Growers that don't smoke

How often do you smoke?

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I normally don't trust anyone to grow my medicine that doesn't smoke it himself. But I also want to know what it is being fed and what it is being sprayed with just to try and keep myself safe. I understand where you are coming from as every substance has a slightly different effect on us. I don't do well with booze, never tried hard drugs but my dank keeps me level headed and outta jail.
I have been growing for about 5 years now and have never smoked once in my life, I've heard alot of things from people about "not trusting people who don't smoke to grow for them" but i haven't had a crop that tested under 25% yet
Due to the possibility of a drug test at work, i very very rarely smoke. I used to be an hourly (at the longest! Haha) smoker. I love it. I dont see the problem with responsible, or medical use. Just like alcahol. I drink at home, but go to work sober. No problem.

Anyways, i took a bud off my plant the other day and tried it after drying (premature bud, no cure time) just to see how it is. Thatll probably be the last i smoke for quite some time.

I only went to trade school and got an AAS, but it landed me a job atba company that pays more than anyone in my field within hundreds of miles, and i dont want to risk it. A $20,000 education that has landed me a job with full benefits, pays well over $30 an hour, and has a substantial pension (plus 401k)... yeah ill keep clean for that. Thats part of why i grow. I keep it quiet. I love the plant, how it looks, smells, feels, etc. So this way i can enjoy the plant in that capacity, and make a few bucks giving very close friends a super cheap connection. None of them know im the source either. They all think its someone i know, or at least, thats what ive told them...i cant say if they believe it.
I quit smoking some time in the last 2 years. The most I might do is take one hit of some new strain to see what it tastes like. I dunno, I'm an old guy and it just doesnt hit me the right way anymore, it gives me a strange feeling that I dont like if I take any more than a hit or 2.
But I love growing it. I never knew how much I would like growing and watching the stuff go from a little seedling to nice frosty nugs. I could stare at a nice well grown plant all day long.
But no real desire to smoke it anymore. I hope someday that feeling I had when I enjoyed it for nearly 30 years comes back.
I'm kind of in the same boat. There are quite a few strains that I don't like, they make me start thinking to much lol. I still like the couch lock ones that put me to sleep though. Hoping the strain I've got flowering is the one lol.
When I signed up here a few years ago I didnt smoke at all. I drank sometimes but alcohol was my weekend vice. I strictly grew for my moms medicine. Now I smoke all day every day. From the minute I wake up to when I fall asleep. Its the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I quit smoking cigs, quit drinking, suddenly started eating more healthy but not trying, look healthier and my mind is thinking clearer than it ever has before. So mom and I smoke up together, were moving somewhere where its legal cause this looking over the shoulder shit all the time is a pain in the ass.
Due to the possibility of a drug test at work, i very very rarely smoke. I used to be an hourly (at the longest! Haha) smoker. I love it. I dont see the problem with responsible, or medical use. Just like alcahol. I drink at home, but go to work sober. No problem.

Anyways, i took a bud off my plant the other day and tried it after drying (premature bud, no cure time) just to see how it is. Thatll probably be the last i smoke for quite some time.

