Citizen Hero saves at least half a dozen from armed gunmen

The guy deserves a medal....

Agreed. We're always being told that CCW folks are incompetent and will fire recklessly, hitting innocents and not stopping the robber/attacker. Here we have an excellent example that proves the opposite. Deadly accurate, no innocents harmed, dead bad guy, accomplist running for his life and all property returned. Hurumph, maybe the bad guys don't have superpowers that make them invincible to the good guy's hot lead.
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Agreed. We're always being told that CCW folks are incompetent and will fire recklessly, hitting innocents and not stopping the robber/attacker. Here we have an excellent example that proves the opposite. Deadly accurate, no innocents harmed, dead bad guy, accomplist running for his life and all property returned. Hurumph, maybe the bad guys don't have superpowers that make them invincible to the good guy's hot lead.

Self defense! A fundamental human right.

It's nice to see a CCW carrier highlight how it can be a good thing to carry, when you're a sane, responsible individual.

Playing devils advocate, I could argue that it was not safe to do what these brave gentlemen did and fire with innocent people nearby. But they were confident in their abilities, and at the end of the day, did the right thing.

And in the end, one of those gentlemen saved the tax payers heaps on money by ending the robbers life.
This is a good example of why I'm not a fan of "open carry"...the perps probably would have shot the guy as soon as they went in & he seen a gun on his hip....:shock:

Agree fully. Open carry is stupid.

Open carry = loud bark, small bite
Conceal carry = talk softly, carry a big stick


Open carry = small dick, doesn't really want to use it
Conceal carry = doesn't give a fuck, and will shoot your punk ass
Over the 40 years or so that I have carried a gun, I have come close on a couple of occasions to using deadly force to defend myself & neither time did they have the faintest idea I was armed, but they never crossed that final fatal line.....neither knew just how close they came
This is a good example of why I'm not a fan of "open carry"...the perps probably would have shot the guy as soon as they went in & he seen a gun on his hip....:shock:

That's a tactical choice that each individual must make. If both armed men had been open carrying, the robbers may have never entered the store.

Personally, I prefer concealed carry in most circumstances.
A great day for CCW proponents. Just another feel good story of a mass killing being thwarted by citizens exercising their right to defend themselves.


Have some compassion! Those were poor disenfranchised blacks who society has let down. Dey was only trying to feed their family. :lol:

With more guns in the hands of good citizens we hear more wonderful stories like that one resulting in the removal of bad genetics.

Most haven't read the NRA's 'The Armed Citizen'. It's my favorite spot of the monthly magazine.

For your reading pleasure. :mrgreen:
