forms of pushups or anything like that?
Three weeks is a while I would think that after a week it would be out of your system. I think sauna will help too..
I can't really help with your drug test.

But Thats awesome about dropping 20, and the big tournament coming up. What is your training like up there? Do you bjj dudes do any calisthenics or drills that regular gym goers might use? Some cool ab or hip strength/ mobility exercises? Tough forms of pushups or anything like that?

Our school is mainly focused on technique, so most of our calisthenic type movements are geared towards certain techniques (passing guard etc.) Personally I've been using Jim Wendler's "5/3/1" powerlifting program. I mainly just do it for muscle maintenance and strength since I don't want to be gaining lots of mass immediately before a competition.

I know Jim Wendler had a calisthenic program as well. Personally I haven't tried it, but I bet it's floating around on the internet somewhere.

As for getting thc metabolites out of my system, I was a 3-4 time a week smoker for about a year and then I started smoking 2-3 times every day after I moved into a new place. I figured that I'd smoke everything I had so I wouldn't have the temptation to smoke and then have to wait another month to get everything out. I know heavier users have said that the more frequent their usage the longer it would take to get out. Too bad there aren't any BJJ guys who are skimming through the pages.
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I would have to certainly think that BJJ would clean you up a bit quicker. If you are training hard your expending a pretty large amount of energy every time you roll (as im sure your already well aware of). If i'm not mistaken most people burn through there glucose reserves and start using fat metabolites after 20-30 mins of light cardiovascular activity. If your academy is anything like mine you probably do about 15-20 mins of warm up, sport specific drills ect, 30 mins of technique, and a additional 30 mins of sparing per session. Thats close to an hour of burning off fat metabolites every session. Only real way to find out is to buy a drug test kid and experiment tho. Stick with BJJ. It's does great things for your health, happiness, quality of life, social life, and self confidence knowing you can defend yourself. It's hard to think of many hobbies as rewarding. Been training since 2009.
I would have to certainly think that BJJ would clean you up a bit quicker. If you are training hard your expending a pretty large amount of energy every time you roll (as im sure your already well aware of). If i'm not mistaken most people burn through there glucose reserves and start using fat metabolites after 20-30 mins of light cardiovascular activity. If your academy is anything like mine you probably do about 15-20 mins of warm up, sport specific drills ect, 30 mins of technique, and a additional 30 mins of sparing per session. Thats close to an hour of burning off fat metabolites every session. Only real way to find out is to buy a drug test kid and experiment tho. Stick with BJJ. It's does great things for your health, happiness, quality of life, social life, and self confidence knowing you can defend yourself. It's hard to think of many hobbies as rewarding. Been training since 2009.

Yeah, pretty much in the same boat.... again.

Last test to get a retail job was a success after not smoking for around 30 days. This time I'm going back into a government position (I'll leave it at that), so I've allowed for 35 days with the same regimen. The only difference this time is that now I work at a job where I'm constantly walking. Low threshold cardio workout for 24 hours a week lol. I'm not that concerned, but then again there is always the paranoid part of me that tells me to stay away from anything. I really wanted to smoke so I flushed what little I had left of my stash, probably around 0.5 grams. Eddie Bravo would not approve.
If you are going to be tested for a government job, the test will look for smaller levels of thc in your system than a non-government job test would. So 35 days might be enough for a regular pre employment test, but not for a government job.

Smoking 3-4 times a week for year and then daily.. this. I say 35 days might not be enough because of the frequency of your smoking. I couldnt understand if you lost 20 pounds since you stopped smoking? You said you lost 20 pounds since you started BJJ.. when was that? and were you smoking while losing weight?

If you were smoking while losing weight, the weight loss does not have any affect on thc metabolites. They will still be exponentially stored in your system.
If you are going to be tested for a government job, the test will look for smaller levels of thc in your system than a non-government job test would. So 35 days might be enough for a regular pre employment test, but not for a government job.

Smoking 3-4 times a week for year and then daily.. this. I say 35 days might not be enough because of the frequency of your smoking. I couldnt understand if you lost 20 pounds since you stopped smoking? You said you lost 20 pounds since you started BJJ.. when was that? and were you smoking while losing weight?

If you were smoking while losing weight, the weight loss does not have any affect on thc metabolites. They will still be exponentially stored in your system.

