Dying goldfish


Well-Known Member
So my girlfriend is talking to her friend on Facebook, and she says her goldfish is dying.
I ask her what type of tank her friend has, and she says it's in a bowl, shows me a photo.
Apparently the water is slimy and the fish is hardly swims around anymore.
My first thought: does she have an airpump?
My gf asks her this, answer is 'no' but she has an air stone. Anyone who grows in hydro can imagine the fit of laughter which ensued.
Anyway, I tell my gf to tell her that an airstone has to be connected to a pump, otherwise it's just a pointless stone. She tells her friend this, and apparently I have no clue what I'm talking about coz the guy in the petshop told her she only needs the stone. She sarcastically says "I didn't know your BF was such a fish expert"... as if I give a fuck about her fish lol. Just tryna help out bro.
She's either lying, or the dude at the store is a retard.
So my girlfriend is talking to her friend on Facebook, and she says her goldfish is dying.
I ask her what type of tank her friend has, and she says it's in a bowl, shows me a photo.
Apparently the water is slimy and the fish is hardly swims around anymore.
My first thought: does she have an airpump?
My gf asks her this, answer is 'no' but she has an air stone. Anyone who grows in hydro can imagine the fit of laughter which ensued.
Anyway, I tell my gf to tell her that an airstone has to be connected to a pump, otherwise it's just a pointless stone. She tells her friend this, and apparently I have no clue what I'm talking about coz the guy in the petshop told her she only needs the stone. She sarcastically says "I didn't know your BF was such a fish expert"... as if I give a fuck about her fish lol. Just tryna help out bro.
She's either lying, or the dude at the store is a retard.
How long have you been a fish expert bro?
That's hilarious, really though I'm not playing games I need my goldfish to be healthy by the summer. I grow outdoor and that goldfish is the only thing that I trust to keep rippers away.
I suggest dipping your airstones in liquid steroids, but not connecting them to a pump. The stones magically produce their own air when they come in contact with water n steroids, your fish will absorb this and become super huge and fierce.
Ok, I googled it. Turns out it's a myth but still they are sloppy eaters, produce urea
So, my reply is still
Give the little fucker some high quality h2o
Yeah, I obviously took for granted that she changes her water regularly, but then, she also thinks airstones don't need to be connected to a pump, so maybe I was being too generous in assuming that of her lol