LP bedrocan lowers price from 7.50 to 5.00 a gram

what needs to happen:
Anyone can produce the plant, however, once the product is ready for sale, it gets sent to an independant facillity who does quality control tests, if it passes the criteria than they allow that batch to be sold to retail outlets (dispensary's) if it does not pass it is destroyed on site end of story. Producers HAVE to send all sellable product to the independant testing facillity and dispensary's have to purchase all cannabis through the independant testing facillity's. Producers can be on contract and only produce for select dispensaries if they choose as long as it goes through the testing facillity to ensure it is safe for human consmption. The producers set the sale price to the dispensary's and the testing facillity charges a fee or works on contract.

This way, anyone can grow it without anymore site approval than if you grew commercial tomatoe's (if you suck and your weed is contaminated, its destroyed, too bad so sad learn to grow better shit, improve your facillity..) dispensarys can purchase from whatever grower they choose and are assured the product is safe and its potency correct. The government can even controll these middle men facillities and have that monopoly. the grower/dispensary can be operated by anyone who chooses too operate like any other buisness.

ALL problems solved. Everyone is happy


Well-Known Member
look at "legal" booze-it's still very controlled!
they just passed a law that I can order wine from Ontario and have it shipped to me in BC. that doesn't look "legal" to me...just heavily regulated.
i hope we can grow for ourselves so we don't have to pay the prices that LP's or cc's/dispensaries charge.
unless you have a low grams per day, there would be no way to afford your meds. well that is unless it has a DIN and is covered by insurance companies.
i know that if you're an addict and use methadone-it's covered by MSP here in BC but if you need pills to control pain, it's not covered by the Provincial plan.
i think this needs to be ironed out...but this is still the medical side. we need rules/guidelines here and need them NOW


Well-Known Member
what needs to happen:
Anyone can produce the plant, however, once the product is ready for sale, it gets sent to an independant facillity who does quality control tests, if it passes the criteria than they allow that batch to be sold to retail outlets (dispensary's) if it does not pass it is destroyed on site end of story. Producers HAVE to send all sellable product to the independant testing facillity and dispensary's have to purchase all cannabis through the independant testing facillity's. Producers can be on contract and only produce for select dispensaries if they choose as long as it goes through the testing facillity to ensure it is safe for human consmption. The producers set the sale price to the dispensary's and the testing facillity charges a fee or works on contract.

This way, anyone can grow it without anymore site approval than if you grew commercial tomatoe's (if you suck and your weed is contaminated, its destroyed, too bad so sad learn to grow better shit, improve your facillity..) dispensarys can purchase from whatever grower they choose and are assured the product is safe and its potency correct. The government can even controll these middle men facillities and have that monopoly. the grower/dispensary can be operated by anyone who chooses too operate like any other buisness.

ALL problems solved. Everyone is happy
So you want to guarantee the bm not only survives but will thrive?
well at that point the market wouldn't be black and the growers/sellers not criminals anymore so at that point the industry should absolutley thrive. The once opon a time criminal would be a legal tax paying entrepreneur


Well-Known Member
well at that point the market wouldn't be black and the growers/sellers not criminals anymore so at that point the industry should absolutley thrive. The once opon a time criminal would be a legal tax paying entrepreneur
uhm...smokes are illegal but there is a huge black market for them.
booze is legal but there's a black market for that too.
they are still charged and put in jails for those "legal" things so i am not sure where you get "the market wouldn't be black and the growers/sellers not criminals anymore"


Well-Known Member
they'll come up with every excuse in the book in order for you to be forced/see their ways..
(: ain't that right sunshine.
uhm...smokes are illegal but there is a huge black market for them.
booze is legal but there's a black market for that too.
they are still charged and put in jails for those "legal" things so i am not sure where you get "the market wouldn't be black and the growers/sellers not criminals anymore"
The growers/sellers who operate within the legal system i laid out wouldnt be operating in the black market anymore. anyone growing/selling outside of that system would be in the black market but that market would shrink just like with smokes and booze... people can still grow all they want for themselves and friends/family. They just cant sell it commerically without it going though the middle man test facillity. There has to be some compromise, the only system that works is a system where the government has some control and gets its taxes...


Well-Known Member
The growers/sellers who operate within the legal system i laid out wouldnt be operating in the black market anymore. anyone growing/selling outside of that system would be in the black market but that market would shrink just like with smokes and booze... people can still grow all they want for themselves and friends/family. They just cant sell it commerically without it going though the middle man test facillity. There has to be some compromise, the only system that works is a system where the government has some control and gets its taxes...
That's not the only system that would work. It's the only system that they would allow. There's a difference.

It would also work if they just let us grow and left the LPs for commercial purposes.

What you're proposing is that anybody can grow and if they want to commercially sell their products, they have to send for testing and have the testing facility resell to storefront operations.
I see what you're getting at but I can't see it happening and they would be a few unnecessary steps imo.

All they're going to do is license a few more producers and that pot will be sold in stores. The government has already shown how they would like commercially grown mj to be regulated. This will not change.


Well-Known Member
The growers/sellers who operate within the legal system i laid out wouldnt be operating in the black market anymore. anyone growing/selling outside of that system would be in the black market but that market would shrink just like with smokes and booze... people can still grow all they want for themselves and friends/family. They just cant sell it commerically without it going though the middle man test facillity. There has to be some compromise, the only system that works is a system where the government has some control and gets its taxes...

the reserve on the edge of ny/quebec/ontario border makes a ton of money selling counterfeit cigarettes...an absolute ton of money

legality doesn't mean zip when supply and demand rule the market (even a market with tax revenue based intentions)

guns are illegal in this country but people have restricted illegal handguns in all the big urban centres. what is supposed to be and what are will be two different things in most cases. the discrepancy between practice and theory is called real life, a place where problems happens regardless of how hard you plan for every and anything.