I was doing BJJ while I was smoking, however I wasn't losing as much weight due to constant eating. I was around 210 now I'm about 185. I'm deciding whether or not to go ahead, the urinalyses would be this weekend, however I could postpone it for obvious reasons.
depends on how much you smoke to be honest ..even after losing that much weight ..if you are a heavy cheifer then probably still in system ..would take a take hime test to see where you stand before going to the lab for a job hate not to get a job for failed urine
depends on how much you smoke to be honest ..even after losing that much weight ..if you are a heavy cheifer then probably still in system ..would take a take hime test to see where you stand before going to the lab for a job hate not to get a job for failed urine

I would generally smoke a bowl or two a day on average. Not any high grade stuff, pretty much just schwag.

I've been reading some literature on NORML that was discussing the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (what is commonly used) is generally unable to detect below 15 nanograms per milliliter within a few days. That gives me a bit of hope, however later in the study it states that six candidates after a 28 day period still had detectable levels of thc metabolites.

I think my metabolism is much faster than most considering I'm a young guy who lifts weights, does BJJ and works at a job that requires constant walking. I'm debating walking into a lab, getting a test done and seeing what the results are.
I always wish these posters would report back with a pass or fail.
I just feel empty n used

I did post back lol, I passed my urinalysis that I took for (non-government) pre-employment. I'm now going to have to take a urinalysis for government employment completely separately. That is why I revived the thread.

I'm going to be heading to a lab tomorrow and paying for a test that will be accurate to within 20 ng/ml. I could buy a kit, but kits only test to around 50 ng/ml, and they can be easily misread. I would rather shell out $30 bucks or whatever it is and have someone tell me "you tested above 50 or 20 ng/ml." Then I can save myself by postponing the urinalysis.
Cool man. Good to know.

Wasn't able to get my urinalysis done today, but here's what's up.

If you have questions about a urinalysis or how they work, you should probably go to your nearest drug testing facility and ask the staff there. I showed up on a walk-in basis and I was able to find out 1) For a higher price ($59 in my case) you can get a five panel urinalysis that they can detect thc metabolites to within 1 ng/ml. 2) Most drug testing facilities are intimately familiar with federal drug testing standards and practices.

Testing facilities are completely confidential, just tell them you want a test for personal use. If you test positive they by law cannot notify your employer or law enforcement. The facility I went to didn't even ask for my last name.

Anywho, the test I'm getting done will be a five panel that will also involve gas spectrometry for thc metabolites. Expect to hear back from me in about a week with the results.
Cool man. Good to know.

Alright, so lab results came back. Down to 15 ng/ml I was negative for any thc metabolites. Keep in mind, if you're comparing my results to what results that you may get on a urinalysis, mine may vary from yours. I'm around 185, I'm constantly walking at my job, hit BJJ class at least three times a week, lift weights, and I have a pretty lean body mass.

For me, I think it's safe to say that a ~30 day hiatus from ganja would be enough to be safe. A few things you're going to want to take into account 1) Your body mass index (BMI) 2) Your rates of physical activity 3) Your diet and how much water you take in.

There's a bunch of people out there on forums that will give you shitty advice and/or convince you that flushing your system will work. Flushing your system with "detox" crap will be a waste of your money. So here's my advice. Start exercising, and go in for a urinalysis on your own dime to see where you're at. You may be out of $50, but its better than not getting a job or getting fired from your current job.
Niacin works for a U. A. test. Get the non time released niacin. When you get the skin flushing you know its breaking down fat. I know first hand it works because I was on three years probation and smoked all month.
For all my fellow Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fanatics, how has rolling affected getting metabolites out of your system? I stopped smoking about three weeks ago and I've been rolling three times a week pretty consistently.

I've been scrolling through some older posts where people were taking home urinalysis tests and testing positive after losing a few pounds. So far since I've started taking BJJ seriously I've lost about 20 pounds and I'm slightly over 190 right now. I am planning on competing in an IBJJF sanctioned tournament fairly soon and I'm not worried about that. But I am trying to get a job, and this area is a very conservative area (Northern WI) so I'm expecting a drug test just about anywhere I go.

Have any of you BJJ guys out there taken a lab urinalysis after a hiatus from herb? Thanks to all who take the time to read and respond with serious and useful info!
Oooooooooh BRazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Totally not what I thought this thread was about

(Embarrassed for thinking this was about Super blow Js)