I've got here so far, now I don't know what I'm doing

So I planted the germinated seed on the 17th of jan in the pot and I've dealt with mites up until now (got rid of them with a soapy water feed) and this morning there was some greenish soil with a weird smell that I got rid of... It all seems to be fine right now but I don't know what the next few stages should be like (1st timer)

NL auto under CFL's



Global Moderator
Staff member
Thanks guys! Also I can't seem to find any nutrients but I found a shop selling generic veg and bloom products, is it worth using them?
A general rule would be if it's good for tomato's then it's sufficient for Cannabis, just remember to start very light - around 25% of recommended dosage.
More is not better, especially on young plants !!


Well-Known Member
Yeah damn that thing looks picture perfect, good luck and welcome. I'm soil too but there are good people here to help you.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
If your soil has time release nutrients, wait atleast 2-3 weeks before feeding. If it's regular potting soil, you can start on your next watering.
If your soil has time release nutrients, wait atleast 2-3 weeks before feeding. If it's regular potting soil, you can start on your next watering.
It's just some 'soil for herbs' I got because it's my first grow?

And i won't be feeding it for a few days now because I feel like I've overwatered today, but next time I do, will it be fine to use the veg nutrients?

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Newbie tendency is to overthink and helicopter parent your plants. Find a reliable fert, organic or not, and feed it a mild (25% reco dose) to begin. As she grows increase that to the reco dose. Think of feeding a baby, a kid, an adult- they need different amounts.
2 things it could be is 1 over warted you girl and 2 is your PH warter is off .. Are you feeding at 6.5 ph and wartering every 4 days a litre in veg in first month is reccommend to you so you won't be able to make much serious mistakes then
2 things it could be is 1 over warted you girl and 2 is your PH warter is off .. Are you feeding at 6.5 ph and wartering every 4 days a litre in veg in first month is reccommend to you so you won't be able to make much serious mistakes then
I've just been using regular tap water after the first 2 feeds and I think I fed it a lot earlier than 4 days to be honest?