Well brother,

Glad everything has worked out the best way we could make it work this year. Was a busy 2 months that's for sure! Definitely proved yourself to be a trustworthy guy in my book, and am excited to see the next chapters. As always, you ever need anything, you got my number, although hopefully the next move for both of us is buying land, not a rental or any other mishaps. Congrats again on the new place, and misses and I can't wait to check it out and smoke out those ribs and a chicken or two!

Stay free, stay high

You rock Pap. Very cool of you to have helped make this work out.

Great work Doc. Yes, the stress of a move is intense. I hope that
there are no serious surprises there.


Cant lie, it was hard to share my grow space. Aint another person I know I would have rather shared it with though. Trust doesn't come easily, but I don't mind going to bat for those that have earned it.

Hopefully the next move is because of a nice land purchase!