i use my own potting mix (Perlite,Soil,Cocodust,Coarse Sand) since i don't have access to all kind of mix like on your country does
Cocodust = no really as dust from inside a dried coconut, but dusts from coco lumbers (refined katcha) since it has the same characterisistic as coco
Perlite = those plant shops in our place knows only how to earn money but dont even know what theyre sellin" (They Say It's perlite)
Coarse Sand = i got these from brown beach sand far from our place (believing that adding this will make the soil more lighter when watered)
Soil = a normal gardening soil which is a little cracky when dry (but still not that hard like normal dirt)
speaking of calmag we dont really have access to cal-mag here also (thats why im looking for nutes substitutes)
Coffee Grounds?, a friend of mine gives me a coffee grounds from Starbucks
(it says)
H of 6.9
Carbon Nitrogen ratio of 20:1
and says here on label can be use as a side dressing for nitrogen loving plants
so im thinking if this can be used so i have substitute on nutes (Nitrogen)
and talking about "UREA" as im looking on home hardwares for nutes i saw this Urea thing and thought it could be another substitute for my problem (thats why im asking about this)
i apologize if i'm using such things,its because i am looking for a substitute for all.
the temperature here is :
31 - 35 Deg Celsius (DAY)
27 - 31 Deg Celsius (NIGHT)
You guys can't even imagine why we dont have access for such kinds of thing?
just trust me im not telling you lies