Donald Trump

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I definitely do not need validation from the libtards on here, but when one of you says something stupid like " you are ignorant, uneducated, and poor just like the other Trump supporters" I am definitely going to offer to prove you wrong, and it's sad that none of you had the guts to take me up on it....
If uncle Buck wasn't such a sad, pathetic, lil bitch he would stand up for himself as well....
But pussies do what pussies do!

nice ellipses.
Tough night. Team Cruz from Canada has a slight edge over Trump coming out of Iowa.
It looks like the Republican primary will be a battle. Canada vs. USA
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he lost. he's a loser. america never wins anymore, says trump. we need to start winning again. why would we put a loser in charge of winning?

What did he lose ? a test run in Iowa,... Hillary lost the same test in 08, and just this Summer you painted her as the savior, she tied Sanders this week in the same test within the margin and claims victory,...Today she herself claimed landslide in NH,....

See why it`s useless to listen to you, Trump is a loser from Iowa, and Hillary just didn`t pass,...Right ?

This is why rollie has my account hostage,...I fix shit you say and he don`t like it.
What did he lose ? a test run in Iowa,... Hillary lost the same test in 08, and just this Summer you painted her as the savior, she tied Sanders this week in the same test within the margin and claims victory,...Today she herself claimed landslide in NH,....

See why it`s useless to listen to you, Trump is a loser from Iowa, and Hillary just didn`t pass,...Right ?

This is why rollie has my account hostage,...I fix shit you say and he don`t like it.
-----------------------------------------------------Donald-Trump-Totally-Looks-Like-This-Cavy.jpeg--------------that is all..........
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