This is gonna get interesting! Militia takes over Ore. federal building after protest.


Well-Known Member
Let's see the man who said
“I’m not going to end up in prison,”

“I would rather die than be caged. And I’ve lived a good life.”
Runs from police, tries to break through a blockade. Then reaches for a gun while pretending to surrender

Looks like he got what he was looking for

Moment he gets shot around 9.20



Well-Known Member
Did they get the few stragglers out yet? I wonder if there will be more charges AFTER the asses what property has been stolen or destroyed? Just curious. I would think they should be dealt with firmly so no more bubbas copy cat this thinking they can get away with with a slap on the hand.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
Arrest a few, shoot the rest. Useless trash on another form of federal welfare. Glad this stupid show is coming to a close.
Yes I agree with you we should arrest a few, shoot the rest of all the useless trash on federal welfare.

If these guys were ANYTHING but white rednecks they would have dropped a tactical neutron bomb on them.
Yes its hard to kill the damn rednecks even with Neutron bombs but they would be good for sterilizing the infestations of blacks and Mexicans on federal welfare. You have a GREAT ideas and philosophy.


Well-Known Member
After Finicum jumps out of the rig, a guy comes out of the woods from the left. He's holding something long and crooked. That's not a gun, is it?


Well-Known Member
'course it is.

Levoy didn't jump out and run around like a nut because he hadda pee. Sure as shit he did exactly what he said he would.

No surprises.


Well-Known Member
Did they get the few stragglers out yet? I wonder if there will be more charges AFTER the asses what property has been stolen or destroyed? Just curious. I would think they should be dealt with firmly so no more bubbas copy cat this thinking they can get away with with a slap on the hand.
I think that's the idea. It's a good idea


Well-Known Member
Pretty clear in the video that he left the car with his hands up but then attempted to pull something from his jacket and then got dead real quick.

Notice that white people lie about the cops TOO....


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the rest of their miserable crew is happy now. I suppose they feel no culpability. They've only terrorized the local community, brandished heavy weaponry, destroyed property and threatened lives.

Buncha harmless good ol boys obviously. Never meanin no harm...