SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

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We doing a test today. Gonna see what my dose is. I bet its at least a tsp maybe more. I am at 1/4 right now and taking 1/4 more in 1 hr and then waiting for 2 hrs and then taking another 1/4 and repeat till I am super baked. That will tell me the dose strength close enough.
After 3/4 tsp I was perfect so I stopped. Could have done more but wanted to see what the ride was like. A nice total euphoric experience. I mixed some good strains into mine. I will say I recommend this way to all. Thank you for sharing it. I will be starting another batch tomorrow. I like the partially refined coco nut oil as it doesnt break down and can handle the many days of cooking. Also yes on low is all you need to remove water and it still will pop so cover it 99% and wipe lid off a few times with paper towel and toss. Or if you are wanting to taste use bread to wipe lid and eat it. I love how my lips are not dry anymore as the oil soaks into them fast.
After 3/4 tsp I was perfect so I stopped. Could have done more but wanted to see what the ride was like. A nice total euphoric experience. I mixed some good strains into mine. I will say I recommend this way to all. Thank you for sharing it. I will be starting another batch tomorrow. I like the partially refined coco nut oil as it doesnt break down and can handle the many days of cooking. Also yes on low is all you need to remove water and it still will pop so cover it 99% and wipe lid off a few times with paper towel and toss. Or if you are wanting to taste use bread to wipe lid and eat it. I love how my lips are not dry anymore as the oil soaks into them fast.

Im glad you like it. I have been enjoying it this way for a few years now. produces the best Ive had IMO. save the first run material though! you can do a second run by doing a double extraction into the same oil.
example: do two regular run like you did but save material from both. run new oil in the crock and extract from one batch. then when youve rung the oil out from the first extraction put the other saved crock worth of material in and use the same oil and extract again. then follow normal procedure.

What I gave nuggs to try was actually from second runs. It works great but any more than twice on the same material and its not worth it.

man.. I hope that made sense.. LOL
True! It lasts for a long time though. A bit too much and you get wobbly kneed. Lol. Way too much and your driving the porcelain bus! My wife treats it w respect now after one time with way too much.
I got it in freezer now. Picking up more oil for a new batch. then will run both batches through new oil also. I can say this at 10 hrs you either take more or be prepared to crash in 2 hrs.
you have to take it easy when tasting them. I have had a few get green from mine. I tell them eat wait 2 hrs then see where you are at. Some can handle more than others. I did a teasoon dose so far and I had zero pain and was kinda numb all over. I want to make another batch but got company in town and I will wait till next week.

It's nice to be nice to the nice! - Maj. Frank Burns
thanks fumble for make it up. Can't wait to get it done. the stupid pain pills I hate them. Hoping to throw that crap away if this works as his did. Go Fumble! you got this my friend! Thanks SG for kicking down with the Medicine !

Did it hit you yet? seems too quick. LOL soon though i imagine

I have advice for using this stuff to get off opiate pain pills.

-take it so you stay medicated throughout the day and can work your dosage up so you are using less pain meds.
*I take it in coffee, synergetic effect that is nice.
*take more when you feel the crash coming.. LOL (usually after quite some time)
*use topically on direct aggravated areas and on temples
*meditate and or pray to direct positive energy into yourself
-eat clean. white meats, veggies, fruits. etc... Lots of water.
-take ibuprofen or other anti inflammatory
-Stretch and move every day several times a day
*Do not use regularly
*Use during cravings but be careful with the oil. Most likely knock you out

Get off gradually and most important be kind to yourself and do what works for you.

Lots of love man.

Did it hit you yet? seems too quick. LOL soon though i imagine

I have advice for using this stuff to get off opiate pain pills.

-take it so you stay medicated throughout the day and can work your dosage up so you are using less pain meds.
*I take it in coffee, synergetic effect that is nice.
*take more when you feel the crash coming.. LOL (usually after quite some time)
*use topically on direct aggravated areas and on temples
*meditate and or pray to direct positive energy into yourself
-eat clean. white meats, veggies, fruits. etc... Lots of water.
-take ibuprofen or other anti inflammatory
-Stretch and move every day several times a day
*Do not use regularly
*Use during cravings but be careful with the oil. Most likely knock you out

Get off gradually and most important be kind to yourself and do what works for you.

Lots of love man.


that's awesome SG...great tips. @nuggs your turmeric capsule are the best anti inflammatory there is ;)
These are from a few days ago. Three weeks tomorrow morning. Getting bigger daily. Found little eggs under.leaves on the Jilly and blue dream. Caught it early looks like. Sprayed down and am on a regimine till they gone. Also got a 8*40 carbon scrubber and fan to run in there instead of two 6" filters.

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Thanks. Its a bear to take care of this many tbh. Next round is 16 10gl and then I think maybe something like you started there with the bins

That's partly why I did those bins. Keeping up with watering especially if they don't all need watering at the same time. It's very tedious. It's cheaper to build than to buy a 15 gal fabric pot and saucer. Plus the results I saw from other people doing it blew me away.
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