Lollllll!!!WHYwould anyone want to go to NYROBI?
Lollllll!!!WHYwould anyone want to go to NYROBI?
Lol.Sorry.i will rephrase the question.WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE WANT TO GO TO NYROBI???.
You find my spelling amusing?
That's exactly right I've also been hospitalized twice against my will but your right outside of a psychotic episode you would never expect a schizophrenic as such.Good luck to you. You sound fairly normal in conversation. I have a relative by marriage who's been medically diagnosed as paranoid-schizophrenic. In the last 20 years this person has had 2 "episodes" requiring hospitalization against their will. During each of the so called "episodes", this person was totally out of it, babbling almost incoherently about the most stupid and off the wall paranoid shit. Obviously, it made sense to them though. Each time it lasted about a month or so and then went away on it's own. When this person is normal, they're as "normal" as can be, albeit a little goofy and intense, but then, aren't we all. I should add, this person self medicates with cannabis (only person I've ever known who can smoke me under the table) and probably shouldn't. Point is, one can be diagnosed with paranoid-schizophrenia and unless they're "on", seem perfectly normal.
BTW, if you really want to be a hermit, you'll probably need at least 40 acres of land. One acre is 208 feet square, hardly large enough for a "hermit-like" existence.
this dude knows what's UP ^ literally <3Its A GOOD START.Meditate or medicate.Know thyself.
Osho-book of secrets-good place to start.
Officially diagnosed with schizophrenia today; should of bet everyone I knew a $100 lol
@DaSprout @tyler.durden @HeatlessBBQ @qwizoking
Congratulations!Officially diagnosed with schizophrenia today; should of bet everyone I knew a $100 lol
@DaSprout @tyler.durden @HeatlessBBQ @qwizoking
Thanks I quit drinking 2 weeks ago feeling goodwelcome to the wounderful world of Crazy ....please keep your hands in feet in the cart at all time and rem most of what u are seening thinking is all in your head so please for your own saftey and ours do not over react take a few mins to enjoy it then make a choice how to go on ..........this will help u from getting shots in the ass of knock out drugs and aviod getting zombified on meds
now the bad news ......weed is not a treatment that the USA government allows so if u are planning to apply for anything doing with the FED nothing about weed (no doctors know no notes on the files nothing) ......the government is a bitch they will use it to say no on a claim (did for me why i am a shiner and grower now)
the pills they give u ......u got to take them ....u can no longer Drink while on them (or them even a trace in your system ).....u can no longer take the pills and stop ( u take the pills and keep taken as going cold turkey causes a shock to system resulting in very bad things death being the better of them) ......IF u do drink make sure someone knows call 911 as u can stop breathing or puke blood or seizures (any sign of something bad they got to call or nurse u )
Weed and your meds once u get on something and they lock it down .......go on the web hed to medical site and post asking doctors/pharms/ppl about what the reactions of the meds and weed is as some can knock u out for day or 2 (personally will tell u this one)
now here is the good news........u will have access to class 1 legal narcos .....the meds they put u on are the ones ppl crave (besides oxy)......u can legally take them this means u can never carry the pills in anything other then the pill bottle (has to be a good script and number of pills under what script saids.......dumping left overs into new bottle can u in a station explaining to cops) ........pill carriers and all that are ok but make sure u have a copy of the script info u might go to station but once they verify that u are legal u are out with just arrest report on record
Thanks a lot DaSproutCongratulations!
Now you have at least one opinion on the matter. You can now take the road to recovery and/or treatment. Good luck my friend. We are all hear for ya' buddy. And want you to stick around.
Don't thank me man. I just you to be as well as can be. I'll still take your thanks though.Thanks a lot DaSprout