Snowmageddon....east coast 2016 ...whatcha doing

Man start you a fire in te wood stove and get your drink on. Bring me some of that shine when it clears up ya fucking stingy bastid. I'm good on the smoke.
send me a addy i will ship it down using fedex ....i got the right bottles for it i sent the shit to texas and cali with no trouble

u will get a nice litter of it in a old school bottle ......charge u 20 bucks 12 for shipping 8 bucks so i can get a hamburger from 5 guys while i am out and about shipping it

Do u even skate bro?

did back in the day i was a fat board but it been more then 20 years .......i more like street luge going super fast super low to the ground (to clumsy for tricks on a board )
Im listening to an awesome mixed tape of classic rock and gangsta rap and sippin my Blanton's Reserve by the fire while reading a leather bound copy of Sherlock Holmes and the spotted band *spoiler alert* (the spotted band is a venomous snake) and pontificating on Sir Author Conan Doyle's opening sentence which appears to be a paragraph, and blowing bubbles out of my bubble pipe.. Whatever are you doing good sir?
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step ya game up this shit is embarrassing to the atlantic coast we should have let you secede
I just filled all of my gas cans up (10, 6 gal cans) we had a gas war here 2 days ago, gas got as low as .47 a gallon, I got mine for .67 a gallon, the gas war made national news, it was in MI, I had a 1/4 tank in my explorer and it would only take 7 bucks to fill it, my old man and me brought all of our gas cans for boats, snow mobiles, lawn mowers, snow blowers, we filled up 10, 6 gal cans for 40 bucks, ye haw!

Just in time for Tip Up Town weekends!

we already recieved over a ft of snow here in MI, You folks on the east coast are getting blasted, we didnt have power on christmas eve or christmas day, luckily I have a generator!

Takes me almost two hours to plow the driveway when we get snow, and it's on the ground for almost 6 months out of the year.

send me a addy i will ship it down using fedex ....i got the right bottles for it i sent the shit to texas and cali with no trouble

u will get a nice litter of it in a old school bottle ......charge u 20 bucks 12 for shipping 8 bucks so i can get a hamburger from 5 guys while i am out and about shipping it

did back in the day i was a fat board but it been more then 20 years .......i more like street luge going super fast super low to the ground (to clumsy for tricks on a board )
You're awesome dude. Bet your shine is great too. But, I'll pass and just pick up some JB or store shine. Seems like an unnecessary risk shipping it. I do appreciate your grace. I got some snow too. Not like where you are tho.
You're awesome dude. Bet your shine is great too. But, I'll pass and just pick up some JB or store shine. Seems like an unnecessary risk shipping it. I do appreciate your grace. I got some snow too. Not like where you are tho.

because your nice .......rem this it could save u from doing something really dumb/crazy ...make u a lot of money (poker bar bets drinking contest)

moonshine is nothing like store stuff .......the str of it is one factor but the killer is it has no sugars in it (get that from the charred woods in the aging) moonshine is not aged in a barrel unless otherwise told

the trick with moonshine is to sip it (half a shot) or 1 sip on a sipping glass do not slam a whole shot as it really 3 (2 times for the str 1 time for the no sugar)
so before and during drinking your belly needs to have sweet stuff .....soda/ice tea/sweet juices(depends on your body/habits for right amount of chaser)
then the simple rule of 10mins between shots (human body dumps out what is in gut every 15/20 mins) ....avoids poisoning self /passing out with in the first hour
finally when u are done for the night 1 quart of something tea/ gator aid/ pedalite (yes the baby's apple juice is the greatest hang over preventive/reducer/recovery method this old drunk has found) .....with out this the hang over from moonshine is the worst thing u will ever feel as a guy (women have childbirth and ripping from v to a i think would be worst ...but good way to say how head would feel with out sugars/water/electro-lights )
because your nice .......rem this it could save u from doing something really dumb/crazy ...make u a lot of money (poker bar bets drinking contest)

moonshine is nothing like store stuff .......the str of it is one factor but the killer is it has no sugars in it (get that from the charred woods in the aging) moonshine is not aged in a barrel unless otherwise told

the trick with moonshine is to sip it (half a shot) or 1 sip on a sipping glass do not slam a whole shot as it really 3 (2 times for the str 1 time for the no sugar)
so before and during drinking your belly needs to have sweet stuff .....soda/ice tea/sweet juices(depends on your body/habits for right amount of chaser)
then the simple rule of 10mins between shots (human body dumps out what is in gut every 15/20 mins) ....avoids poisoning self /passing out with in the first hour
finally when u are done for the night 1 quart of something tea/ gator aid/ pedalite (yes the baby's apple juice is the greatest hang over preventive/reducer/recovery method this old drunk has found) .....with out this the hang over from moonshine is the worst thing u will ever feel as a guy (women have childbirth and ripping from v to a i think would be worst ...but good way to say how head would feel with out sugars/water/electro-lights )
I actually used to dabble with shine myself. I had a 3 gallon stainless still that would distill on the stove. My favorite recipes were fruit based. Tho I did make corn whiskey and one time used Sweet Feed from the coop. That put me on my ass for real. I stopped doing it because it's really a lot of trouble for such small batches. I did enjoy it for a while tho, by the time you added up the cost of all your ingredients and yeast it really wasn't cheap for small batches. Do you use the CO2 for your plants? I mostly used 24-48 hour yeast and that was kinda pricey. My exes son borrowed my still and so now it's just gone. It was like $130 on eBay. I probably won't ever distill again. But, the reason I learned in the first place was for like survival. Knowing how to make shine, I mean it can be used as fuel or like rubbing alcohol or to drink it. maybe one of these days I'll try some of yours. What recipes do you use for your mash? I never used sugar but did use corn syrup several times.