This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.

Cold-blooded murder
Officer told him to pull his gun out real Fast
He complied and was killed

Well it looked to me like the gun got caught in his jacket by the jerky way his arm was moving but I am not sure when they shot him so that could have been part of it.
My God you are so stupid as to not recognize sarcasm

I knew you were being sarcastic. You said he pulled his gun out real fast when it did not seem like he did so, therefore he 'didnt' comply. I was going along with the joke but apparently you dont recognize sarcasm... LOL!!!
Cold-blooded murder
Officer told him to pull his gun out real Fast
He complied and was killed

Even if he did pull a gun, which is a subject for debate... Wasn't he under immediate threat of being shot himself by men pointing guns at him?

Also, not that I agree with the FEDS aggressing against him, but a less lethal means could have been used to subdue him. Even Marlin Perkins used tranquilizer darts etc. Tazers ? They wanted him dead, to serve as an example.

He was gunned down and left to die in the snow. Things like this will occur again, it is the inevitable unmasking of tyranny. Wait and see.
Funny you should bring that up. My west neighbor was doing a "controlled burn" of her bermuda hay field yesterday afternoon and it got out of control....jumped the fence into my neighbors acreage and got dangerously close to his hangar housing a vintage WWII bi-plane. He wasn't at home, had to knock the gates off their hinges to get the local VFD brush tanker trucks in. Smoke so thick it blocked out the sun.

damn, it is just as trashy where you live as where nitro harley lives. neighbors burning down each other's houses.

white trash galore.
Even if he did pull a gun, which is a subject for debate... Wasn't he under immediate threat of being shot himself by men pointing guns at him?

Also, not that I agree with the FEDS aggressing against him, but a less lethal means could have been used to subdue him. Even Marlin Perkins used tranquilizer darts etc. Tazers ? They wanted him dead, to serve as an example.

He was gunned down and left to die in the snow. Things like this will occur again, it is the inevitable unmasking of tyranny. Wait and see.
shut the fuck up, klanman. go advocate for racial segregation or pedophilia somewhere else. we are all sick of you here. all of us.
After reviewing their 'list of needs' I'm going to chip in the French vanilla creamers..after all if your coffees not right..anyone have the addy I can send it to?
nope, i am just speaking for the entire forum, including your fellow klansmen, when i tell you to take your racial segregation and love of pedophilia somewhere else you sick fuck.

Now Bucky, just because I have RR on ignore doesn't mean you speak for me.
I have him on ignore, too. Is he raising a fuss? UB can take care of that.

I like the creamer idea. Flavored, since patriotic terrorists don't drink black coffee.

For me..RR's nonsensical looping and strategic rephrasing reminds me of being grilled over and over by corporate why I don't have my sales quota completed for the month on a 15th to 15th basis.

Also Doer..he was a lot like that in person but he was corporate

They also issued a list..foot warmers etc.:lol:
Foot warmers! Gee. I shoulda thoughta that

How comical is all of this! Glad the planet sees it for the buffoonery it surely is