Consistency is key!!! Stay Regular, keep it moving!I'm pooping! High fiber diet!!
"Have a nice little relaxing smoke of crack...I'll tell you what that crack is really Moorish!"
"Super Hans, are you trying to skin it with your feet again, b/c it doesn't work does it? It just makes a mess..."
Good $hit!
Marching PowderBooger sugar
C-Walkin set to FIDLAR...FIDLAR gets down!!!
F uck
I t
D og
L ifes
R isk
"Yo Mr. Dopeman, you think your slick. You sold crack to my sister and now she's sick...but if she happens to die, because of your drug... Im putting in your cooler a .38 slug!"
"Strawberry, strawberry, is the neighborhood ho..."
Stop having sex with multiple partnersI would like to talk about feminine itching and odor.
I don't like it. And that's all I have to say about that.
Yeah I actually aint a fan either, saw video cuz I listen to FIDLAR, they got bunch of Dope cuts!not a bad tune, but i'm so not a fan of shuffling.
Good looking out, learn smthn new most urry day! Looks like Ive been singing that part wrong for bout 20+ years hahaYou said it culo
Good looking out, learn smthn new most urry day! Looks like Ive been singing that part wrong for bout 20+ years haha
Cumdumpster....she's doin a civil serviceStop having sex with multiple partners
And def don't let more than one of them bust a nut in you.