I've got here so far, now I don't know what I'm doing


Well-Known Member
So I planted the germinated seed on the 17th of jan in the pot and I've dealt with mites up until now (got rid of them with a soapy water feed) and this morning there was some greenish soil with a weird smell that I got rid of... It all seems to be fine right now but I don't know what the next few stages should be like (1st timer)

NL auto under CFL's
I really doubt that you have mites (spider?) on your seedling. Fungus gnats yes, mites no (photo next time)
Greenish soil means it is alive (algae), just mix it in, no problem. Any more questions, you are in the right place, and good luck. (nice little plant)
Yeah mate tbh I have never ph'd my warter on boiled it and let it cool to room temp and yes that's the reason why she got saggy / droopy leaves
I really doubt that you have mites (spider?) on your seedling. Fungus gnats yes, mites no (photo next time)
Greenish soil means it is alive (algae), just mix it in, no problem. Any more questions, you are in the right place, and good luck. (nice little plant)
It was cleary White little things moving about so I assumed it was mites? And I tried to remove as much of the green soil as possible, but how do I prevent it from happening again? And thanks for the help :)
sometimes leafs will taco because of the heat
Yeah, I saw that just recently when I was looking up heat stress... Also quick question, and I know it's a really variable topic, but do you know what kind of yield I should get from her? Like a guess or anything?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I saw that just recently when I was looking up heat stress... Also quick question, and I know it's a really variable topic, but do you know what kind of yield I should get from her? Like a guess or anything?
A conservative estimate of...


Also reign in your overwatering,if you are growing a ton of alge on your soil its being kept way to wet.


Well-Known Member
It was cleary White little things moving about so I assumed it was mites? And I tried to remove as much of the green soil as possible, but how do I prevent it from happening again? And thanks for the help :)
White things flying around ain't mites. They hardly fly, and mostly hang out on the bottom of your leaves. Check out you leaves, and the point of attachment of the branch to the main stalk. They could be whiteflies, which are an annoyance, but not deadly You will need a magnifying glass to see them easily. If you do see bugs on your leaves, Safer soap or Neem oil will do the trick to kill the little bastards. I repeat, do not worry about the green soil (are you overwatering, excess moisture will cause the green)
Keep asking questions, you are in the right place for help.


Well-Known Member
At this stage you should water lightly and concentrate on the outside ring of the pot,force those roots to hunt for water.Building your rootbase now makes for a happy plant later.Working on your watering discipline will pay dividends in the end.Ofc I dont transplant,so this is coming from that perspective.
A quick update of my girl, looks a lot happier now ! I'm thinking about introducing some veg nutes at her next feed? In a few days to counteract the over watering I did previously...



Well-Known Member
the new growth doesn't have yellowed margins, correct? at least that's what I think I saw in the pic....so if the new growth looks good then you are in good shape. I thought you burned it but you said you never fed it so idk what caused the yellow in ur leaves. Overwatering? I doubt it. Soil looked ok to me. Overwatering presents differently. You wanna add a little lime in ur mix? Like a tsp? I would. That's all I would do atm.
the new growth doesn't have yellowed margins, correct? at least that's what I think I saw in the pic....so if the new growth looks good then you are in good shape. I thought you burned it but you said you never fed it so idk what caused the yellow in ur leaves. Overwatering? I doubt it. Soil looked ok to me. Overwatering presents differently. You wanna add a little lime in ur mix? Like a tsp? I would. That's all I would do atm.
I've just noticed now that on the new-ish growth, some yellowing has appeared:



Well-Known Member
That little bit of yellow on the leaf tip is nothing to worry about so keep on keepin on, don't over feed....Cannabis seems to do better in a little leaner soil with a slow and steady supply of nutes. Too much N gives it Claw. You don't want Claw. The lime will add both Calcium and Magnesium which is necessary for strong cell walls and other plant processes.
Hey man! I can't seem to find them because I'm currently in a non English speaking country at the moment... Currently this is how my girl looks, is there anything else I could try? I've also spotted 2 white hairs emerging but I couldn't get my phone to focus on them so haven't got a picture of them yet...

