Growing do you find it stressful?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how many people actually that grow find it stressful, I'm sure one plant isn't going to be as stressful as 100 but I do know everytime I'm growing I'm always stressed until crop time, stressed so I don't run into mold, bugs, light problems, or just shitty plants in general, I know I'm not the only one..
same goes for the time when the timer didn't turn on, or off, or something just completely went bad like flooded room, no water, pump dies, oh my can I list the things that could happen.

you getting ur wires crossed between Anxious and Stressful
it can be seen by many that one would be anxious if you are on your first grow
or a student of the game
as for stress, no stress here unless it was you who invited the tactical team of the DEA..?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
No, doing any other kind of job is stressful.
But what about all the work. What happens if 2 trimmers back out? Thats got to be a little stressful. Would think that that does happen. What is a commercial grow anyways? Like is there a set amount, or a set place that you have to be at doing it?