I only went to trade school and got an AAS, but it landed me a job atba company that pays more than anyone in my field within hundreds of miles, and i dont want to risk it. A $20,000 education that has landed me a job with full benefits, pays well over $30 an hour, and has a substantial pension (plus 401k)... yeah ill keep clean for that. Thats part of why i grow. I keep it quiet. I love the plant, how it looks, smells, feels, etc. So this way i can enjoy the plant in that capacity, and make a few bucks giving very close friends a super cheap connection. None of them know im the source either. They all think its someone i know, or at least, thats what ive told them...i cant say if they believe it.
fuck that I live free;that 401 aint worth shit soon I will never piss in a cup for anybody or any thing iam going down with my boots on.not bent over! but that's me crazy old fuck'peace
I do not smoke at all .. Use to til my late teens til 21 ish . I grow for the love of it . It's awesome to watch the girls get big , try new methods of growing , caring and nurturing them , breeding etc . It's a never ending learning curve that I love . Every girl is different ( I grow from seed ) and although I have no children , they suffice as my babies . I know a lot of recreational users and a couple people who could be patients . MS , anxiety , insomnia , low appetite are some of the symptoms I help with and have seen personally the direct benefit of marijuana . I love producing the best stuff around in my area ( non legal state ) and blowing the California "brick " that is referred as "work" 8 months old and compacted . Once upon a Time good weed . I blow it out of the water . I sell pretty good stuff . ( black widow , white nightmare , NL , cotton candy , afghan KUSH , strawberry blue , liberty haze , uk cheese , to name some for pretty cheap 250-275$ oz to everyone . I hate the greed in this industry and on the street . I know strains like these go for 300$ plus and upwards I've seen 400$ oz of what I laughed at . They couldn't tell me who or what it was . Just smelled fruity and green .Ohwell the little income I get supplemental and I enjoy helping others without even trying it . Sometimes I feel like when in dealing with my girls I catch a contact high ! That count !?
uhate the greed on the streets,but u sell yours250=275 if that's not greed then iam santa'
Alot of people dont like the racy super potent sativas. I myself smoked some landrace sattys that were like a bad acid high (for a couple hours). The fears. Its horrible really. Anxiety bad. But most strains just get me really fukt up. I dont smoke near as much as i used to. Alot of growers dont partake in cannabis these days. Alot are true caregivers and alot do this to supplement thier income. Stereotypical growers......yeah rite. Maybe 10-20 years ago. Not anymore. Grannies, moms, chefs, lawyers (especially lawyers- they fukin luv weed), factory workers, truck drivers, hot name it. 20 to 40 year old white dudes are still the main demographic but thats changing fast.
uhate the greed on the streets,but u sell yours250=275 if that's not greed then iam santa'
Well it usually goes for a lot more . Most people out my way are paying 350$-400$ . So you tell me if its a fair price . Time invested , cost , etc . I can't help your giving your shit away for free . City prices are always higher and being non legal equal higher as well. Don't be a stupid Santa
No one pays more than 200$ a zipper in my area. Pretty much the whole state of Michigan as far as i know. Except for dispensaries. I know growers all over the state. Prices have definitely went down all over. Used to be able to get 250 or 225.... Not anymore. In my town and county people are selling popular strains like Glue, kosher, platinum d, and other newish floor your ass varieties for as low as 150$. Well trimmed and top buds too. Yeah between 150 and 200 is about it. Outdoor harvests in October? Forget it. 100 $ zips all day. This state is broke. Not much money flowing. So everyone grows outside in the season....floods the market and lets be real....outdoor is free money for the most part. Once they get going all you got to do is watch the crop and wait. No power bills like indoor. And so EVERYBODY grows at least a few. And that drives the price down even further. So many growers these days. Alot dont smoke. Alot do it for money. And were not talking getting rich either. Just surviving with normal life. Make a car and house payment cash. The days of making bank like in the nineties are all done for most old timers with a banging outdoor and a consistent decent sized basemnet operation.
For real I spotted an under cover cop like that at least I think. lol, Either way better safe than sorry.
I've smoked with an undercover cop. About a week before I got raided.

fuck that I live free;that 401 aint worth shit soon I will never piss in a cup for anybody or any thing iam going down with my boots on.not bent over! but that's me crazy old fuck'peace
Living free is pretty subjective. To some it's not pissing in a cup, but yourversion of living free and mine are very different. My carreer pays for my racing and all the fun shit I like to do. You don't know the feeling of living until you've done a 145mph powerslide on a motorcycle with your knee on the ground (and almost elbow), or slid an ice bike on its side into a corner at 70mph, and drifted out. And a 401k, by the nature of what it is, is worth shit. Currently about $100k, and the pension is worth considerably more. I respect your opinion, but I see it a bit differently. To each his own, brother.
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No one pays more than 200$ a zipper in my area. Pretty much the whole state of Michigan as far as i know. Except for dispensaries. I know growers all over the state. Prices have definitely went down all over. Used to be able to get 250 or 225.... Not anymore. In my town and county people are selling popular strains like Glue, kosher, platinum d, and other newish floor your ass varieties for as low as 150$. Well trimmed and top buds too. Yeah between 150 and 200 is about it. Outdoor harvests in October? Forget it. 100 $ zips all day. This state is broke. Not much money flowing. So everyone grows outside in the season....floods the market and lets be real....outdoor is free money for the most part. Once they get going all you got to do is watch the crop and wait. No power bills like indoor. And so EVERYBODY grows at least a few. And that drives the price down even further. So many growers these days. Alot dont smoke. Alot do it for money. And were not talking getting rich either. Just surviving with normal life. Make a car and house payment cash. The days of making bank like in the nineties are all done for most old timers with a banging outdoor and a consistent decent sized basemnet operation.
all I can say is I made a KILLING outdoors in the 90s its the same up in maine now prices way down.every body got somein
a lot of us old od growers don't like whats coming !! the thing THEY are calling legal.what a joke big buss taking over.its going to hurt a lot of people up my way.we cant even keep a paper mill open in the pine tree state its bad up this way.
I know some growers up in Hopland California way that losing thier ass with medical and legalization. One old timer i know bas been growing since 1978. His whole family grows and its getting rough. A way of life is vanishing.
Heres a not so secret sounds dirty too. I dont want anything to do with it. The next crop will be opium poppies. Watch.
all I can say is I made a KILLING outdoors in the 90s its the same up in maine now prices way down.every body got somein
I did too. Indoors and out. I couldnt dry it fast enough it was gone as soon as it was month long cure either. My people would of told me to quit playing and get off the crop.I only ran 3000 or 4000 watts in around 95 -97 . But back then alot of people thought that was a big operation. At 400$ an ounce someone with a few thousands made great money. And the outdoor all season up in northern Michigan.....damn it was good times.