Because everything advanced nutrients says is true right?
"We use fulvic acid,so you dont have to worry about PH"...
Lol, "grandmaster" kit...what a crock of shit,lol.
Have you even used them.... If i drop plants pH to 5 or leave it at 7.3 in coco I'd see problems FAST fact
I have used advanced for 2 years now running big plants 3-600w pulling 76oz off 8 in 2.4 .....never done ph and its been up and down fact
Have I had any problems ....NO. .......... FACT
So yes I believe what they say.....its working like they say so why wudnt
Want a study that tells u why its true???? ugoogle it its alllll over studies on humid n fulvic. Uni research it everyone' does. Here another product telling a lot benefits from there humicz
ic acid - Fulvic acid organic plant food and root growth promoters
Plant bio-stimulants are materials that promote plant growth. The importance of bio-stimulants lies in their ability to promote hormonal actvity in plants. Plant hormones are chemical communicators, or agents, which help regulate a plant’s development and its response to its surrounding environment. Bio-stimulants also promote antioxidant production in plants which, in turn, reduces “free radicals”. Free radical molecules result from stress such as drought, heat, ultraviolet light and herbicide use. Free radicals are damaging because they are strong oxidizing agents which damage lipids, proteins and DNA within plant cells. Antioxidants are metabolites and enzymes which seek out free radical molecules and protect plants from damage. They include lipid soluble substances like vitamin "E" and beta-carotene and water soluble materials such as vitamin C and various enzymes.
Humic Plus is formulated with high grade humic acids that promote plant health and growth. The importance of humic acids lies in their ability to promote hormonal activity in plants. Plant hormones are chemical communicators, or agents, which help regulate a plant’s development and its response to its surrounding environment.
Humic acids also promote antioxidant production in plants which, in turn, reduces “free radicals”. Free radical molecules result from stress such as drought, heat, ultraviolet light and herbicide use. Free radicals are damaging because they are strong oxidizing agents which damage lipids, proteins and DNA within plants cells. Antioxidants are metabolites and enzymes which seek out free radical molecules and protect plants from damage. They include lipid soluble substances like vitamin "E" and beta-carotene and water soluble materials such as vitamin C and various enzymes.
Humic Plus contains humic acid, fulvic acid, macro micro nutrients and proprietary constituents essential for plant growth. In high pH soils, where phosphate availability is a problem, Humic Plus greatly increase the availability of phosphorous, iron, zinc and manganese. In addition, Humic Plus can complex nitrogen as ammonium and retain it in the root zone preventing nitrification and leaching out of the root zone
. Humic Plus can be foliar applied with the aid of a conventional sprayer and soil applied with the aid a liquid kit, irrigation or fertigation apparatus
Humic Plus aids in degrading harsh chemicals in an environmentally safe manner.
Humic acid is safe for animals, plants, humans and the environment
An effective soil enhancer
A plant growth bio-stimulant
A chelating agent and a disease suppressant
High in both humic and fulvic acids, auxins, minerals, vitamins, etc.
In addition, Humic Plus is highly beneficial to both plants and soil. In soil it can;
increases microbial and mycorrizal activity
promote nutrient uptake
accelerate seed germination
increase crop yields
aid in reducing frost damage. Humic-Plus can be foliar and soil applied.
reduce fertilizer requirements and increase yields in most crops.
Humic Plus will not burn or damage plants and is safe for use on fruit, vegetables, root crops, citrus, small grains, shrubs, trees, grass and turf.
•Environmentally safe
• Safe for animals, plants and humans
• Water soluble, easy to apply, economical and faster acting
• Suppresses soil and root pathogens
• Increases crop yield
• Aids in root formation
• Stimulates plant enzymes and hormones
• Accelerates seed germination
• Improves soil fertility and soil microbial activity
• Promotes plant nutrient uptake
• Suppresses disease, heat stress and frost damage
• Promotes antioxidant activity